How can one be so stupid to legitimately think he will lose in november?

How can one be so stupid to legitimately think he will lose in november?
He is running against a meme.
How many presidents have lost the reelection anyway?

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like 2

The last one was Bush senior back in '92, the total is only 9

Carter which mirrors Donald in his shadow animus

Because people hate him and people like Joe

Polls are fucking memes and completely compromised. The internet has unironically been a great indicator for presidential victories for the last 12 years: 2008 and 2012: internet comments overwhelmingly pro Obama except for boomer websites
2016 and 2020: internet comments overwhelmingly pro Trump, including boomer websites, but excluding silicon valley control points like Twitter (still has very vocal Trump minority) and Plebbit

Biden is what 79, he’s lucky if he makes it to November.

Who the fuck likes Joe? He's unlikable and has dementia and also a pedo

>Polls are fucking memes and completely compromised.
I think we all saw that in 2016.

Exactly. Bush sr. started a war that he didn't need to, it cost him dearly.
Bush Jr. came in just for 9/11 and despite the media trying to portray him as a buffoon afterward for 3 years, it helped him get re-elected.

Disasters tend to cause re-elections, but the left never understands this and assumes that they're gonna get Biden in this fall with the DRINK THA BLEACH meme shit, which is tragically funny.

He'd better be elected.
He is so good at being stupid that China can grow stronger while he is in charge.

Post your spiciest Biden memes

Don't forget about the covid-19 mail in ballots and subsequent voter fraud

>polls are bullshit. I go off of my anecdotal experience with comments on Yas Forums.
This is full miga

more people than like trump

Well the dems are pushing "vote from home" the ballots will be collected by dem volunteers (ballot harvesters). With that system dems can't lose.

Go on jewtube and search Trump. Take the top 20 videos in the results and most of them are anti-Trump. Go to the comments, most of it is anti-Trump.

This is just Youtube but Youtube/Google has intentionally promoted mainstream news platforms - all anti-Trump except Fox !
- while (shadow)banned or censored non-mainstream news sources (mostly pro-Trump), especially conservative ones.

This is just Youtube but the same or similar things have happened on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other platforms after the 2016 election. We know of the reports about how Google employees/executives reacted when Trump got elected. Ever since then, (((Big Tech))) has been manipulating the public discourse by colluding with (((mainstream legacy media))). This is when the "war on fake news" started. In the minds of Big Tech executives, Trump only got elected because of mass misinformatiom/fake news that was spreading on the internet. To "correct" this "failure" on their part, censorship and deplatforming took off, which disproportionally affects pro-Trump or even neutral, non-biased voices on the internet. I'm just saying don't be confident that internet is mostly pro-Trump. When you look at the anti-Trump libshit presence on Youtube, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook and comment sections on MSM websites, they appear pretty big. In any case, I am noticing a clear difference between 2016 and 2020. Not because people have organically become anti-Trump but because of social engineering on the part of Big Tech.

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because of this, Trump will lose

Nobody thinks he'll lose. Certainly the DNC doesn't think so.

You're not actually typing that as if Trump isn't also senile, pedo, sex pest are you?

The Corn Pop redemption arc cannot be stopped.

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WaPo or some other rag publishes articles daily stating “Biden beats Trump by wide margins in new poll”

Delusional lying sacks of shit

Shit didn't work in 2016. You're a retard.

We're riden with Bid-

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>Bush sr. started a war that he didn't need to
trump cucked and kept our troops in iraq, afghanistan, and syria. still trying to start a war with venezuela and iran.

>Disasters tend to cause re-elections
only when the president doesnt shit the bed and act like a retard in press conferences with his own staff correcting him in real time

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>Who the fuck likes Joe?
most dems vote blue without a thought, watch cnn, and think he is ok cuz obama.

>has dementia and also a pedo
easily spun as right wing fake news

>With that system dems can't lose.

correct. particularly after trump cucked and didn't push for arrests after midterm crimes. dems literally pulling up to polling stations with Truckloads of fraudulent ballots. lil donnie thought as long as the stock market was up he didn't have to be a real president

Seems like the same type of cope Hildogs said in 2016. You have no idea what will happen this time around because of the situation we are in.

>Shit didn't work in 2016. You're a retard.
and you don't see a difference now? virtually all trump voices have been deplatformed and guess what, trump deserves this defeat. at any point in his presidency he could have slammed the internet giants with 230 CDA violations but he cucked

Bush Jr.s support sky rocketed to 90% after 9/11, trump support is dwindling down in the 40% range currently and has taken its sharpest dip in the past three weeks in his whole presidency, this was all before the bleach comments btw. This coronavirus isnt doing trump any favors

>How many presidents have lost the reelection anyway?
Five. And four of them were due to people mad at the economy.

Carter was a train wreck of a president. Everything he touched either turned to shit or hyperinflated

He would win easily. I agree with you.
But when you import Democrat voters (mass immigration from the 3rd world) and hand out U.S. citizenship like cookies THAT is what I am worried about.
Liberal Dem ideas aren't getting more popular we are just invaded by the 3rd world and handing out Passports like baseball cards

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Vegas still has Trump 5.5% above a Biden bet.

God this is one of the worst meme's to exist, holy fuck we're going to be tortured for the next few months. Imagine you have a girlfriend who, instead of calling out to you, taps you on the head or shoulder to get your attention.

* Tap *
* Tap *
>Ridin' with Biden.
No energy. No cleverness. Just makes you wanna kill everyone in the room.

>listen to the shills!

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Fuckin lol. White troll in china. Based. 7/10

Trump would have been destroyed by now if that were true. And stop projecting.

You must be a bitch, if a Venezuelan manlet or a Persian phaggot tried to spit on your shoes, wouldn't you do something? Also, nearly all our troops are pulling back, slowly.

yeah, sure Jan.

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We saw a 99% Hillary chance last time. There was virtually zero reason to take the time to vote, yet he won. Silenced opinions just remain silenced. With all the bias in this election it’s being billed as a dead heat. Trump supporters are generally quiet and getting very mad at the Democrats destroying everything to gain. Trump is going to demolish Biden. No democrat is going to make those stupid videos this time around saying trump will never win.