Black People - Race Improvement Thread

Over the centuries, Blacks have been severely lambasted for their shortcomings as a race. It often appears as if many of the criticisms directed at us are merely an attempt to dehumanize us, justify our mistreatment, or prove that we are not human. And while there are many Blacks that disprove the stereotypes our detractors are quick to remark that there are a lot of Blacks that portray and reinforce those stereotypes as awful as that is. However, despite the many hyperboles and fallacies regarding us as a people, I can't help but realize that in every cup of salt there lies a grain of truth.

Low IQ is a problem, lack of impulse control is a problem, avarice is a problem, selfishness is a problem, and the inability to co-operate effectively as a group is a major problem. I have no doubt that many of you reading this can probably think of more problems to add to the list but I simply choose the most critical. And while most seem to know all the problems very few can offer feasible solutions to correct said problems, hence the purpose of this thread.

Although this thread is meant to be for other Black anons any other anons who wish to either air their grievances with us or provide possible solutions to these predicaments can do so.

So, do you think Blacks will ever be able to improve ourselves as race? Are Blacks capable of establishing a first world society/country? If yes, then how long would this take and what would be required? Speak your mind, no matter how far fetched your answer might seem.

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I believe with proper upbringing and culture even black people can become decent civilized people.

But this will not happen, because the structures needed for this is being torn down in every possible way. So we are all screwed.

Blacks are just slightly more screwed.

> It often appears as if many of the criticisms directed at us are merely an attempt to dehumanize us, justify our mistreatment, or prove that we deserve to be killed

American blacks need to self emancipate and kick the white democrat habit. Unfortunately low rent black fall for the shitty carrot and the cycle is perpetuated.

American blacks will never improve, their culture is too toxic.
African ones will do very well for themselves in the coming century if they don't all die from global warming.

blacks will eventually just disappear and become brown indian chinese people

That's not how it works.

That's grim but possible, unfortunately

Yes but how? As you stated that mentality is entrenched in Black America.

What about Africa's relations with China? Will they be able to prosper without falling into debt slavery or will they flip it on the Chinese like they did to the West?

I doubt that. Africa's population is at 1.2 billion

within a few generations most first world countries will have access to pre-natal gene therapy or outright ectogenesis (will this tech be highly controlled, maybe). regardless of what (((cultural elites))) would have everyone believe, there are genes that effect IQ and aggression and a host of many other traits, however those genes are only correlated to other genes like melanin as an artifact of natural selection. Race is just the grouping of a specific set of genes as a result of optimizing to a specific geographical region and set of selection pressures (most of these pressures no longer exist). All of this leaves out gene expression, nature, and epigenetics.

All that being said, gene expression ultimately leads to epigenetic expression in large groups of people with similar genes under a variety of external stimuli (culture religion, group cohesion and lots of ephemeral aspects).

To consider blacks as one homogenous race is a bit like saying all europeans are the same race (white). The peoples of both continents have lived in vastly different geographical and cultural settings long enough to have diverged into different sets of traits.

The genes end up taking on the shape of the culture and vice versa in reflexive loops over the long term. So the question is like, which direction do you and your "race" want to take it in the future and what cultural stimuli do you need to apply to make that happen?

bit of a long winded way to say that "race" is a bit of an outdated concept but genes and culture are still extremely important. do you want to keep african american culture. which parts?

China wants a market for exports in Africa.

They hate blacks otherwise.

as a black man i implore others in my community to abstain from drugs especially marijuana since it has shown to lower IQ

Nigga I want free shit and white women muh dick don’t get wet from building a future fo my people dat why no black man b4 me did it. Give me free shit and a wet dick or I’ll break stuff

> do you want to keep african american culture. which parts?
The culture as a whole is of no benefits to Black Americans. I believe it should be scrapped in favor of a new one - more traditional, like there was back in the 50s/60s.

Good on you, brother. I don't smoke or do drugs either and the level of reckless indulgence Black people exhibit when partaking in vices needs to be curbed.

> The culture as a whole is of no benefits to Black Americans. I believe it should be scrapped in favor of a new one - more traditional, like there was back in the 50s/60s.
I think most everyone wants to go back to simpler times. The global elite want basically a north american genetic admixture and then graft on ancient cultural traditions like islam and christianity (for their own use). America doesn't really have the time in this accelerating world to develops its own cultural traditions in geographic isolation. Perhaps balkanization and a couple centuries is required for something like that, but of course that doesn't fit into the elites plans for this continent.

> What about Africa's relations with China? Will they be able to prosper without falling into debt slavery or will they flip it on the Chinese like they did to the West?
The Chinese will colonize Africa more brutally than the west ever did.
>I doubt that. Africa's population is at 1.2 billion
Sub Saharan Africa is experiencing a massive crisis in potable water. The major coming conflicts will be about water usage and I anticipate massive casualties as Africans die of dehydration.

I’d smang me a black girl, yup.


Yep it's either balkanization or full on societal collapse. Most likely the former though in any case, I expect more people to be moving to the south when either happens.

No its impossible

Blacks should create self sufficient utopian farming communities, where religion and hard work are emphasized.

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The black could probably improve over a few centuries with sufficient eugenic pressures by shedding enough of the underclass across consecutive generations but current trends show the underclass is not only expanding but expanding much faster than other races so at some point it is inevitable that everything will fall apart and go to shit. Who knows to what extent the disaster will unfold but I have little doubt that it will be catastrophic, if not apocalyptic.

if, when having a child, you could pick from any set of genes in the world, which ones would you give them? would they have the same skin color, bone structure, eye color, hair color/texture, etc as you? Which part of yourself and your race do you want to duplicate? As for me, I'd keep some things the same but make offsprint taller and have lighter eyes for example. I'm not tied to all of my own genetics. This is the world we will be moving into with a lot of the new tech.

You guys need more wholesomeness. Start shaming single mothers is a good start.

Care to explain why?

That'd be nice but wouldn't fit in well with modern day society. Farmers are need but scientists, doctors, engineers, lawyers, and etc are much more needed.

If you guys are actually black then I applaud you for trying to improve the situation for your race. Especially since you're not all just attacking whitey.

The nigger average IQ is simply to for civilized behavior as a majority.

The best improvement is all you niggers hopping into an oven.

Poc dehumanize themselves

Black communities are a hot mess, as is black parenting. Pretty much black anything is in shambles

90% of blacks problems would go away if fathers raise their sons to be functioning members of society.

And let absent fathers get a free pass? nice virtue signaling. The single parent thing is what causes most the issues w black ppl, but to fix it you need to shame both ends of the problem, not just the one who sticks around to "raise" the children. Im assuming this is why you also see mostly black women to be the ones working and not their men (ex: any fast food place). That is something black men should be particularly shamed for.

The nigger savage is amoral it cannot feel shame.

We do it just isn't being done in the spotlight sadly. You can go on youtube and with enough digging (search algorithms will try and suppress it) you will find a community of substantial size that openly reject and rebuke single motherhood and dysfunction in the Black community.

Yeah transhumanism is becoming more and more popular in society and with the aid of gene engineering tools like CRISPR it'll only be a matter of time until you can walk into a clinic and (for a large amount of money) customize your own child; however we might not see that in our lifetime or at least until old age. If I have a son I would perhaps make him a little taller than me but that's about it. As for my race, I truly believe that some form of eugenics might be in order but not so much genetic manipulation.

On the subject of farming communities, a better goal for the current time is to encourage community gardens. Blacks from my experience tend to have tighter relationships among their block, but half the ppl have mad issues with each other and the other half theyre cool wIth. A community garden promotes a shared experience that instills self suffiency and acts as a screen for the responsible members of your community. it gives you something positive to do as a group, not destructive.

Arent there enough topics for this? Op is actually fishing with a quality post for real ideas and youre here meme flagging and wasting a kike shill.

Based. Blacks all over the world need to escape the shackles of progressive identity politics. They need to view themselves not as victims of whites or colonialism, or racism but simply as people who lost a war a long time ago. Happens to the best of us and there’s no shame in it. They need to move forward as citizens of their countries. Non of this African American or indigenous Australian identity politics bullshit. They’re simply Americans, Australians etc.

Blacks and whites, especially the working classes, need to fight our common enemy together. Turn our focus from race and perceived equality and focus our attention and anger on globalists and zionists.

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>As for my race, I truly believe that some form of eugenics might be in order but not so much genetic manipulation.
what is eugenics if not genetic manipulation?

yeah, I really don't see how it's avoidable. if you don't do it then some competitor will, so you get into this prisoner's dilemma. game theory says that everyone either adopts some amount of bio hacking or get left in the dust. just imo