WalMart location closes due to mass coronavirus infection

Get ready, you will see this headline over and over until all the grocery stores are closed and food is being distributed by the national guard.

Attached: coronamart.jpg (450x261, 70.82K)

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now who will shart?
in the mart?
oh no

Or Trump will sign an executive order, requiring them to remain open, as has happened with the nothing-but-Tyson-burger.

wtf I hate walmart now

This is preparing for war against China.

Great Depression lead to war against Germany.

None of them will die or need hospitalization. Why is it closing.

Because the media told everyone to panic so everyone is panicking.

Yes, there will be those bigger cities where this will happen.

because the infected employees would pass it to customers

Maybe that's their entire staff and nobody else wants to work there right now.

They nasty

>Norbert Elekes
Endocrine disruptors really fucked up masculinity.

Attached: faggot.jpg (750x1000, 88.32K)

The test is around 90 percent false positives.
you could have it according to the test if you've had cancer.

This, apparently the Walton's want Trump to protect them from lawsuits, so their stick can be worth even more...

spics test positive for the flu .. after living 12 to a 3BR house.
News at 11 ... shut down the world.

ya we're unironically only about 5% through all of this shit, anyone who thinks the world is getting back to normal anytime soon is out of their mind.

we'll see most grocery stores shut down, supply chains will be disrupted, we'll be hit with 2-3 more waves of corona, each worse than the last. this is only the beginning, things will get much worse until there's a vaccine sometime in 2-3 years

And that children, is how herd immunity works.

Why is it hitting some communities hard and nearby ones almost not at all? Are there communities full of inbreds with genetic deficiencies that make this worse?


How does that even happen, did they all spit into a cup and take turns passing it around taking sips?

except that herd immunity doesn't work for coronaviruses because you can't infect enough people before it mutates

I cannot wait. Sick of being a wagecuck at the local target. I’d make more collecting unemployment

They probably all thought it would be funny to wear the same mask by passing it around.

Well atleast obesity levels will drop in burgerland

Trump is going to have to distribute N95's gloves etc to Walmart workers in hot areas. That's the only way to stop or slow down the spread.

Attached: 1564973765491.jpg (740x615, 74.39K)

Well it does
that's why the death rate is negligible.
people are getting the anti-bodies faster than the virus can mutate.

governments are in too deep now. They can't look like fools saying "woopsies we make a mistake teehee" they are gonna basically keep their bullshit facade up until enough time goes past so they can go "up we beat the curve"
its all a powerplay now. ALL OF IT.

They all share blunts in the parking lot or behind the loading dock on their lunch breaks. I’ve seen with my own eyes

Ever seen the crazy "team-building" demoralization shit they do?
And I'm sure it gets weirder than this..

Noooo not the walmartinooo what will we do without the corporate conglomeratinoooo!

Attached: 78D7B57C-2E4B-488A-9531-4D04F0C54F33.jpg (640x590, 180.79K)

antibody testing only shows like 10-20% people have antibodies, and you need 80% to have a shot at herd immunity

95% of all people wear masks wrong. they constantly touch their face in public and pull their mask on and off when they want to adjust it.

hardly anyone wears a mask right.

Attached: 100% retarded.webm (360x360, 2.75M)

if 10-20% already have anitbodies, in 6 months we will have like 60-80 easily.

These places close for a few days while they do a deep clean, they tell the employees to wear masks, then resume operations.

do i have to trust you? or can you back that up?

this is what happens when boomers try to hop on a meme bandwagon

Signing up for their tests is entering into contract with psychopaths.