Amerimutts are the most pathetic race in Earth

Love how amerimutts on this board believe they are free and worship Trump.

You got -4.8% GDP growth during Q1 2020, whole January, February and the first two weeks of March were good enough. Meaning Q2 2020 is probably tanking to -30/-40%.

Your meat supply chain are going down to shit and you’ll probably find overinflated price for meat in two weeks.

Oil prices have turned negative sur to shitty demand.

Companies reports disastrous earnings and remove all kind of forward guidances.

26 millions of amerimutts are unemployed, and the number does not count people that didn’t manage to apply on state websites because they are shutdown all the time neither does it count all black hand jobs.

Restaurant; tourism, oil, car, airlines, cruise shipping, real estate, marketing are all going to shit.

But market is going up ! :-)

Continue worshipping your fat retarded pro MIGA president. Didn’t manage to get a wall, didn’t manage to have even masks to clean this mess, did a 2% tax cut for middle class while cutting corporations taxes by 20%. Didn’t even manage to save his friend Flynn for almost 4 years now lol. I swear if you don’t see that you’re getting fucked and you’ll finished like Venezuela with all this money printing, nothing can open your eyes

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We don't even think about you.

>reddit spacing
Just die.

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I have money invested in the stock market

I'll put money over my race any day

The market tends to go up before other economic indicators go up and vice versa. Econ 101

Cool, someone acknowledges the existence of the American race. My culture went to the moon. My culture invented the automobile, the airplane, and the internet.

What do you have to say about that?

>you’ll probably find overinflated price for meat in two weeks.

That's what my meat freezer is for


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Yeah it’s not because the Fed is just printing 6000 billions out of thin air in a few weeks dumbass

You’re probably addicted to Jim Cramer on CNBC before taking one in the ass for Trumpy

Who are you again?

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Not that France is any better, you are still correct. But it's funnier to just watch how delusional they are.. there will come a day when the USA will be seen as a turd world shithole that it is. Until then, enjoy the show.

Nice blog ya French faggot.

And now you’re fat, $250k in debt since you finished college at 22, bought a house via mortgage for millions of dollars that was worth $30k in the 70s. If you marry a woman, she’s gonna divorce rap you after having cheated with a mulatto.!Whenever you eat, you get some chemical going straight to your ass to give you cancer. And you pay 40% take without anything in exchange (you don’t even have healthcare or education included via the taxes you pay

Meh.. with oil basically free pretty much everything will stay afloat. Everything runs on oil and you can thank the saudis and russia for saving the world economy.

>t. Ooga Booga in france
Lol ok Le Petite

Yeah it is crazy how they can’t see that they are already a third world country. They manage to provide illusion of wealth for 10-15 years now just by printing money like socialist monkeys. Debt is now $24 trillions and will be probably at $30 or $40 trillions in a few months. Dollar will soon be good only for toilet paper

the stock market crash will be so epic when boomtards figure out the fed is powerless to stop deflation

Sorry, you can't print your way into economic growth

Stomachs be growlin' soon

Retard it is bankrupting all your shale companies, and will probably start weakening your banks that have been loaning billions to these unprofitable companies

Americans aren't a race you dimwitted muslim rape victim. Enjoy that Helsinki Syndrome, Pierre.

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France is bankrupted from before their cuck
chinetoque invasion and virus
poisoned...Sand niggers now run in France and
they shit everywhere and suck chinks...

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Who cares? We own you through NATO.

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reminder 2

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Because, obviously, the nonwhite satanic pedophile feminist lgbtq globalist party of George Soros is a much better alternative.

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for once a french poster post some based shit !


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Fpbp and this.

Based Trump has a plan, he always does you Shillarly pedo trans cuck. Trump. Is. Based

France's Macron got to be the most disgusted
subhuman queer...(Saloperie de mangeur de

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OP is just grumpy because he was woken up at dawn by the sound of “YAAAAAAAALLLLAAAAAAH EHHHH AIIIIII LAAAAAAAA!” blaring from the loudspeaker from the mosque down the steet.

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fpbp. France is just Canada with food.