Nothingburgers were right all along.

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imagine how many dead people are waiting to be discovered in their homes because they were too scared to go to the doctor

The Chinese Communist Party Wuhan Virus is a Communist false flag operation.

They played us on the virus.
It's serious and new, and did escape from that batwoman bitch's lab in Wuhan, but they spun it up, and are now punishing the people for daring to elect a Trump.
They're gonna burn it to the ground if they can't have their way.

Can confirm this first hand. Used to work at one of the largest hospitals in California. Have many friends that still do. All have said the house census has consistently been the lowest they've ever seen.

Nothing burger.

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elon will regret this in two weeks

Wouldn't it be lower than normal since all the wetbacks are scared to go in now? Hospitals here are always full of spics acting like theyre sick.

Weren't those doctors that got censored on JewTube from California as well?

It's true. My cousin is a nurse, and she has had her hours cut for a month. Her hospital is below patient quota for april. Her managerial staff had to take a pay cut. People aren't going to the hospital for hang nails like they usually do, and the bat aids is only a problem in hot spots across the country. Let me repeat, most hospitals are LOSING money due to lack of business right now.

Imagine how many people woke up dead this morning

>retards not going to the hospital to see that thing on their foot is a mole or not means covid is a hoax

Friendly reminder - The first US governor to declare lockdown, Governor Newsom, is functionally illiterate.
> Visual aids help. Newsom does not use a teleprompter during his briefings, in part because he suffers from dyslexia, a learning disorder that makes reading difficult. It takes an hour of preparation for every minute of a prepared speech he gives. He occasionally uses notes at the rostrum during his more free-wheeling briefings.
>His dyslexia has made it difficult for him to write, spell, read and work with numbers.[12]

I woke up dead this morning, but i got better.

You most likely will not believe everything I could tell you, so I will tell you what you will need to remember when you are ready and able to believe: Jesus Christ is God, he became a man, lived a perfect life; laying down his own life and dying by manner of crucifixion, being dead for three days, and then being raised by the power of God from the dead three days later. He did this to forgive us of and free us from sin and this is the only way it was possible for that to be done. In doing this, he also saves us from Hell and gives us the privilege of an eternity of life without war, poverty, hunger, thirst or any misery whatsoever. God did this because he loves us despite that we do not merit it and not because we merit it. This is called the "gospel - good news - of Jesus Christ" and you will need to remember that, and remember that there is no other true gospel whatsoever. This is the second thing that you need to remember: anything that tries to take the place of Jesus Christ, deny Jesus Christ, deny Jesus Christ and God his father, is Antichrist, and is never to be believed, nor are you to subject yourself to it, no matter what. Remember these two things and make sure you always have access to this information.

think so, they had seriously gay fucking haircuts.

Shutting down the whole country was a hoax

You're the kind of person, when confronted with a Stat like "per capita black people commit more murder than white people in america" say something like "NO, all black people aren't murderers!" It's not a hoax, it's a massive overreaction by every state in the union to NYC's bug problem. Look at the antibody tests and population tests. Around a third of people tested have antibodies or are currently infected and asymptomatic. The real death rate wI'll be corrected to less than one percent when it's all said and done. So no, it's not a hoax, and also #notall just to make you feel better. But it's still a nothingburger.

Imagine how many of them are spics, niggers or boomers. Maybe the virus is a good thing. Be one with the body.

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I've been saying this shit since February.

Japan did absolutely nothing. No precautions. Tokyo should be half dead right now if anything about Corvid-19 was true.

You guys were never alive to begin with anyway.

>data stops right before outbreak


I confident by mid march that Van not being a deathzone meant this was nothing. NONE of this was necessary. It's too contagious for any of these actions to have done shit minus people not coming to work sick. That needs to end. We need mandated paid sick days.

But those front liners are putting their lives at risk every day. We should be lavishing them with endless praise.

MSM and government:
Literally every other fucking source:

wow, who would have ever thought the MSM and government would just lie to us to exercise totalitarian power.
Oh well, I’m sure they learned their lesson and will be honest for the rest of time.

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All elective procedures canceled, less idiots and drug seekers coming through because they don't want to be infected.

