AI and Machine Learning is going to change everything, it's pretty insane what software can do these days

AI and Machine Learning is going to change everything, it's pretty insane what software can do these days.

Case in point: I upscaled some 360p porn to 1080p.

What are the implications of such technology?

Attached: 64164196165465191.png (1434x685, 1.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:

where do you get this?

That's a good hobby user. I want to invest in your interests

Attached: 1572311961391.jpg (327x345, 25.99K)

coombrain engineering

>What are the implications of such technology?
soon all snapchat whores will have hoof extremities?

Well, for one the ay crowd will be eternally btfo'd when all those hoax videos get cleaned up.

Just pirated some software user, lookup "Topaz Video Enhance"

Pretty powerful software, you do need a high end GPU to render this shit though


Any links to download this software?

post the video

probably RAISR, you can get it on github

ALso the chance that he had the HD image and made it a lower resolution to appear that he enhanced it.


Attached: 1588049044718.png (750x711, 86.97K)

look interesting
what program?

Attached: 1553873825347.gif (190x190, 1.98M)

Still looks like shit

how high are we talking ?

>muh porn
Fuck that gay shit. Have you seen DLSS 2.0 on RTX nvidia cards? Improves image quality AND performance. Shit is gonna be good when more devs start using it.
Sucks for AMD though. At least they still have the cpu market.

Yes combined with a chip and the semi cyber environment engineered viruses force us to create (IRL not computer) it means the complete enslavement of the human race to a man made god. Oh and they are taking away the cash too.
I mean in the next couple of months.

topaz video enhancer

Original video:

Stop fucking cooming you ideal goy

That feel when one day AI can remove the censors from the 10/10 Japanese porn videos.

Attached: 1583798281424.gif (500x500, 2.51M)

GTX 1080 recommended, but I think > GTX 1060 should be okay

This is the one? Just checking.

You can see some imperfections when up-scaling fine detail things (such as faces) but its still pretty good

Attached: 8711891561651.png (1427x682, 1.23M)

it honestly looks pretty good, except those fingers on her left hand wtf

Does this mean someone could accurately recreate people's faces from blurry satellite images?

>What are the implications of such technology?
Your data gets used up faster.....

Can it enhance stuff like Katja Kassin 14 loads swallow?

Attached: vl_480P_246.0k_4120235.mp4_snapshot_03.34_[2020.04.29_22.35.28].jpg (161x187, 5.28K)

that stuff is child play ai
the real scary stuff is the Peterson VOICE AI
remember those weird clips were not scripted to use his mannerisms and vocab, the A.I figured it out on his own.
Any one with enough phone calls recorded can have a fake voicemail created were he admits to a crime that sounds 110% like a real phone call from the person.
This is scary stuff. We are not ready for this.
Combine that with deepfakes software, and anyone with access to your works video logs (all you need is enough data, enough copies of your face on video from different angles.) can create a scene where you murder someone on camera and it looks 100% legit.

Attached: 1561778936011.png (1153x945, 26.39K)

Finally I can upscale that blurry mess of a video that makes me nut in 3 seconds

Based leaf post.

its like it added an extra layer of cum on her

The more I learn about technology the more I realize it's demonic

Attached: 1588133002965.jpg (1024x1024, 135.61K)

That's just the demon showing through

Cool idea bruv. I think I might just program something like that. Do you have a vlog for material?

Time to clean up some WW2 images :)

finally getting the original theatrical star wars trilogy in hd?

it's already causing problems and is going to cause so much more problems


Attached: 654654654.png (1381x683, 1.24M)

this. botnet ramping up for the elections. left dangling porn for retards to download

>that claw
yeah, I rather watch it at 360p