Dare I say, Joe Rogan is forever "ourguy"

Rogan for sure surfs here and he defends it.


Attached: TinglesInMyPeePee.png (701x666, 686.43K)

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Hey guys I’m new here, how do I give gold?

wow this is so BASED and RED PILLED that im gonna ignore that joe is a glow nigger


omg yes i smashed that upvote button so hard XD based NDAND LEL FUCKIN RED PILLED

Holy shit that's based.


Posting joe Rogan is cringe incase you haven't been told OP

Attached: 1584554330840.gif (379x400, 1.32M)

I remember he mentioned pepe once on the air. never cringed so hard. boomers are usually the only ones who talk about this place in real life.

Joe the glow Rogan

This is actually pretty cool to hear him say lmao
Love him or hate him, he's batting for us

Attached: 4chan drink.jpg (300x100, 25.1K)

press alt + f4 at the same time

the timestamp doesn't work for me, when is it supposed to be? Or am I just missing something


This exactly, he's turned a corner

Attached: Clinton.jpg (862x630, 87.77K)

Over two fucking hours? Really?

>Dare I say, Joe Rogan is forever "ourguy"
joe the thumb rogan is only a faggots guy.
He's a flaming jewish faggot

Attached: joe rogan1.jpg (1000x1250, 162.73K)

Has no one told Joe Rogan that Yas Forums located a terrorist base in Syria and the Russians bombed it then thanked them on twitter? That's a far cooler story.

Joe Rogan is a murderer.
He killed two people in 2017 and it was completely covered up.

>OP unironically expects me to watch Joe simp for this thot for 2hrs straight
nah fagg delete this thread

The timestamp is at 3634 seconds, which if you divide with 60 you get minutes. It should be around after 1 hour in

He's a sellout bitch and he knows it.

thanks finnbro

This the new season of Twin Peaks?

He's a cia asset who shills neoliberalism and muh nazi man bad you retarded nigger.


Attached: 31123857236.jpg (621x480, 56.96K)

No. That's Joe Rogan murdering people who declined to take the DMT he offered them on his podcast.

Shieet Rogan really went and defended 8pol?

Yes, the size seems right but that guy's teeth is more British Isles.

If by "ourguy" you mean a CIA asset then yes.

Wasn't that sg?

Anyways it's hilarious that redditors seethe when they hear the full story. It was the moderate beheader terrorists, not isis, that got btfo


Here he is assaulting Jake Gyllenhaal.
The man is violent.

Give the people what they want. Jeb as a guest.

ahh god damn it. more newfags incoming

he has changed a lot since pineapple express

It was definitely sg


Attached: 11564613165.jpg (760x428, 48.86K)

Also Yas Forums sent a missile

>Rogan for sure surfs here
i think rogan has better things to do with his time rather than listen to what a bunch of autistic nigger faggots have to say about anything

you'd be suprised.

>youtube.com/watch?v=qwryl0tKN8M [Remove]

what the fuck

Relax a little


youtu.be/SwK8Y7v49S0 the best thing to come out of this