Hell yeah!!

Elon Musk doubles down!

Attached: Elon_Musk_doubles_down_on_Freedom_-_Hell_yeah-2020-04-30.png (592x695, 103.49K)

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absolutely based
p.s. that's a gay ass font choice user

Fuck Yes. Elon is the fucking man for this. Corona hoax is the final stand of the Jews. They are playing all of their cards right now.

Dying in record numbers?
The hospitalization survival rate is close to Ebola with one third of patients admitted dying. Do you people actually think the Jews would conspire to make you get paid to sit at home? Is Putin in on this Jewish scheme?

>yeah well you like can't complain about America becoming like China since you never talked about what chinks do to chinks so there

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Too bad he is jewish too, if they fall, he falls too.
So he knows nothing will happen to the core members of the long nose tribe.

Fascism works though, how is he based for this

Mark Spiegel was pretty desperate with that one.

hes not jewish you fucking brazilian monkey

Hey Elon, how are you?

>giving up your freedom to govt hurts the jew.
Enough with this narrative. Our govt and media are Zionist as fuck and they are pushing these nonsense lockdowns hard.

>old bitches that need to go to a hospital die because they're old bitches in a hospital


Heart attacks up fourfold
Strokes up fourfold
People dying at home ten times the normal rate
Doctors dying at a rate not seen since the last global pandemic
>iTs Da JeWs
Did you not see the Wuhan footage in January or what

And yet none of that matters to me because I'm not a boomer.

Based corona the boomer remover.

>How is your short position


The Jews in NY are all out en masse with de Blasio throwing a fit over it while the rest of us are made to stay home, and most people are not getting their unemployment that they signed up for.

More corporate faggots ask for waggies to get back working for their businesses,

yea nice try (((elon)))

He just doesn't want to lose money because his dream is to set a foot on mars in his lifetime and the Corona shit could set him back for years.

Yeah that was pretty sad for Spiegel

those numbers arent real.

The economy has too much wasted "economic" activity. We need to find more people more meaningful lives.

Hell, put me in office, you know? I've got fresh new ideas and I'm eager to try out a whole new attitude towards resource management. With the right plans we can give people room to flourish.

He ought to invest in medical nanotech, then. There should be a general solution to enveloped viruses if we sufficiently improve our nanotargeted medical interventions.

We need to cure HIV, ALL coronaviruses, etc.


Ole, Mr. Musky! Have you ever looked at this:

You know what would be a good non-fascistic response to medical issues? Better funding for medical research and more compassion/integrity in pharmaceutical leadership.

The problem with this is that many companies don't want change, they want to keep doing the same wasteful shit they have always done, and the second they get a thinker in there they will block everything you do and try to get you to quit.

This just happened to me and funnily enough they now have to pay me unemployment because of covid-19. I won't be going back there.

That shit is still decades away. People in the 80s/90s thought that cancer would be no issue today but it's still a fucking pain in the ass to deal with.

"DRACO is selective for virus-infected cells. Differentiation between infected and healthy cells is made primarily via the length and type of RNA transcription helices present within the cell. Most viruses produce long dsRNA helices during transcription and replication. In contrast, uninfected mammalian cells generally produce dsRNA helices of fewer than 24 base pairs during transcription."

I haven't the faintest idea if this would apply to coronavirus, and frankly . (The people who need to know my story surely mostly do by now!)

Ahem! Fortunately, nothing about my life matters as much as saving lives worldwide, so let's investigate everything that could help. A method that destroys cells whose RNA transcription helices develop a length out of range for normal cellular processes sounds VERY appealing as something to investigate.






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Yeah I said this shit a few weeks ago and nobody gave a fuck. Guy has a little bit of money and everything he says he gets praised for. Bullshit man.

yeah so get off your ass and do something and maybe people will take you seriously

CEO loosing money because lockdown says lockdown dumb. More news at 11.

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Just two more weeks!

There's an overly ambitious cancer treatment in clinical trials right now. It shouldn't possibly live up to its claim as a general cure for nearly all cancer, but I don't know that it won't. Science doesn't always just change the world incrementally; gradual changes are interspersed with transformative ones as optimizations are superceded by fresh masteries.

If you want medicine to move quickly, burrow into the details of cellular metabolism and try to change something at the root. Eliminating diseases is transformative work - so find out what's different in the cells you want to "transform".

Failing all else we should eventually be able to seize the means of cellular production. Medicine will be as regular as autobody work eventually. I've never known anyone happy to get their auto's body worked on, but some people really cherish their cars and that doesn't break the bank. Treating your body that well takes more than merely billions.

Get out of CVG you fucking sperg

He is probably on drugs.

>get off your ass
Bitch please, I don't have those connections.

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Asking to be GIVEN BACK your freedom is kind of antithetical to the nature of freedom, is it not, user?

Intraspecies predation, through and through.... youtu.be/QjKjZd-IPD8

DRACO works by a similar mechanism to one that I continue to think should be attempted against enveloped viruses. Where DRACO provokes cellular cleanup mechanisms by binding to RNA transcription helixes, I think the work of the immune system against enveloped viruses could similarly be eased with chemicals that gum up the cellular fusion spikes on the enveloped viruses. Inspiring inappropriate activation of cellular fusion mechanisms could destroy the viral envelope, exposing the viral particles more directly to the immune system if not outright rendering them inert.

But I'm not a researcher. Nor have I vast funding, nor am I a leader, nor have I any charismatic access to power. I'm someone who was fucking molested and then stalked by people wealthier and more powerful - but apparently not more dignified - than myself.

So what can we do?

Insist on presenting this information everywhere. Talk about medical research. Support it, and start judging rich people and politicians by their contributions to it.