Right wingers are, without exception, cringe

Right wingers are, without exception, cringe.

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This is where you get your news.

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Where did you get the idea that you are "optical"? You have no sense of fashion and look like shit.

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Has some swedish tried to hurt you, Ahmat? How violent are they with immigrants?

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And you get your news from jews and science from negroes.

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>being this desperate lol

They don’t look like neck beards or incels to me, they look like normfags. That should scare you, badly.

These dudes all look like chads? I don't get it.

op is, without exception, a dick-sucking fag

i see a scientist, an engineer, a lawyer.

1: Criticism of jews.

>Right wingers are, without exception, cringe.
-A shabbos goy.

Guy in the middle is cute ngl

Right wingers are, without exception, cringe.

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They look great. Bout time. I’m tired of doing it all alone.

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mate you're wasting your time here.

They try so hard to look cool that they look stupid. Especially the guy up front. Also "support for Hitler" in 2020 is always cringe. How do you not know that shit like that doesn't fly now?

Why are you crying so hard little girl. Have a slice of pizza and dry your salty salty swedecucked little tears.

We are reaching critical mass. Chads are joining the ranks in ever increasing numbers. We can reach the women and the blacks with far greater success then your average supporter can and if we win that battle then we win the war.

Meanwhile, on the political "left"

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>Hugo boss > commie greens
pick one, comrade.

>Tonight on CuckNN, how the claims you'll get AIDS from allowing a POZZED Mandingo fresh off the boat to bury his simian cock up your ass bareback are racist, homophobic and possibly Islamophobic. This is all true and we're not trying to get you to engage in risky sexual behavior to kill you off younger. Honest!

Still going to vote for Trump

one thing i will never understand is why white people wear glasses so much. i understand blue eyes are more sensitive etc. so im not surprised they wear glasses in the american southwest. but these people are in sweden no? this is the latitude europid white people are supposed to have developed at

Based. Do you have those guys' phone numbers?

Honestly, everyone except one has great optics in that RT screencap, really not the best example if you are trying to paint us in a negative light. Whites are waking up, more everyday. We are learning, improving ourselves, connecting offline. As a subverse Jew wants said, "the times they are a changing" Soon and then never again - hail our people

>right wingers are cringe
but at least we're right.

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>they try so hard to look cool
they are just standing there, they look pretty cool desu

Check your demographics

go back to your leddit thought bubble faggot

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