This is so based

We all need to be following this woman’s lead and blowing the fuck out of DYEL chinks wherever we are.

>acts like he’s hot shit for deadlifting baby weight
>gets eternally BTFO by yoga instructor
>apologizes then bitches about her behind his keyboard

It’s your job as a racist in the times of this pandemic to give these chinks what they deserve.

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fuck off i hate white leftists way more than i will every hate asians. Stick to niggers, kikes, and leftists, asians are okay

Fucking DYEL pussy weight. They should be in yoga class. Also, gyms aren't libraries. That yoga instructor can fuck right off.

I'd just get thrown out. Fuck that mouthy cunt.

what the fuck? thats barely lmao 2 plate deadlift oh no no no

I see a herniated disc in this guys future.

fuck that dumb bitch i'd lob a plate right at her stupid head

Any further proof needed deadmeme is the biggest meme lift of all time? Funny that these DYEL soi gooks still mog the fuck out of the average polcel, though

Attached: memelift.webm (640x640, 1.67M)

Is that even two plate what the fuck
I'm skinny fat and put up close to 3 plate at 190lb
Chink genetics must be horrible

I love strong women. Wish they'd hold me down and do terrible things to me.

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The Asian guys were a bit obnoxious, but the yoga cunt was over the top.

>Cunt needs to be thrown off a cliff.

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Hes wearing a belt and slamming around

I wood

Slightly less gay than boinking I trap tho

Hook grip and quivering. Stronk wamen.

there a gym near me with all variations of them. Really hot chick and short ass dudes. For some reason women with ugly faces don't bother to get swole, you would think they would

where'd you start faggot? pussies who talk shit about anyone doing serious work at the gym need to go against the wall

just admit you like men


user I..

>starting at less than 4 on the bar
deadlifts start at 215. anything less, and you should just kill yourself.

I don't care about them slamming weights, if you deadlift with heavy weights you know it's almost impossible not to make noise. White shirt guy needs to keep his left arm locked if he wants to do mixed grip or he risks tearing his bicep eventually if he goes heavier

Eugen Sandow used 1lb weights, anyone that cries "pussy weight" is inconceivably insecure.

245, we use the same mix of plates at Lifetime.

Getting mad at a yoga instructor for complaining about the noise from weights is like getting mad at a soccer mom for wanting more gun control. It just is what it is and you don’t pay much attention to it.

The obnoxious dyel chinks sumo deadlifting 275 and slamming the weights are the real problem here

Don't they have specific areas in the gym where the floor cushions the weights so they don't clank as loud?

it's a gym, retard. weights make noise.

she's also on var and belted

There’s a difference between making noise with weights and screaming stupid bullshit at the lockout of every rep. Kill yourself.

So what he's lifting 2 plates? Have to start somewhere and anyway he may be going for reps. The yoga bitch was definitely out of line saying that especially in the lifting area. While it's fun to think any of us may have told her to fuck off probably most of us would have replied "almost done" or "I'll try to be quieter" or something. Then got mad after.

I had a bad wrist injury that affects my ulnar nerves via inflammation but if bitch mouthed off to me she wouldn’t be getting no “sorry” but a cock in her mouth instead. Being strong isn’t just about lifting weights. That’s brainlet tier. Being strong is surviving harsh challenges and forcing oneself to learn. Not being a pussy bitch who fucking listens to some dumb cunt

Based on those shitty old water stained ceiling tiles, I'm guessing it's not a high class place.

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She's cute. I'd lift with her

the memes they spout are gay, but that's not what the lady complained about. she complained about the noise of the barbell.

Is this Rich Piano?

Lol, then go do it yourself you fucking pussy. It would be funny if the China boy throws a dumbbell and breaks your useless head after you try to talk shit.

Why would you think they want to get swole?

Putting it down nicely is half the challenge.

I smell a fresh pasta

She only said it because they are so petite, there is nothing but chinks and poos at my gym and I always wonder why they even bother

weightlifting is a northern european thing. the rest of the world doesn't even come close. everyone else needs to just stop lifting and embarrassing themselves.

Because they want to distract from their faces plus its like drugs that make you feel good

>Hook grip
youve outed yourself

What if you need to build up to it?


and she's still being a cunt after they said they'd stop. she just wants the control.

Interesting point. Wonder if she would say anything to a larger guy doing that.

Where's the piss? I was anticipating piss.

Then they would just be slim/skinny with a decent ass, getting swole is something men think women want when in reality it's what gay men generally want

Based. I’m nearly done with my recovery and once I am I plan to go public with all the redpills I’ve obtained from my massive stack of books. Plebs will be quoting me for centuries after I single handedly save the huWhite Race.
Based Descartes

that's not hook grip, you don't know what hook grip is
that's over-under, which is fucking gay
but hook grip is not fucking gay and few women can do it without fucking up their thumbs, because the size of their tiny hands

good "deadlift hook grip"
you're a faggot

*google (not good)

Ireland is Northern European and pure Celts have fast twitch muscle fibers which are less conducive to lifting heavy stuff and more conducive to smashing someone in the face with a punch they couldn’t see coming.

>She only said it because they are so petite
Yea. It took her a few seconds before she said anything. She was considering the likelihood of catching a plate with her teeth. She wouldn't have said shit to some 6 foot 225 pound groid.

did i say all northern europeans are top weightlifters? no? that's right, you fucking retard

I agree and it's pretty funny tho, is she under the impression that if there were to be a physical confrontation she would hold her own against the short guys? The result would be the same, and perhaps even worse with the short guys because maybe other delusional people might also not expect it so there would be more shame involved