I'm about to anhero how do I go out

I'm about to anhero how do I go out.

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take a high ranking jew with you.

Fly to the middle east, grab sword, charge ISIS on livestreaming while screaming "REEEEEEEEEE"

gib ur savings 4 repurashion

Fred Savage is a faggot, and so are you.

Taking as many ANTIFA with you. Look in community colleges in far-Left cities like Portland, etc for fliers on meetups. Spread your love thusly.

Find the highest-ranked official you can - a congressman, RBG, one of the Rothschilds, Soros... Get yourself a bomb vest and go allahu akbar them. In Minecraft.

Shoot globalist politicians until the police take you down

i dont know about all that but I hear politicians have names and addresses

With a bang.
Make explosives, fill your house it it and blow it with you inside

i can disrupt amazon pretty hard, maybe 3 weeks max

Don’t do it, fren. Dead is just dead. It’s not any better. And everyone who loves you will be broken forever.

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Don't do it, you'll miss the happening.

>broken forever
i know i'm sorry and i love them(you)

Killing yourself is retarded. There's lots of positive shit you can do instead. Even if it kills you.


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Helium tank face mask. Leave a note explain how and why you did this. Wipe your computer.

> Loosing
It's losing. Now that whole post is invalidated.

Safe travels op. Hopefully hell is a meme. May you reincarnate as a hot high school girls underwear whatever nationality

Make sure you have all your debts paid so you're not screwing anyone over.

Why would you do that, OP? What's so horrific about your life that you'd want to do that?

Do a barrel roll

Stay alive senpai

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Maybe he is curious to see if something happens next and he's tired of waiting. Curiosity killed the cat for the same reason.

Steal an airplane. Profit.

Hope springs eternal
Why do you wanna anhero user

i can fuck up amazon
i will not hurt other people
>disrupt the lines

It depends. Whats the largest city near where you are?

RIP user, pleasure shitposting with you over the years. See you in Valhalla.

I love you, bro

By taking the train not alone

stay here and watch the world burn with us!

anons need anons

You explode your insides during a State Fair hotdog eating contest. You're an American. Die like one.

Wipe your computer(s) and then overdose on sleeping pills.

by dedicating your life to God and being a better man

Well, something will happen, which is an eternity in Hell, which is worse than anything he's feeling right now in this life.

I want to sniff Winnie Cooper’s pooper.

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you're don't even belong here, fuck off
do this
that's my dream

Being alive holds so many possibilities. Dead is just dead. And itll tear apart the ones who love you.. Dont do it.

If you don't even have a method decided yet then you're not about to anhero.