@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump Roundtable w/Ind Execs on Opening Up America Again 4/29/20
>Pres Trump meets w/LA Gov Edwards 4/29/20
>Women for Trump Empower Hour w/Kimberly Guilfoyle &MORE 4/29/20
>SoS Pompeo on F&F 4/29/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/29/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 4/29/20
>Jared on F&F 4/29/20
>PressSec Kayleigh on Dobbs 4/29/20
>FEDChair Powell News Conf on Mon Policy 4/29/20
>Trump2020CommsDir Murtaugh on FoxNews 4/29/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on FoxNews 4/29/20
>KAC on FoxNews 4/29/20
>StateDeptSpox Morgan on FoxNews 4/29/20
>DDID(CDC) Butler Private Sector Call: Corona-chan Response Update 4/29/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (Natl Guard Gens) 4/29/20
>StateDept Press Brief (SoS Pompeo) 4/29/20
>WHVideo: We Will Build It Again! 4/29/20
>TrumpTweet: Blue Angels &Thunderbirds NY/NJ/PA Flyover 4/28/20

OP pastebin:

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Hans. Get. The. Fucking. Flammenwerfen.

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old people stink

Ridin with Biden

Fire Parscale.


Some shit everyone should look into. China - venezuela - iran connection during gorona chan:

How (((fake news))) and other world wide globalist jewry and glow niggers try to sabotage trump and prop up maduro, iranian government and help china.


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This kid is a kike right? No kid deserves this but that face, hes a kikes offspring right?

Considering most of the meat processors/packers are illegals and immigrants. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for my burgers and bacon.

shill is mad


>there’s a war between traps and trannies right now

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>Considering most of the meat processors/packers are illegals

Audits as to why no one showed up to work should be fun

>daym psychotronik weapon satellites
>dew satellites
>satellites n flying shiet with remote neural monitoring and mapping tech would be an oopsie daisy if that shit went down.

Don't be treading if you don't want the crushing.

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This guy looks like a retarded midget.

What did Trump mean by this?

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He’s losing to Joe Biden. His big idea to turn things around? Attack Biden about China. Come the fuck on. Trump is going to lose if he stays with this clown.

ok retard

No shortage

> President Donald Trump was pilloried by the media for questioning whether New York would actually need 30,000 additional ventilators or 40,000 ventilators total as claimed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in late March. New models from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation show that New York already reached its peak projected ventilator usage on April 8, with a projected need of 5,008. The actual use may have been even lower.

>He’s losing to Joe Biden

Attached: gsye432.jpg (645x729, 57.42K)

>things that never happened: the news article

>Brad sitting comfy while writing his memoirs
>" and this one time we told cnn that Trump through a fit because of the polls"
>" after they ran with it, we laughed so hard that the white house doctors thought we had corona

>to a man who literally is not even there
you're delusional m8, simple as

Attached: God-Bless-America-God-Bless-Trump.jpg (501x671, 42.88K)

>The claim was that there was an immediate shortage.
No it wasn't, don't try and shift the goalposts. You claimed that "there was no shortage" because Cuomo was giving ventilators back. This was easily disproven here When Cuomo said that the situation had stabilized in New York (admissions into ICU had dropped).

You then tried to say that they had an excess, all the way at the start. Yeah, Cuomo even said that they hadn't run out, but were projected to run out very shortly (happened literally a week later).

Eat shit magapede

please explain, how can you multitask breathing and shilling simultaneously? What are you doing on Yas Forums? Give me a bullet not a gun

AnOnYmOus SArces!!

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>and then one day for no reason at all, people voted hitler into power

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>Fire the mental midget Parscale
Wait...the Lonestarfaggot cokehead running Blimpf's campaign has become unreliable? Color me a fucking nigger...a SHOCKED nigger, at that

Shut the fuck up, paco...and fix your water

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Do you think this Tara Reid thing is going to be the excuse the dems need to get rid of Biden? If it happens I am going to be so insanely entertained at the absolute shitshow that would commence trying to find a replacement. When nobody can campaign or build up support.

How could Democrats fuck up so bad that their only hope to beat trump is a 79 something year old man who hasn't been asked if he finger banged a staffer in the 90s because the media is probably afraid he would say he "definitely never fingered Harry Reid, but I remember being the one who...who put the finger on China...uh, I was there when we signed the...what was the question again?"

same attitude Hillary voters had

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U wat.

You seem mad.

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>(((anonymous))) sources

I'm getting sick to death of these agitprop faggots writing fantasy stories and hiding behind the bullshit shield of anonymous sources. It always makes be believe the opposite of the claim they are making.

I thought they were the same thing

>Thank God we saved the West from Hitler

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Hey, those farmers and food people still want those cheap workers coming in to work, right? Put them on the lines of the slaugther houses for awhile and then in body bags when they die and bring in a new batch. Problem solved and everyone is happy

Pardon Flynn NOW

Hmmm...plausible reason why the Boomers get so much hate.

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No shortage

> President Donald Trump was pilloried by the media for questioning whether New York would actually need 30,000 additional ventilators or 40,000 ventilators total as claimed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in late March. New models from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation show that New York already reached its peak projected ventilator usage on April 8, with a projected need of 5,008. The actual use may have been even lower.

>believing polls

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Stop spying on my wife who is Taylor Swift. She is with a based black right now.

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Uh oh. Trump is going to lose. CNN had the scoop that he chewed out Parscale for his free fall in the polls.

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>5 anonymous sources

already looks like he has been on meth for years

That is racist. Fuck you, burn in hell.

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Thanks for self filtering yourself, gibberish file name shill

>eat +/-80 grams of tuna a day
>rest of my protein intake is beans

do you niggers really care that much about red meat?

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>according to five people with knowledge of the conversation
Well, that's good enough for me. After all, Fire and Fury turned out to be 100% fact so this must also be true.


I’m sure John Miller was the source of this CNN SCOOP

>muh Tara Reade

Biden was never gonna be the Demshit nominee...I don't know what the fucking endgame is here, but there's no way Dementia Joe is still being discussed sixty days from now

hahahaha you're gonna die from mercury poisoning bro

>Do you think this Tara Reid thing is going to be the excuse the dems need to get rid of Biden?
No because if it was the MSM would be activly shilling this
His declining health and hunter's prosecution might
wheres hunter anyways, shouldn't he be spilling his financials to the courts

>no you for you

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>being this poor

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>he will claim it was sarcasm by tomorrow
bad take but not drink bleach bad

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>>The claim was that there was an immediate shortage.
> No it wasn't
THAT article was debunking that claim, you ESL tranny.

And they think a good shortage wouldn't be. Absolute brainlets.



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(((anonymity))) the jews must hang for their lies

Reminder that the Romans had a law against this sort of thing.

>sources say

>Hey, those farmers and food people still want those cheap workers coming in to work, right? Put them on the lines of the slaugther houses for awhile and then in body bags when they die and bring in a new batch. Problem solved and everyone is happy

reminder, biden helped his son get $1.5b from china.
biden is basically Xi's personal cockholster.

The 60s was a a hell of a time. People now a days are careful enough to not fuck random people without protection.

I do love her fashion sense.

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No need, he'll get exoneration.

Am I going to jail for watching this forsaken shit?

Lol. Chinese News Network is fake news. Nobody with a brain cares about their opinions. And that's all they are. Opinions.

I can't wait for them to cuck Bernie for the THIRD time LOL

They also literally threw people who violated the law to the lions or crucified them.

KAC still turns me on

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>mailmen, cops, doctors, teens at food stores have to work

Is it me or this just a red herring? Like supermarkets aren’t going to run out of food. It seems like Tyson etc are trying to get free gibs out of the government. Like they’re the scummiest business in America (hold farmers to ransom, import Mexicans illegally to do the jobs). Why would I ever believe what meat producers say?

I mean if you can associate Corona-chan (the largest issue facing the country) with China and Biden with China you either unconsciously or consciously affect the votes for millions.

It depends how compelling an argument Trump can make and he's not exactly the most articulate at times

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>being a cockholster for China
>getting fucking paid
Damn women really are they worst at everything they try.

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>posts as anonymous
the biggest self BTFO i'v seen in a while

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Have you injected your disinfectant today?

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The polls dont lie. This is 1932 election all over again

yes. beef is good stuff.

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>literally dresses as a snake
the memes write themselves
in a just world, probably. luckily this here's hell

lol trump would never say this.

>The polls dont lie.

And that's a good thing!

the largest c02 emitting state by far is texas with 632 million metric tons of co2 produced in a single year
now we know that an acre of corn removes 8 regular tons of co2 out of the air
and the nations corn corp is 91 million acres, so that means at 665 million metric tons of co2 removed the entire state of texas is negated
oh wait none of this shit matters because co2 was a meme the whole time wake up retards the volcanoes belch 24/7 and your car is nothing

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So boomers were whores who fucked like degenerate animals instead of bonding and raising children in a healthy loving manner

Day of the pillow soon

I can and will eat steaks everyday (ribeyes and fillet mignons) rare or medium rare.

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I love her interracial family, so based!

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I wanna fuck her ass and finish in the Pirates mouth. Imagine those black nails.

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that'd be based but i don't think i will
got 30k in savings
i can respect that

>polls don't like
>Clinton has a 98% chance to beat Trump

you's all punks


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>The polls dont lie. This is 1932 election all over again
Maybe even 1933!

>Have you injected your disinfectant today?
Everytime i get ready to die for israel

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why did trump hire this kike?

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Trump is probably beating his meat under the resolute desk at the thought of debating Sleepy Joe. One of his easiest matchups besides Bernie and Bloomberg.

Granny fetish huh? Please keep that to yourself.

you're only supposed to eat tuna like once a month bro, i'd pump the brakes on that shit, maybe switch to salmon instead

>Imagine those black nails.
Hers or his?

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based user, but from my perspective i frankly don't give a fuck if the entire meat industry defaults. i barely eat meat as is and don't care if it's no longer available

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have you ever spitballed ideas during a brainstorming session? rhetorical question.
you course you haven't. now i'll ask you a question.

why did the chinese communists murder these men? why did they cover up the virus in december?

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How do you improve culture?

How do you make it so NPCs start thinking of casual sex as bad, that self sufficiency is good, that one should exercise/have hobbies outside of electronics, that it isn't cool to be violently opposed to learning about things that don't provide immediate personal benefit, etc?

Just seems like culturally nothing is cooler than satisfying carnal desires; having any sort of intellectual curiosity is repulsive; No one actually does anything besides consume and netflix/phone stuff.

But it's just, how do you make it so that stuff IS NOT cool?
How do you make it so that being a person who lives with grace and moral rectitude and is knowledgeable an actively COOL thing?

Would you have to use the educational system? The media? social media? Celebrities and all the usual globohomo puppets (think elene degenerate, jimmy kimmel, john oliver, etc) and just switch out their script to be a constructive message?

I mean, there are no more social institutions anymore. There is no sense of community or shared culture.
So how?
How do you alter society and culture?
If they can alter society and culture to the negative, then surely it can be altered towards the positive right?

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I'm quite fond of serpents.

beans beans the magical fruit
the more you eat the more you toot
the more you toot the better you feel
so eat you beans with every meal

Look here's the deal. I got no friends or no one who wants to listen to me
My mom wants to hear none of it
My doctor just says in your mind

So I get drunk and spill it all out on here and other places sometimes. it's not my fault. I got a lot of hurt, lot of anger, a lot of things that need to be known

>there are people in this thread who deny climate change

That’s not enough brotein for a lad like yourself. Eat big and eat strong red meat, duck, and fatty game if you want to grow up big and strong.


His dad's.

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What would a pence vs sheebon debate look like?

get on the deenz. smaller fish have less contamination.

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I'm not spying on anyone. If anything, I AM THE ONE BEING SPYED ON!!

I heard you have a daughter and a dog. :)

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yeah you fucking would you creepy little shit. the rest of us can see a snake in the grass without an expensive blouse though, it's just funny that she's so naked about it

>the federalist
This does not prove that there was no ventilator shortage, smoothbrain.

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Kellyanne is very pretty!

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no one denies the weather



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This should be the easiest election in US history to win, and Parscale is going to fuck it up. Just fucking remember who to blame.

it's okay m8 we've all been there. don't let the world kill you

>lol trump would never say this.
Yeah, if he would have at least said "Creepy Joe" or "Sleepy Joe" and not just his regular name. You'd think they would change that to at least make it somewhat believable.

>How do you improve culture?
Culture is an adaptive response to the environment. Casual sex is viewed as acceptable because unless you're fucking dudes in the ass or sharing needles you're not going to get AIDS and abortion/contraception is cheap. Social institutions decayed because staying home was easier than constant legal battles against Jewish lawyers for various imagined slights. If you want to change the culture, change the environment.


I’m actually very upset today, I only got to die for Israel twice and haven’t even died once yet in Syria or North Korea. Maybe tomorrow will be better.


What is all this shit over the meat packing plants? Why are they pretending that food is not important why are the workers bitching and moaning so much?

Fuck you glownigger!

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The signs suggest Susan Rice so mostly Pence will just absolutely destroy her ass about Obama's God awful foreign policy blunders.

>you created ISIS, we ended it.

youre a slut

>why did the chinese communists
Jews in the Chinese government: Zero
Jews in the American government: Thousands

WTF I love China now.

the plants are chink owned.

98% chance? i guess its over...

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That's a nice hat but still.. you.. have.. to.. go.. back.

> cuomo claimed he would need 30,000 - 40,000 ventilators
> he didn't

Yeah, it does, you ESL tranny.

Stop treating cuomo as a source.

Try a nice cup of bleach, it will help you die for israel more

It's almost like nobodies heard of a fuckin draft before... you think you cant be conscripted for the good of the nation to help combat an threat to the country, you fuckin clueless, and ignorant to how the world works. Now get me my fuckin meat.

Start actively slut shaming IRL. That includes shaming mansluts and casually stating that you don't date nonvirgins every time you go on a first date. Also, eradicating degeneracy in education (which is where children are instilled with the ideal of casual sex) is a must.

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And there were a bunch of stories about grocery stores hiring extra people to keep up with all the work. There are plenty of people looking for work at the moment. Why aren't the meat packing plants hiring?


My favorite meme of the election was actually the Draft Our Daughters thing. I think that one legit scared the shills because of how brilliant the message was. Shame it didnt go fully mainstream.

If I don't get my beef I'll kill people.
Have you had roo meat? What does it taste like?

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>Do you think this Tara Reid thing is going to be the excuse the dems need to get rid of Biden?
If they decide to replace him, yes. I don't think they will, though. They're gonna bury the Tara Reid thing one way or another.

Sure it does. It states that peak ventilator usage was on April 8, and that NY had enough ventilators for the peak. Cuomo states such as well.
>New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he was comfortable with the number of ventilators in his state during a Monday press conference on the coronavirus pandemic.

>“We don’t need any additional ventilators right now,” Cuomo said to reporters.

>The New York governor spent recent weeks spreading the alarm about ventilator shortages, prompting fears that the federal and the state stockpile of ventilators would not be enough. But Cuomo now says the state government had moved and acquired thousands of ventilators in recent weeks, ending his concerns of a shortage.

There was no point that NY did not have the ventilators that they needed.

I don't but the countries that cause the most pollution are fucking China and India and not us so go complain to them

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>The signs suggest Susan Rice
Isn't she engulfed in all the spying? And isn't her husband larry sommers who straight up made a career out of shipping the USA to china?

KAC is one of the leakers, I’d bet my left nut.

I'm not saying corona is a hoax. But if it were a Chinese hoax, being perpeuated by chinese owned US mayors and governors and congressman to take authoritarian control of the US, and Trump knew about it, his actions make sense.

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The DO IT BIG version.

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Basically by looking at media throughout the various decades, very notably in the 60s things started to become subversive. Not that's the exact starting point, but definitely when it became overtly hostile towards the wisdom of tradition and constructive lifestyles.

And it's just
imagine if instead of the Jews using their monopoly of the media to make society insane. That if instead whites controlled the narrative and for the past 60-70 years had a monolithic goal of improving/reinforcing healthy society.

Just seems like things could have been so much better had whites not lost world war 2.

At this rate we're going to need a double Hitler.

And don't forget, in the Hellish Clown World that is 1945+75, YOU'RE the bad guy if you find anything about this shit questionable or unsettling.

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>already looks like he has been on meth for years
It snorts 'K' from the couch.

>The signs suggest Susan Rice

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They don't want to hire Americans.

trump 2020 MAGA bitches!!!

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>I'm another nigger who will riot if I don't get my oscar meyer
Sure you will, dweeb

>I'll kill if I don't get my beef
Sure you will, asswipe

>KAC is one of the leakers, I’d bet my left nut.
She probably whispers the fake news stories that Trump wants spread into her fat husbands ears as she does aweful degrading things to him in bed

has no fat.
need to watch how you cook it as its shit if overdone.
works well in pies.

remember you might not always get validation, but you exist. they want to take that from you by taking your will to try

That picture would also work with "Pull my finger" as the text.

Shes the least awful pick since Biden went and declared his VP must have a vagina. I think he would have been better off picking like Booker or some other acceptable black guy senator or whoever but he tied his own hands.

who won WW2?

Actually I agree with you. We should try hard to avoid Clintonite hubris during this election cycle. It’ll fuck us; this will be a close election.

my safe space plz

I'm going to start portioning blame to China.

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YOU CANT DRAFT WOMEN, also its seinfelds 66ths birthday

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>How do you make it so NPCs start thinking of casual sex as bad
birth control has effectively taken out the risk of casual sex, combined with the lack of shame due to poor parenting

Jews and shitskins.
Is that not obvious?
It certainly wasn't whites.

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