Why do anglo men marry asian women? I often see British and Irish men mixing with every race of women imaginable
Look at white demographics, the birthrate and fertility rates are continuing to decline, and lusting over non-white females is not gonna help the white race
>Pick a white girl and you get the sloppy seconds of some disgusting nigger, Get an asian girl, you get a virgin housewife
That's a hard one.
Nathaniel Wilson
It is no longer about race but about values. Degenerate, turn your child into a tranny, commie, first world naive, manipulative, anti-human woman are abound in the first world. And freedom loving, traditional, common sense woman are hard to find so you need to grab them anywhere you can.
you sound mad, chang. upset i’m getting more asian pussy than you?
Evan Ross
It's not that they want to. It's the same here. The problem is that the white women reject them. If you go to my grand fathers generation, what they would do is go to the saturday dance where all the young single people from the four closest villages would gather and everybody wanted to find a fiancee. In my parents generation most people met at the job. Today, every woman thinks she can marry a millionaire unless she is hideous and hate herself. If you talk to a girl in a night club and you don't have a $1000 table and give her champaigne she will reject you. If you meet her at the job she will friend zone you no matter how much she likes you. The jew got in the ear of the woman. We shouldn't have taught them to read.
Juan Rogers
I've seen some spawns of such unions.
They are the unholy White Hand of Saruman.
Legit. Hapas from East Asians and Western Euros look like absolute freaks. No wonder they become incel and freak the fuck out. Genetic weird shit in their brains from East Asian chinkery that conflicts with Anglo repressed self-loathing that just catches fire.
Luke Jackson
*niggers, plural. Dogs too.
Brody Phillips
They look like men pretending to be women.
Ayden Morgan
>In reality they will just make r/hapa kids who hate them and experience gold digging the likes you can only imagine. You can tell if a woman is a gold-digger unless you are a complete autist, and like white women are any better in that regard either. Overall, you need to be friends with any woman you want to be with long term for a long amount of time before you get serious if you want a good wife.
William Diaz
Have you seen Anglo women?
Gabriel Cox
>w-white women are just as bad!
Nice "whataboutism" there, champ.
Makes no difference when your gook wife dries up the instant you ring her and acts like an insane tiger mom to your kids.
Worst of all if she buys into the whiteman meme in reverse and thinks she's gonna have white sons, and squeezes out gook after gook that look like the men she doesn't fetishize.
You can shit on women for being slutty but how can you shit on men for trying to fuck as many women as possible, that's what we are. Women are the ones going against their nature by being slutty and rejecting their maternal instinct.
Cameron Collins
I am helping the white race by not reproducing. My shit tier genetics must die with me.
Jayden Brooks
im so bereft of social skills that I wouldnt even know how to talk to a hooker
Tyler King
Cool, inferior retards like you shouldn’t be in the gene pool.
1. Most white women are degenerate whores with shit values 2. Asian women have traditional values and hold on to their youthful looks longer than white women 3. No matter how much Yas Forums whines about declining white birthrates, the chances of them reversing are slim unfortunately. So, if you plan on having kids, the best way to help them succeed in the post-white majority western world is to give them some "minority" blood. Asians are the best choice since they're intelligent and hard working. They're honorary whites 4. Their tits are getting bigger, preparing them for the white man. Pic related
maybe values are a concern to you but I actually fuck women and I can not put my dick into values.
Noah Ross
They're not like cattle, the girls who work beer bars, short time bars and gogo bars are free to go wherever, there's est 25,000 hookers in pattaya not including ladyboys and part-time hookers, they basically run the place and extract every shekel they can from dumb foreigners, the girls move bars like crazy and usually take their friends with them.
James Johnson
Your son will be your nightmare when he turns into a black-lover out of not belonging to either group of you or the mother.
Enjoy creating a consciousness just to have it suffer an identity crisis every waking moment.