My nature as a man can go fuck itself up the ass with a chainsaw if it means that I unconsciously treat women better than men just for having a pussy. It's because men are subservient to their (((nature))) that women, kikes and niggers get off scot free. Fuck being a social animal, fuck being a slave, fuck it all because of the social parasites who benefit from it. Nature is weakness, weakness is evil, therefore nature is evil.
Nature and Biology be damned
Other urls found in this thread:
>it means that I unconsciously treat women better than men just for having a pussy.
This isn't the nature of a man, this is the nature of a beta male.
>My nature as a man can go fuck itself up the ass with a chainsaw if it means that I unconsciously treat women better than men just for having a pussy
Rage all you like,you will most likely keep this shit.To change one's nature is hard
That is nature, stupid animal nigger nature. Monkey see, monkey do, go with the flow. The more divorced and independent from this nature man can become, the better.
>To change one's nature is hard
Challenge accepted.
It's the nature of a beta male, yes, not a real man.
Just because you’re a pussy doesn’t mean nature is, shit man, for real nature is metal asf
You just a bitch
and pic related is a 10/10 in bongland
At least 2 of those are dudes
>real man
What man must become is a kind of UNreal man. Betas who throw their money at thots are the "realest" men because of their subservience to the will of the species. Women who say they want a "real man" are so full of shit that flies swarm around them from the sheer scent alone. They love money and cocks like how men like a pretty (false) face. Neither loves the real human nature of the other. I am disgusted at the hypergamy of women like they'd be disgusted by human weakness/vulnerability in men.
2nd from the right is naturally beautiful.
>Challenge accepted.
Well,good luck user.
I sincerely hope that you will manage to slay the beast and return as hero.
That's exactly what a Jew is anti-logical nature it's in this song "laws of nature fall aside"
Now THAT is uncharted territory.
Keep your eyes open and speak magic words. Really.
You know, chaos presents itself in the lives of those who fail to construct order from out of the holes from which within centred doctrine is found.
>pic related is what bongs think is naturally beautiful
the absolute state of bongs
>muh beasts and muh heroes
I shall not become a hero, but an eldritch abomination beyond the ability of humanity to fathom. All of us here on Yas Forums are already like that in as much as our thoughts are outside of the Overton Window.
That’s second from the left, meme flaggot.
>uncharted territory
That's the point friend. Man must leave the island of his nature or be damned to be imprisoned there for eternity.
How retarded are Jew
why do you bongs have such a fetish for ugly horrid women? thats something I notice with you bongoid men is that you are either massive homosexuals or you are shag ugly women. what causes this?
>Betas who throw their money at thots are the "realest" men because of their subservience to the will of the species.
What they're doing is counter productive to the survival of our species, they're the antithesis of men.
how inbred are you bongoid?
Challenging nature is the purpose of humanity. We spent thousands of years building a civilization, defeated illnesses, created sophisticated machinery and learned to extract energy from the fission of atoms and ended up with you simping for overweight e-whores on the Internet.
This is just a weird place on the timeline.
Some day this, too, shall be defeated. Unless we're overrun by nogs with 70 iq that is.
>(((Richard Lawson)))
>Looks up homo shit to project fantasies
Well done you outed yourself as a faggot
Possibly our immense capacity for sarcasm, who knows?
>inb4 they still don’t get it
Not even, your selfie is disgusting
Lose the Blackpill.
Letting your nature control you is weakness. Weakness is not evil, but nature shows us it is inherently degenerate. (Allowing nature to control you will find yourself permanently returning to nature sooner rather than later.)
Harnessing nature and will is the strength of being a human.
You've woken up to your weakness; the tough part is fending off the learned helplessness/self-destructiveness and reprogramming yourself.
When the angst wears off, and when the depression lets up, you'll realize something similar. Then you'll loop back into angst/depression after realizing the immense challenge laid before you. Eventually, you'll either try to kill yourself or go through many iterations of trial, failure, success, and more failure.
Never stop learning, and try not to let what negatives you see mirrored of you in others bother you too much. You already are in more control of self than most as you are becoming self-aware.
cope harder bongoid
You're only saying this because it's in your nature as a man to let women abuse you.
Now that you know, you can ethically stand up for yourself.
You sure showed us retard, cope
>he still doesn’t get it
It’s okay (presumably) burger, nobody expects you to be intelligent. Nobody expects anything from you except stupidity and obesity. Come now, pray that McDonald’s opens soon. I’m sure it will!
Inside you are two is a simp, the other...well, youre going to meet the other very soon
keep coping inbredoids
>Doesn't see the irony
You went out of your way to search for this to cope for your projection, yawn don't worry we'll steal your no longer existing wife
ok bongoid
>What happens when "British" people transition to Amerimutts
Absolute top quality brain of yours, seethe harder
Sigh, I wonder what you look like irl
>beyond the ability of humanity
This is exactly what a hero is ,fren.
Not a prince from disney movie,but someone capable of overcoming his nature/destiny.