I live in Japan. As of April 30th, we still have no lockdown. Schools and some stores are closed, but otherwise it's still business as usual. Trains are still crowded, shoulder-to-shoulder every morning. The idea of standing six feet apart from every other person is laughable. If western theories about the coronavirus were correct, then half of Tokyo should be dead right now, considering how old everyone is here. Why aren't we all dead?
I live in Japan. As of April 30th, we still have no lockdown. Schools and some stores are closed...
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Fair question.
I don't get it. Nothing really makes sense about all of this.
>If western theories about the coronavirus were correct
They aren't. The threat of China flu was greatly exaggerated. End of story.
They are probably just classifying all the Corona deaths as suicide just like they do with most of their murders
hnggggggg JC express
you such a liar
It's a nothingburger. It kills like less than 1% of people who are 70 years old or more.
you gooks hide stats but its still a nothing burger
now post cute japanese girls faggot
That doesn't explain countries like Mexico, Sweden, and India having no appreciable rise in their death rate.
Imagine getting hired as a footrest for schoolgirls in trains hahah
Maybe the radiation from the two A-bombs made you all immune.
What is she doing?
Lamo Sweden had 10 times as many deaths per capita as Finland
>Why aren't we all dead?
Japs are filthy stinking racists who don't embrace disease carriers, sorry, foreigners.
baiting hanson and smith to give her citizenship, and all the savings
I'm sure Japanese people cleaning their hands and how the businesses there clean before opening and after closing helps.
>don't test for covid19
>brag about how little covid19 you have
economic war dude, they are stopping the product chain cause the world realized they depend so much on the cheap labor of CHINA so now they search for alternatives.
My shitty country enters T-MEC in july2020 and we will supply the cheap labor and cheap food USA and CANADA needs.
Your country is also stopping business with China.
>White people care about being white
>White people go to non white country to mix
>White people are the biggest hypocrites?
I want to submerge my face between her ass cheeks in hope she releases some potent braps.
This. OP is still wearing his weeb sakura tinted glasses
Covid19 is a generic term used to describe the increase of exosomes in the human body. Many conditions increase exosomes, thus, many cases. Japan didn't change their diagnosis like the US did. Therefore, small numbers in Japan, despite widespread exposure.
There is no fucking theory, you're just so low iq you won't be convinced of anything unless both your parents die right in front of you due to it. Fucking moron. My autn and uncle have it and are in the ICU becuase they were passing out. You're fucking stupid.
Covid-19 is killing people in Japan, Japan just doesn't fucking care as much as other countries.
Kll yourself, you stupid English teacher.
Different strains in different countries.
you are not japanese
you are a liar
So what? It's a false equivalency. How many more deaths has Sweden had compared to Sweden's annual number of deaths? The answer is: not many.
luring white gaijin to give her gibsmedats
Western number of corona cases are fake. No Asian countries are that bad.
>It's a false equivalency.
lol how? Makes more sense to compare Sweden to Finland than Sweden to Japan
Left is the delinquent girl, right is the shit girl Middle is the main girl.
Also taking pics of chicks on trains is pretty autistic.
Indeed. Something is not right about Covid19.
But I think is the virus itself, not a "hoax virus".
Don't worry, with it's reproductive N of 2.6 only
61,561,195,802 this many must have been infected, we're all already dead.
>phase length = 5.5d
No they don’t lol
Because nips are lying faggots who are classifying the deaths as pneumonia or other shit.
Hairy pussy is awaiting behind those skirts
No. It makes more sense to compare Sweden to Sweden, dipshit.
What about BCG theory?
great post, redditchang
I can't even imagine being so kiked you trust offical Swedish statics lol
Read your own newspapers. BCG vaccine.
Face masks probably help a lot. Considering on the majority of COVID cases are near-asymptomatic, those masks are stopping a lot of unquarantined carriers from infecting others.
In winter do they wear longer skirts or do they freeze ?
>My autn and uncle have it and are in the ICU
How much do your aunt and uncle weigh compared to the average Japanese?
>If western theories about the coronavirus were correct
They are correct.
>then half of Tokyo should be dead right now, considering how old everyone is here
>Why aren't we all dead?
You aren't all dead because only people infected with COVID-19 have the chance of dying from COVID-19.
Singapore is a laughing stock now. Please accept me into Taiwan.
Man, the doomer shills get really butt hurt, don't they?
Japanese are much more hygienic than western world. It's not some magical virus that gets transmitted just from standing next to someone. Just wearing masks and being clean should be enough most of the time.
Half of Tokyo can't just die from it because virus doesn't kill 50% of infected.
Its very easy for an idiot to claim everything is a conspiracy and provide little to no proof while maintaining an aloof attitude to empriical data proving them wrong.
Most if not all countries have enacted some form of alert/quarantine, the virus is contagios, it's real, it will affect mostly people in large cities. Just because you're a hick in the middle of nowhere, doesn't make it not real moron. It doesn't travel on it's own. Think Chinese tourists and Chinese new year visitors then maybe it will all make sense in your tiny brain.
Sweden did the same. Retards are too eager to assist jews in taking over their governments and economy.
Western nations are dropping like flies. Meanwhile, Asian nations with people packed shoulder to shoulder in trains are barely affected. It's not a bioweapon in development by the Chinese. It's just a coincidence it originated in Wuhan. Westerners are just dirty and disgusting, that's why! Worse sanitation and higher population density than India and Vietnam!