To me, that isn't "self made businessman"

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If you weren't making at least $10,000 per month at age 3, you are clearly doing something wrong.

Poorfags in this thread bragging about making $17000 a month.

Some people are #BornWinners

that make me soick!! fat yankee cowbouy

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No shit Zion Don always had his hand out.

Almost a third of all millionaires were born into it.

nobody gives a fuck what you think

Why does the idea of generational wealth upset leftist retards so much?
Do they unironically prefer that the money be given to random street niggers instead of the children of the wealth holders?

>already a pussy destroyer by 3

Attached: 1466354755976.png (5000x2571, 124.17K)

Trump deserves it for being a blonde hair blue eyed Aryan. We need more like him

No, they prefer that everyone with (number of wealth just below their favorite Jewish aunt) has every dollar taken and evenly redistributed to everyone that isn't a white male based on a sliding oppression scale.

Guilt over their own inherited wealth, so they yell at others over theirs.

To be fair wealth redistributed into Zion Don's hands.

They kill their own children
Of course the idea of giving them money disgusts them


The face of a Germanic Aryan child.

Trump calls himself self-made businessman, but was pocketing $17k per month age 3, that is the whole post, not your rant

All you poor bitches never heard of a trust fund?

Imagine calling yourself a man and not having a family trust.

>Trump isn't perfect.
>Every Democrat is perfect.
It's almost like your post has no foundation.

No, he EARNED it, as it was his birthright.

he went all-in on binkies and legos, dude knows his markets

This isn’t fucking true. Pol is so god damn stupid.

Nigga you just mad because because you can't swag. Start putting in work like a three year old and get it done. Have you ever had a job? Sucking cock for crack doesn't count.

the right really can't meme


You're on a site where a large number of anons unironically believe that the abandonment of aristocracy and divine right monarchy was the start of the downfall of the human race. Your class warfare shit might get you nonstop upboats on your commie plebbit sub but not here.

maybe he was earning that money.
maybe you just don't like how.
i bet you hate onlyfans as well.

Get help. Say this

Attached: il_570xN.1210482478_dc0m.jpg (570x570, 63.83K)

$17,000/month * 12 months = $204,000
$204,000 * (17 years * 12 months per year) = $41,616,000
In 2016, Forbes estimated Trump's net worth at $3.7 billion ($3,700,000,000)
($3,700,000,000 / $41,616,000) * 100% = 8890% increase
Imagine tripping and falling down the stairs and turning $1 into $8,890 on accident

I always flavor my shill threads with sage

at age 3 donald understood money, politics and how to own libs. some people are just born with higher iqs and better parents.

>Source: Dude trust me
I hate Zion Don and I don't believe this shit

This. Monarchy wasn't that bad.

I don't care about him as a person. He's better than the alternatives the lefties are putting up. Now, $5,000 rewards for all tips leading to deportation of illegal aliens. End all immigration.

At least monarchy had the proper theology and geometry, desu.

Okay, Joomer.
Gonna go for a QD in the Ferrari, faggot. :D

Trump's father was a wealthy slum developer. Trump grew up in his older brother's shadow. He was the baby of the family and wasn't expected to amount to anything. His older brother was the heir apparent and was being trained to take over the family business, but realized he didn't want to be slum lord. He wanted to pursue his dream of being an airline pilot, which at the time was a glamorous sought after prestige job, like a doctor. Trump's brother turned his back on his father, and his father punished him for it by using every bit of power and influence he had to insure that he would never become an airline pilot. He started drinking and eventually committed suicide.
Trump was still a little too young to fully understand what was going on, but he grew up jealous of his brother and envious of the special connection he had with his father. So when his brother turned his back on his dad, he saw it as betrayal and sided with his father.
Then Trump became old enough to see how much of a monster his father was. At the same time, his father had taught him so much about how to succeed. And, well, he was his dad, and he still loved his dad. But at the same time, he felt guilty about turning his back on his brother and partially responsible for his death.
Like his brother, Trump turned his back on the family business. Instead he got into high rise development. In this way he could put his father's business acumen to work, and honor him, while at the same time honoring his brother's dream of high flying glamour and success.
He got that loan from his father you fucks wont shut up about. Everything else has been him. Alone. You notice that Trump isn't Trump Inc.? Trump isn't a corporation. There is no Trump corporate board. There are no shareholders. You cannot buy Trump stock. If Trump succeeds it is entirely through his own doing. When Trump fails (as he has, several times, spectacularly) there is no golden parachute for him. He has to claw his way back from $0.