Are there any clubs/activities young and disaffected men can take up...

Are there any clubs/activities young and disaffected men can take up? I am so alone and depressed in this hellscape of modern society that if I can’t be part of something and have a purpose soon I’m going to kms. I think that’s the biggest thing for most young guys. Racial plurality = breakdown of interpersonal trust and ultimately the community. Lots of people have no friends and no sense of brotherly companionship.

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Vidya maybe?

you could burn down 5g towers lol

The most important thing for boys/men is finding responsibility and structure in your ecery day life. Get a schedule going for morning, evening and night if you dont have a job to keep you busy. Get a routine goign to place some sort of structure in your life. Figure out something that is worth going through hell for because everything is hell in this world, you just have to find something that give you meaning and the virtue to deal with said hell. Be it job, hobby, family or a lover.
If you have a house and a garage start working on your car and trying to figure out how everything works together. Try building things in your backyard such ass things with wood. Build a pergola or porch or start with a firepit. Men strive on creation. Also clean more, its very important to your mental stability. Work out to be confident in the body you created. Go out to bars or places and start, START conversations with others. If they dont find you interesting then fuck em, move on to the next group because there is always another group/person. Just try to get out and talk man, life isnt that bad if you keep active. If anything, join the military and rough out a few years.
Maybe try to learn something new everyday or a little bit about something every day. Look up how toos or how things are made. Learn every day about something new.
Also, if youre younger than 25 than understand by 25 your testosterone levels start to decrease which will calm down your brain and your body will slowly start to guide itself towards rules and lists, structure and routine. You stop giving a fuck about what people say more often than you used too.
Idk homie but try not to an hero

Being used in human trafficking by jews.

why don't you try volunteering? It will make you feel good to help others and it will help others. Become a Big Brother or if you have a skill, volunteer to teach it to others. I'm sure there are others who feel just like you, organize a club with one of your interests. Join the local garden club and learn how to plant food. There are hundreds of organizations desperate for volunteers. Go to local shelter and walk the dogs or play with the cats. All of these activities will bring you with other people and then your social group will grow.

>buy an carburetor
>take it apart
>clean the parts
>reassemble it

also to add to this
wash your pp

if you want self esteem, do esteem-able things

What is this nonsense?
I need a girl to be dependent on me and send me nagging texts to feel good. That's called a gf. Now give it.

you arent alone user.


>responsibility and structure in your every day life
helps people become people
any good habit is just a habit lived regularly
join communal projects, do something that creates and builds up
live up to the responsibilities you impose on yourself
this is sound advice independent of gender
men are just a bit more fucked because someone told parents they deserve less resources for a start into society
while due to competition and value
they do need a lot of resources, particularly time to teach skills and proper life styles
as a guy you can't just fuck up your life and set up shop in someone else's

If you do anything other than watch paint dry then you're a degenerate. I am the most trad so therefore I am the most correct. Don't reply to this.

Pick up a musical instrument, I play Celtic tunes on the mandolin

Fishing. I started a few years ago and I'm completely self taught. Most rewarding hobby I have.

>solitary, no annoying people or sounds
>requires putting in time to figure out what works
>spend time in nature, fresh air and sun
>fresh fish

When you hook a fish, absolutely nothing else is going through your head other than landing that sucker.

Hunting. Go alone. Its peaceful and will clear your mind


Get into boxing. It's great because it sucks and the normies hate it and you get to punch people and get punched while getting tons of exercise

Lol why do normies do it if they hate it? Wdym

get Yas Forums and go to an MMA gym
start fucking fighting

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Make some chainmail so you can wear your hobby if shtf.
Butted maille will protect you from slashes but thrusts or stabs may be a problem still.
I use 14g galvanized steel wire.
The dollar stores sell it in the gardening supplies around this time of the year and it's comparable to hardware store stuff.

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There is, but we do not talk about it.
We do not talk about it.

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>Are there any clubs/activities young and disaffected men can take up?
i hear the klan can be fun

Best decision I ever made, sucked at first, got beat up every day for 4 months. Fast forward 2 years later and I'm winning fights by knockout. It's literally the best thing you can do as a man.

what now faggot?

Dumb idea this just makes you more miserable if you didn't already like to fight. You'll get beat up.

Instead, realize in a street fight, self defense doesn't mean shit and a gun is your only friend in that situation.

Proud boys

How do you know?
I had never been in a fight before I started, I'd do anything to avoid a fight.
It's based as fuck, it's a primal fucking satisfaction, you get the best feeling of your life during a fight.

It’s not just a racial thing. Look at how degenerate Iceland is and it’s pure white.
I implore you to seek out God. Pray for discernment, repent from your sins and accept Christ as your saviour. Join a church, serve God and you WILL find purpose and meaning in life.

Guns. I tell people “it’s just a hobby”. Truth is I’m not planning on sticking around when they come for me.