Are E-girls being use by the (((Them))) to weaken white male and make us submissive?
They really aren't being used by them.
They are just the natural by product of the society we let the Jews create.
I want to poki her mane if you catch my drift
You must be a true cuck to get weakened by this.
Nope, men are weak enough to give them attention and money
Yes, every e celeb is a shill
arab girl gets attention from arabs and pajeets, id say only 1% of her viewers are huwhyte males
now kandyland has the most white male viewers
I have the urge to revoke their rights.
Quit dickin around on the internet. Problem solved.
white women are sex slaves now
Every man I have met so far always has submissive fantasy's about women so probably. I don't even watch porn anymore because all the women there are always dominant and look like whores.
yeah because women havent been golddiggers and beggars ever
>Like Michael Reeves
>Suddenly random retards like OP's pic start showing up in his content
>Find out he suddenly moved into a house with a bunch of faggy YouTubers for some reason
E-girls really do ruin everything.
I guess, if you're into that sort of thing. I prefer girls who don't have to resort to selling themselves as sexual products.
What do you know about LilyPichu?
When a pornstar fucks so much black cock, I stop getting a boner from seeing them. I love redheads but I can't get it up to this girl anymore.
looks like a below average thot, who cares?
ewwwww imagine the germs
>neckbeard defending a panface
yellow fever fags look like that though
Of course they are. Anyone under the employ of (((UTA))) is.
Is that Jinnytty?
has poki been raped yet?
indirectly. yes
poki is qt though
You know she like best friend with LilyPichu, so you European who think Lily is ugly are ridiculous.
wtf are you even simping for you faggot? you getting paid for any of this or is this cognitive dissonance after donating thousands to these whores to no effect?
thousands to these whores to no effect.
In the words of Andrew "Virus Master" Cuomo "So what?"
nice mental gymnastics, simp
i'm not even a right winger, but this shit is retarded
>Tired of being alone during quarantine
>find 19 year old with buzzcut on tinder
>pick her up from her dads
>shes been sucking my cock and buying me pizza with trudeau bucks
>brought 2 oz of weed
The less you act like you give a fuck the more they suck and that sucks
>getting off the intrawebs will end the ancient war of subversion
it really wont.
Who? Is she like one of those asian that eat animals and insect for ASMR?
Ironically if women burn all their bridges by being e thots they will have to leave the workforce and finally have to cave to social ostracism to keep them in line
Zoomers would find ways to be weak pieces of shit even without e-girls. They're just that bad of a generation.