Half Of Western European Men Are Bronze Age Royals

>according to a recent study based on genetic research into the Y chromosome of 1,200 men, half of men in Western Europe are the descendants of a single Bronze Age ruler.

>The monarch, who lived around 4,000 years ago, is likely to have been one of the earliest chieftains to take power in the continent.


I wonder where he lived and who he was?

Attached: Bronze-Age-People.jpg (600x431, 65.62K)

my ancestor :)

ay hol' up dawg

So you're saying that we




its obviously me
bros gotta find the rest 11995




>yfw half of white people today are half-Atlantean
feels mer man

He said western european men, not african descendants.

Hol up

Chad as fuck
Could it be that the most intelligent races are descended mostly from nobility?

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That means they all have a legitimate claim to the throne. Give them all swords and throw them in an arena.

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I'm a patrilineal descendent of the King of Britany who fought alongside Charles Martel at Tours.

But so are about 150 000 other people. But where's the surprise? Successful men have big families, and those families have big famlilies.
A big family is the definition of success, and you fail at life when you don't do it. So people alive today are all alive because all their ancestors were successful, so of course they're almost all descended from kings.

So why is hypergamy wrong in modern times if it was so effective in ancient history



Das rite, preach King

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if you are blue eye master race or anyone in your family has blue eyes then you share an ancestor from around 8000 years ago

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I assume it must be referring to R1b-P312, TMRCA of just ~4500 years as of 2020. Not sure why specifically one king, but then again the group is only defined by two additional mutations. These bell Beaker chads pretty much spawned the most relevant people ever, from Romans to Celts and derived people.

Attached: haplogroup-r1b-p312.png (2519x1090, 2.27M)


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If you go back 30 generations, everyone of those people back then that had children who had descendants that are alive today, is your direct ancestor. Atleast every European one. Royalty and peasantry, everyone.

google "hypergamy def" retard


It's more about surviving the plagues than anything else.

*strokes club*
>mene hyuhn̥ gwen
*grunts menacingly*
>teue nog dhughtér hehe
*ruffles beard*
ghab me ék̂wos

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this is another one of those times in history that looks comfy but probably wasn't isn't it?

Maybe the Bronze Age Collapse was the first Incel Uprising.

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Bullshit . Test 1200 people, make broad generalizations about the rest of the population. Kangz, right?

kikes use the term 'junk DNA' to keep people from learning about their history. That kind of information is not hard to find (or activate).

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certainly anybody smart enough to rule 4000 years ago must have been genetically superior

>all these billions of incels who never managed to get their peepee wet

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Can you lot explain this to my retarded arse.

How can 50% of West Europeans descend from a handful of Bronze Age guys?

Did they just fuck everyone's women and kept harems?

Is all this racial stuff just the derivative of a handful of guys who fucked more than others?

>Genetics can't tell us why it happened but we know that a tiny number of elite males were controlling reproduction and dominating the population.
>a tiny number of elite males were controlling reproduction and dominating the population.
Some say it continues to this day.

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There isn’t a king that doesn’t descend from a slave and a slave that doesn’t descend from a king