What's the deal with trannies, pedophiles and animal crossing?
What's the deal with trannies, pedophiles and animal crossing?
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It's popular, everyone likes it.
So they must insert themselves.
Childish game based on removing itself from the harshness of reality
Basically the cornerstone of trannyism
>What's the deal with trannies, pedophiles and animal crossing?
Trannies and pedos are mentally ill retards with underdeveloped brains.
"Antro" culture, namely, animals with human traits and behavior are popular cartoon for children.
You are supposed to eventually grow out of it.
Trannies can't.
It's the non-violent, inoffensive, and nostalgic resurgence of a childhood memory, the perfect vessel for virtue signalling. There's nothing intrinsically malign about it, just tragic that they've latched onto something so distant from their own degeneracy to push it. I prefer Mount & Blade personally, Warband, not Bannerlord. Mostly because my specs are shit, fuck.
Also big female and child playerbase, so the trannies can LARP as women whilst getting some prey side-dishes
IQ levels and child envy
its innocent and benign and incredibly easy. Basically what they wish they were.
Literally everyone is playing Animal Crossing. Trannies and fags are just as loud and insufferable as they normally are.
Child game. Trannies and homos love to intrude on places/things with lots of kids
The fuck is a "MAP"?
>Literally everyone
>even owning a switch
Nintendo is for toddlers
minor attracted person. a pedophile
I just like little anthro characters because they're more interesting that using human characters.
Like I'm making a videogame where you play as dog and cat people piloting mechs to fight (((pig))) people who also have mechs. That doesn't make me a tranny does it?
its a good game
Unrelated to what I said but ok.
I would impregnate Isabelle with several litters of pups.
Also where are the leftoids scrambling to say this is a parody account or a troll?
Unhealthy, commercialised obsession with youth.
>pedos openly admit to being pedos and even try to claim they deserve the right to be a pedo without ending up hanging from a tree
The fucking state of this planet, I thought it was a meme that the next taboo to be forced on everyone would be pedo shit
Stay mad snoyboy.
Trannies like things that are cute because they maintain the illusion that they themselves are also cute.
Any of you guys play SS13? Maps sure are fucking valid, I tell you...
Trannies are mentally ill.
You get to control your own island with no one to tell you what not to do. Your work gets you the stuff you want. It's an ancap's dream, but you softbrains don't get it.
This is true. Isabell is for rip and tearing not trans.
Why would I be mad that Nintendo is for toddlers?
It's a fucking video game, not real life.
depends. are you a pedo?
I'm not a furry but this dog is hella cute.
My little brothers owns a switch and my little sisters loves that shit game, I gave it a chance it was a waste of time, it's a Facebook game
Don't be ashamed of liking furry thots user. There is no fetish more masculine than filling a beast-woman's womb with fertile human seed.
You should be castrated and thrown into solitary confinement if you are call yourself a MAP online. You deserve it for working up the courage to expose yourself like that.
>trannies, pedos
A bit redundant, but it’s not just animal crossing. It’s video games in general now. Actually it’s pretty much internet culture that has been taken over by trannies. They are the Jews of the internet
what the fuck is MAP
and is this shit endorsed by Nofriendo? should sue the tranny.
It means Minor Attracted Person.
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
In the sense that MAPs probably have no control over their attractions, I could see not putting all blame on them for simply being so.
But with a fuckton of asterisks. This is a person who needs to be watched and put in therapy if you feel this way towards children.
Lots of kids play it and they think they can use it as a vehicle for corrupting them and being pedophiles openly.
It also has no actual fail state so they are naturally attracted to it. Imagine being a failure of a person in all regards and then seeing a video game that is impossible to be labeled a failure in.