Is Alabama the most cucked state in the US? Look at their coastline lmao
Is Alabama the most cucked state in the US? Look at their coastline lmao
Florida tried to sell them all its land south of Alabama but they turned it down.
The port of Mobile is no joke. It's geographic perfection.
Florida got robbed. East Florida used to run all the way to New Orleans.
We need to rise up and take our coastline back.
Fuck no. Alabama is the American Amazon. It's the most biodiverse state on the union.
Look at the big red cock. Then remember that cock is filled with mosquitos alligators and opiates. I love my state.
durrr, west florida, coffee time
Wasn't it better to put a picture of the state of Alabama in red ?, fucking mutt of shit.
is this true?
I would have expected california
They've got one of the best ports in the country.
>some of the best research schools in the country
>some of the best college teams in the country
>has a near-monopoly on the country's supply of rocket scientists
>minorities are less uppity than those in neighboring states
seethe more floridaman
No, Mississippi is... look at a coastal zone map by state, Louisiana owns pretty much all of the gulf below Mississippi
all fields
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Yep. California has more biomes but less species overall.
Reminder that Ohio BVLLS took land from m*ch*g*n by FORCE. 600 vs. 1000. The Ohiomensch heroically forced back the onslaught of disgusting, inbred, subhuman monstrosities that wrongfully claimed land in their name. My only regret is that we stopped at the strip. We should have marched on Detroit and burnt the entire place to the ground, killing every last m*ch*g*n dog we came across. I guess niggers managed to do pretty much the same thing, though, it just took longer.
Pic related. All that was left of the mittenbois when we were finished with them.
I was shocked by how white northern Alabama was desu
More like we gave that crap to them. Our borders are the most a e s t h e t i c in the nation
Get your own flag, faggot
By this logic wouldn't that make Georgia the most cucked?
Problem with Alabama is their whole state are the biggest nigger worshippers. The average Alabama man would off their wife to the BAMA football team
Liberals speak like they love nature, but they don't actually have gardens and forests. The diversity would probably destroy it anyways
I like how how some of your states are just squares
what kind of autistic faggot just pegs out a square for his state and says nah fuck all this shit around me I want to live in a square
>Crying footballet found
Cope more tennesseean
Alabama still has a very large klan presence.
Grrrrrrrr I hate liberals too!!!!
No I'm a florida fag, and I don't watch monkey ball
Is this true for all areas or just the more metropolitan like Huntsville and Birmingham? Thinking about checking out Cullman after this covid meme is done
This would've been a comfy state
Wait, Florida owns that little strip of land in the water that blocks the tiny sliver of coastline Alabama has?
But they all watch BAMA
it's not true at all. don't listen to that faggot
>some of the best research schools in the country
lol okay
>some of the best college teams in the country
>has a near-monopoly on the country's supply of rocket scientists
SpaceX hires from Alabama?
>minorities are less uppity than those in neighboring states
SPLC based out of Montgomery, also Selma
That's one thing I really like about Colorado. It's a perfect square. Doesn't upset my autism.
Alabama fags come down to my city all the time. They all love BAMA and have BAMA clothes, bumper stickers and constantly say "Roll Tide." I have never met anyone different from that.
>>some of the best college teams in the country
How many Superb Owl wins does their pro team hav-oh wait
Florida is the chad of states, easily recognizable to anyone in the world and cucking coastlines. We have both alligators and crocs too, kicking the shit out of Australia.
Texas is a close second.
The inlet gives them a few more miles.
Delete this thread, we get enough fucking tourist faggots in Gulf shores already
I live in Alaska and went to the racetrack there. I thought it was a nice place.
New Hampshire has an even more inexplicable excuse for a coastline.
>be from Alabama
>Hate college
>Hate blacks
>Entire culture centers around watching blacks play college football
No the state line more or less follows the perdido to the gulf
Come on down to Alabammy
States i can instantly identify because they have good shapes:
States that are senseless blobs or squares:
Everyone else
Fuck this state in particular:
Congrats you made a bit of Michigan look like all of Ohio
Oh I forgot Michigan, they're pretty unique too
My dads family owns a beach house near Fort Morgan and let me tell you that it is comfy as duck bros
>Doesn't find New York, Maine, Michigan, or Washington recognizable
Literally how
You sound jealous. You should stay far away to never figure out why things are the way they are
This. Independent Greater Florida now.
Having Florida in red gives it a domineering impression. Very subtle.
>barely any coastline
>gets raped by big boy tornadoes every year
>gets raped by big boy hurricanes
>poor as fuck
Alabama is fucked
Alabama may have a small coastline, but I believe it is more valuable than Florida's coastline. To determine the value of a coastline, I shall be using rape, the universal currency. We shall use a simple conversion of rape per mile of coastline to determine the value the coastline in question. I will be using 2018 statistics because 2019 statistics are not available yet.
First, we will establish coastline per state.
Florida has 1350 miles of coastline.
Alabama has 60 miles of coastline.
So Florida has the obvious lead in terms of miles of beach.
Now we compare numbers of forcible rape by state
Florida had 8438 cases of rape in 2018
Alabama had 1996 cases of rape in 2018
Again, Florida takes a solid lead, more than 4 times the rape compared to Alabama.
So our rape-per-mile is easy to calculate. Florida has 6.25 rapes per mile, or just 6 rapes per mile for simplicity's sake. Alabama has an impressive 33.26 rapes per mile, or 33 rapes per mile. I argue that Alabama's coastline is much more valuable considering the higher rape-per-mile compared to Florida.
I said Michigan too, the other states i can identify most on a map but if I saw a pic by themselves I'd be is that.
Here is your other college
For a State of its size, one port is really all you need.
Came here to say this.
To be fair Wyoming and Colorado are the same shape
If that's cucked, then what do you call all the land locked states?
Even further, what would you call a land locked state with no notable bodies of water?
if this isnt a slide then what is?
Ohio isn’t difficult to identify by shape at all, it’s the rectangles that are tough.
kek dont google auburn cheerleaders bro it might actually drive you off the edge
Alabama has Dismalites. They only exist in one other place on earth. Think it’s a canyon in Australia. Pic related.
It's getting cucked by another (far superior) state. What's more pathetic, a single guy or a guy that lets his wife get fucked by a nigger?