So we got the latest sneak air shit from iran to venezuela preparing for another round of shenanigans. Then we get the follow up on BD's claim about dividing up resources to respective parties so that global arrangement of checking the chinese will go as planned, and BD mentioned some former drug runners now going into oil under new arrangement:
Tareck El Aissami was indicted in the United States last month, over allegations he violated sanctions and received payments for facilitating drug shipments. Charges he denies."
Payment to iran from maduro. In return for 'governmental support' aka propping up maduro not even disguised as medical assistance (from iran dying from corona lol). Selling off venezuelan gold in (((bank of england))) so IMF can render 'loan' of 5 billion to iran to 'fight the corona virus'.
Shit's so obvious it's not even funny at this point.
Hope Luxbro and rest are reading, maybe we can get inb4 and BD to drop in and let us know if there is a chinese interference (article, any kind of evidence or intel) to this whole arrangement. Two things covered here: the oil industry and 'former' drug runner going in to oil is inb4sauce style BD user predication word by word coming out in public. "This shit hole is beyond comprehension. God it is wonderful. Never underestimate the power of greed. Maduro is a dead man and the only issues left is dividing up the spoils of this shit fest. The miIitary is being given major concessions in the oil industry. Multiple crime families are taking over Gold mining. The Gold in this place is impressive. Hell let them have fun. Didn`t have the heart to tell them we make the shit. Last night a vote was taken on when and how to take Maduro out. One group wants to drop him out of a helicopter, another wants to drop him in a wood chipper, and my Saudi friends want to feed him to the hounds. I haven`t laughed so much since my Russian friend took a power saw to an Iranian scientist he had an issue with. You know the world is really turning to shit. Everyone has lost their fucking minds and the humor is great." Ok so it was gold they were going for, but what's the story with this one? Front man for post-maduro set up in venezuela by our side (obviously won't confirm but still) or did (((they))) pull a fast one?
"Met a Columbian last night who is getting out of the drug business to get into Gold. Really the planning down here is pretty good. Just focusing a lot of the criminals from drugs to gold and oil. " Pic related is from 2010.
iran wants a piece of the pie of venezuela profits (lol) from selling off its oil to other nations. We crushed the oil market on purpose (easy to do, oil is the most controlled anything commodity) in order to deny iran, maduro, china the needed funding source for their activities. iran is further playing games in south america and interfering there to prop up maduro, probably under chinese orders. Of course, then maduro "pleads" for "virus relief" "The effort signals that Maduro is desperately seeking financial resources around the world as the country’s economy struggles under low oil prices, crippling U.S. sanctions and a paralyzing coronavirus quarantine.
Consulted about the issue, the United Nations Development Programme said it “has been approached recently to explore mechanisms to use existing resources held by the Central Bank of Venezuela in financial institutions outside the country to fund the ongoing efforts to address the ... the COVID-19 pandemic.”
It was not immediately evident how much gold Venezuela was asking the Bank of England to sell. At current market prices, Venezuelan gold on deposit at the Bank of England would be worth around $1.7 billion.
Venezuela’s information ministry and central bank did not respond to requests for comment.
The Bank of England said it does not comment on individual customer relationships. " Not a single fucking wad of money worth its salt will go towards helping actual venezuelans. All the money will be routed to drug cartels, iranian government, and maybe china to help prop up maduro's seat. Part 2/2
Connor Harris
Also notice if you jewgle/internet search any of these (((news))) articles concerning iran and venezuelan situation (maduro), all you will hear is the following:
"US 'ignores' (((humanitarian))) calls" "How US 'imperialism' hurts other countries (read: their puppet governments)" "LIFT 'inhuman' sactions NAO" "ORANGE MAN BAD" "people 'struggling' to 'defend' washington's approach during virus" "Some shit from rouhani: death to america" "muh US imperialism" "Muh bad bad pompeo LYFT SANCTIONZ NAO" One day they were chink flu CCP mouthpiece, now they are iranian/maduro mouth pieces. Nope, not a fucking word about broken arrow (loose nuke) by iranians trying to smuggle that shit into US. Nope, not a word about how deeply involved maduro is with drug cartels and how he knowingly starved people of venezuela and purposefully enriched himself and inner circle during the whole time. Nope, not a word about iranian government's not so secret billions of black ops stash they can open up any time to get a measly $5 billion they 'desperately need to fight the virus'. Because ya know, they are 'broke' from 'inhuman sanctions'. Nope, not a SINGLE FUCKING WORD mentioning the chinks and how this further serves chinese purpose of keeping latin america a conduit for drug runners and collaborating criminal like maduro. NOT. A. WORD.
> muh chinese > everybody involved is either jewish or freemason HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE
Christopher Sanchez
>Nope, not a fucking word about broken arrow (loose nuke) by iranians trying to smuggle that shit into US.
We're not falling for your faggy neocon shit again, Shlomo. You got the Iraq war by manipulating retarded goyim. You botched it. You don't get another try in Iran. The good goy white Boomers who fall for this shit are literally dying out. You shameless vipers.
That's funny because I was the one who posted pic related lol Very proud of my contribution. Also if I post more I will be accused of samefagging posting and somehow I am BD lel We know all your tricks. We know ALL jewish tricks. We know chinks learned well from the globalist jewry. We know iranian government scum are up to shit in latin america and also conduct infiltration/subversion 'iran is based' psyop into nu/pol right/white nationalist circles. We know about (((muh based chinese century))) (((muh based iran))) You both learned well from the jews lol Very gud boiz doing exactly what they taught you to do, so they can institute a covert system of governance and stamp out national sovereignty/individual rights and freedom across the globe. We know your collaboration with US (((media))) and world wide media mechanisms. Game is up. "Iran dissidents say regime should get ‘not even a penny’ of IMF coronavirus aid, backing US stance" "Iranian dissidents are urging the international community not to give Tehran $5 billion in International Monetary Fund aid in response to the coronavirus outbreak, saying it would only serve to fund a “machinery of suppression” in Iran.
“Not even a penny should be given to the regime,” Ali Safavi, who sits on the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said during a webinar for reporters. “$5 billion must be prevented from getting to the regime because the mullahs would use this money ... to basically oil their machinery of suppression within Iran and export of terrorism to the region.”
The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month that the Trump administration is planning on blocking the $5 billion request amid concerns that the anti-American regime still has billion-dollar accounts available to it.
Senior officials told the Journal that the loan would allow Tehran to divert the money to its economy – which has been stunted by sanctions imposed as part of the U.S. maximum pressure campaign – or to finance extremist militant groups in the Middle East. Iranian “officials have a long history of diverting funds allocated for humanitarian goods into their own pockets and to their terrorist proxies,” one of the administration officials told the outlet."
Part 1/2.
Camden Richardson
Every single (((democrat))) including DiFi the chink spy: "“I am disappointed to see reports that your administration intends to block Iran from receiving $5 billion in humanitarian aid from the IMF to combat the coronavirus pandemic,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., wrote in a letter to President Trump. “Providing these funds to Iran would help it respond more effectively to the disease and mitigate the risk of further destabilization in the region.”“It is in our national interest, and in the interest of international security, to help Iran contain this disease,” she said." That's not a suggestion or advice. That is a threat. From chinese CCP, through DiFi.
iranians disagree: "But the NCRI, an umbrella of Iranian resistance groups opposed to the regime, backed the position reportedly held by the administration.“Iran’s wealth is much more than many other countries. Therefore, our country’s persistent problem has been the rule of kings and clerics and not shortages," the NCRI's President-elect Maryam Rajavi said in a speech on Sunday. “This regime itself can afford to pay the wages of workers and salaries of government employees for at least the duration of the lockdown period and provide the people with free equipment and medications needed to fight the coronavirus to enable them to get through this period.”The group also released a report that outlines four agencies under Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei that control tens of billions of dollars in assets — and as much as 60 percent of the country’s wealth. One of those agencies, the Headquarters for Executing the Order of the Imam, controls $95 billion in wealth by itself, the group said.
“The problems facing the Iranian people have nothing to do with lack of resources. Even reports in Iran’s state-controlled media make it clear that if Khamenei were to allocate to coronavirus relief just 10% of the assets he controls, then all...the Iranian people’s urgent needs could be met,” the report concludes.
“The decision not to do so is profoundly political. In choosing between preserving his regime and saving people’s lives, Khamenei has chosen the former,” it says.""
Read this shit carefully. Everyone knows the sepha (IRGC) controls every single business worth a shit beyond a street stall in iran, and whose proceeds and profits go directly to funding most of iran's activities abroad and within. Remember, (((msm))) is blasting off about 'muh stronk china' 'china beat the virus' for how long? Now the headlines about iranian government and maduro is all what, "LYFT SACNTIONZ NAO" money to iran for 'virus relief' -----> same shit soleinami was pulling iraq/lebanon/yemen money to maduro for 'virus relief' and 'oil refinery parts' -------> cartel payoffs, drug funneling channels (aka fentanyl/chinese infiltration into US), and personal enrichment of maduro and cronies. They BOTH HAVE secret funds, as shown above.
How retarded do you think we are? This is literally what you are trying to claim:
>If you think war with Iran is stupid, you're being a Jew
When in reality, it's the Jewish neocons and their good-goy Christian Zionist retard shabbos Boomers who are most in favor of war. Stop lying. That's all you have to do.
Lincoln Young
Funny shit. I do not ever recall calling for (((war))) with iran on iranian soil or its people. Unless you are fucking stupid enough to believe those whore mongering ayatollahs with personal whore houses stashed around tehran is 'iran'. >did a single bullet, single bomb fall on either iran or its civillians and public? >anything on iranian soil? Nope. it's funny how much they claim to hate the jews and israel yet the guy who took down epstein and weinstein never mind conducting strikes on rothschild mansions claim to love jews and heart israel as best ally. Last time I checked, it wasn't china or iran who took down jewish scum and their perversions. Nah they are too busy in LA with their daughters hopping on nigger cocks and they are busy participating in pedophilic events like reza aslan and a bunch of chinks. This world is full of lolz.
Brandon Wood
adding onto this shit here: They just don't want to open up their purse strings from 'non existence conspiracy theory' bank accounts and slush funds because they need it to stay in power. They would rather people die, starve, and become fodders against bad bad murica (hopefully they can cajole people with muh racism or somethin) while not a single fucking bullet or bomb landed in either iran or venezuela. "money for virus relief" = funding the bedrock of keeping these two chinese pawns in power in middle east and latin america. Their goal is self-enrichment and grabbing power/funneling drugs and trying to subsume others under their literal soleimani style control (iraq). iranian/venezulan central bank connected to BiS, same as china. unlike say, syria. (((msm))) full blast "orange man bad" during what they consider perfect chance. When will people wake up?
>When will people wake up? The American people have historically never given two shits about foreign policy so long as the domestic situation was OK. That's why the most important next step is reelecting Trump so that these assholes run out of funding and collapse during term two.
Oliver Powell
Definitely. Trump and US military represents a real threat to the china - iran the two important pieces in the (((globalist))) jewry/'jewry' puzzle. Trump taking effective control of the fed reserve and nominating gold standard fuck the fed members to the board met with YUGE backlash from the compromised congress. iran is a piece to threaten the kikes in israel so the entire middle east goes tits up and they can push 666 gorillion sandniggers and 'based iranians' as infiltrators to the west and probably putin's russia, another real enemy and group of resistance to (((their))) designs. china is meant to be the next world power under agreement so that chinks can play 'wise all knowing middle class' while poos, niggers, and muzzies play pawns of moloch/cheap labor. They do not want a strong white middle class and sovereign nations. That, THAT they see as enemy, a threat.
part 1/2
Dominic Baker
So the kikes are planning an invasion on Venesula & using the Chinks by proxy?
Wyatt Cooper
The issue of jewry here is that there is more then one faction of jews in the world, be they directly involved with globalist families or are one, or they are muh greater israel (read: bait to keep them motivated) zioinist kikes in israel. those like kushner et al for instance want to survive, to keep their modest yet successful way of life and keeping some vile shit off their backs on their way to prosperity. They jew all the time, can't really get rid of that habit/character overnight. So they have a particular role, specific roles. They keep out of limelight as much as possible, do their jobs be it middle eastern affairs and such, and brought into set things on the path in order to right the ship when needed. Other jews, 90-95% of them, outright want the world to burn/be enslaved and they don't give a shit about anything but power. Basically we are in such deep shit it's hard to seperate the wheat from chaff, and frequently we make do with what we got in order to at least reverse course in a way that will succeed so we don't all fall over a cliff. chinese consider jews at this point as being used by them. Dangerous delusion. Others of the like mind who are power mad and have become so because they have been getting away with it for 70 year (iran 40 years) = pawns to the chinese and globalist families seeking destruction of sovereign nation states. Destabilization, wrecking borders, migrant invasions, isis/ms 13 schemes and misery all their doing. pedophile, grooming networks. Entire east asian media enterprize especially the whole 'idol' thing is nothing more then grooming operation and pedophile catalogue. human trafficking and exploitation has a long history in east asia. They will say one thing, do opposite. Proof is in the pudding, actions tell the tale.
venezuela from what inb4 and BD mentioned is already invaded, though by chinese agents trying all sorts of shit including funneling fentanyl into US (hence US navy actions recently) and supporting all anti-US and anti-bolsonaro elements, supporting cartels through drug traffic, etc. A lot of chinese money and origin in drugs shipped into mexico ports and also in south america proper. kikes who are all for the scheme are the same ones surveying patagonia for instance. Ted turner and his land issue there is well known. They key is that they don't want those like bolsonaro, Trump etc to work with local governments or people. They want continued destabilization, push for (((migrant caravans))). Someone has the star of david truck pic somewhere here.
iran is directly involved there. Their reach in latin america was demonstrated through the argentinian bombing thing. They also stabbed that japanese translator of 'satanic verses'. WTF are these subhuman sandniggers doing in latin america? Being pawns for the globalist destabilization plan of course. venezuela has been invaded by maduro and his cartel thugs backed by iranian infiltrators and chinese money/influence. The point is to recover the country from these scum and give it back to the people. gommunism always ends up with starvation and highest body counts you can make out of a situation.
Carson Brooks
Russia is a bad actor here too. The last time Trump tried removing Maduro they parked supersonic nuclear bombers in Venezuela that could have reached DC without refueling.
Eli Hernandez
Yea, the chinks are a HUGE problem because they are literally the bedrock of next 'new era' globalist plan. As long as globalist kikes and elite families who are internationalists have some agreement with corrupt, deceitful chink elite leadership, and the chinese get to fuck with the world that is highly subverted by all kinds of sexual/pornographic and media psyop that distorted their reality, then these fucking scum believe they have won. What iran and maduro does can essentially be considered an extension of chinese/globalist family moves to further the above designs across the world. Destabilization latin america, and discrediting or subverting pro-white Patriotic movements in the west, russia, etc go hand in hand in this goal.
>So the kikes are planning an invasion on Venesula & using the Chinks by proxy? For the sake of propping up maduro and continuaation of chaos and starvation in venezuela and future (((caravan))) soros invasions, yes. Plus fentanyl of course. Which xi has not ceased supporting.
Russia apparently is pretty much in the same spot as US and maybe worse in terms of their 'deep state'. Putin is under a lot of constraints despite his and good part of russian military's best efforts over the years and there are no end of power hungry (((oligarchs))) who worked with clintons and bushes in the 90s to cannibalize post USSR russia and eastern europe. Basically the situation is so bad putin has to play ball including forced moves like one you mentioned.
Looks like Maduro is getting the wood chipper. We voted and in the true spirit of democracy majority rules. This is about a strategic decision to remove a piece of shit and secure oil reserves for a generation. By the way the U.S. has developed a technology that makes the cost of extracting Venezuelan oil about 8 dollars a barrel. Neat shit. This place will be crazy for a while but once the Iranians are gone, a lot are infected with Corona Virus. Am enjoying Barr getting things kicked off. This is going to be epic. This should all be wrapped up soon. Look for the power grid going off line and in the realm of darkness Democracy wins again. Maduro has Corona virus and is a pedophile, so no great loss. Russia and the U.S. are lining up to butt fuck China.
Big if true. If Venezuela gets its shit together all of South America becomes politically stable aside from the Brazilian murder rate. I keep hoping Bolsonaro's refusal to enact quarantine is a backdoor purge of the favelas.
Dominic Diaz
Who the fuck cares about Tacozuela? lol
Andrew Perry
It's been their tactic for several years now. They gave up trying to rehabilitate the jewish image, correctly deeming it impossible. So they shifted gears to try and paint the enemies of jews as tools/agents of jews. It's pathetic and doesn't work because once we get people hip to the JQ, their mechanisms become more apparent with repeated exposure.
Adrian Brown
>Trump and US military represents a real threat to china No, they don't. Not unless they want to go in and start nuking the industrial centers on the southern coast. And nukes are a two-way street. The production capability of China and its top-to-bottom superiority in intelligence over the "new America" population is an unbridgeable gap that just builds on itself year over year with the dusky demographics.
Josiah James
Welcome, BD. I had a moment of inspiration and connecting the dots during a bad day and had to start a thread. Maybe you can tell me if some things are dead on/wrong with piles of TDLR posts I made above. >Russia and the U.S. are lining up to butt fuck China. Will the ass fucking involve killing all the shills pushing tranny/white children pedo shit in china by fucking them to death with 666 GORILLION niggers in a dark hole?
Isaac Brown
>kikes who are all for the scheme are the same ones surveying patagonia for instance. Ted turner and his land issue there is well known.
Absolutely true. Kikes while in military service come to our National parks every year to (((make drawings))) aka cartography. Also one burned an ancient forest. We call it plan Andinia.
Michael King
The events of last 4 years should have proven different about nukes I think. We demonstrated that we are capable of neutralizing/taking down ICBM in flight from not just publicly known anti ballistic missile defense systems, and this means CONUS is essentially invulnerable to this shit unless they infiltrate/subvert it. That plus if you accept BD's shit about space force we essentially hold all the cards.
I know about that. Key is the kikes are kikes, and also there's more then one factor at stake. as virulent as jewry is, there is more then one player on the stage here. Key is to connect it all together, without missing anything. It's not easy to wade through the whole thing and I might have gone off the wrong end somewhere. But simple picture alone won't give us what we need.
Oliver Morales
Cool, another Iran Contra affair.
Mason Bennett
Space force isn't real. It's just nonsense negro America floats to scare its own population and sound stronger than it is. Just like the fake moon landings, space as a concept gets wheeled out whenever the regime is threatened and capitalism is in a crisis. >Key is the kikes are kikes The kikes are the American government. Stop trying to push this nonsense that someone else is more jewish or the innuendo that Trump is anything other than a bag man for the Brady Bond loot crew.
Joseph Foster
>Just like the fake moon landings Almost had it. Almost. By almost I mean nope. Also kinda funny nobody ever levels those charges against chink or (((soviet))) space projects. Murica bad, amiriteguyz
I do tend to sound fucking retarded after reaching out into foreign shit I hoped I never found out about, especially since like many I don't have the privilege of access to nuclear weapons. Also not gonna lie I'm in a pretty bad spot.
Mason Wilson
The Soviets and the Chinese haven't claimed to have gone to the moon. The Soviets claim they sent probes there. I believe the Chinese recently did something similar.