Cases still aren't going down

>Cases still aren't going down

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Nothing ever happens nigger

It's raining nothing burgers and crackheads.

oh god its the flu

>pol asks for happening
>absolutely daily threads begging for a happening
>gets a mini happening aka corona chan
>ooooohhhh noooo I don’t want this happenerino

Checked. Wait until it mutates from the bats in Brazil and then you could despair. There's already a boom in asymptomatic cases in china.

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No, they just call other shit the wuflu. Unless you think chink virus cured influenza, pneumonia, cancer, heart attack, renal failure, and heart failure, your math is trash. Drink bleach like your faggot kike media told you the prez said.

this isnt even a happening, its just a slow rot. its like the worst kind of happening

cue migapedes suddenly becoming paleocons who need everyone to get back to work

It's ok fren. Poc, Jews olds guoneas and shit. Hopefully asians still.
This is how nature addresses overpopulation.
# winning

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it's gone down enough. Get back to work

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I'll get deblasio...AKA Warren Wilhelm after your ass yaron.

It will go down when we have herd immunity or a vaccine. Those are the only two options.
We can hide away for two years waiting for a vaccine and permanently destroy our economy.
Or we can get it over with and let herd immunity take care of the disease. For healthy people younger than 60 the disease has a death rate of less than .5%. Let them get out there and get back to work and we will have herd immunity in less than 2 months. Then its over.

For once Sweden got it right. youve learned the phrase, " herd immunity. "

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It's so virtually nonexistent we can't even fake a pandemic anymore, goyim.
But you sTilL nEeD tO STAY tHe FUCK hOmE and we'll let you good goyim know when it's safe to go out again.
No promises.

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Are we getting another fucking stimulus check or not?

I am enjoying the neet life. I just need one more check to buy a fast as fuck motorcycle

Homeless bruh...3rd d chess bish

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>But you sTilL nEeD tO STAY tHe FUCK hOmE
Nope you goyim are all going back to work

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>mini happening
>meat shortages
>economy collapsing
>general public is fighting against each other


You will have to rob the liqa sto.
It's a lay up with no one around anymore. Just brick and bolt.

It's just spring allergies

>confirming diagnoses of people who were already sick regardless of their symptoms means instant death

literally all of MSM canadian news is talking about opening up

one of our provinces is opening up but theyre basically a flyover state u watch mainstream media.

CBC bitch

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*lyme disease

# of people tested in last week has doubled from 150k to 300k a day but infection count is staying the same?

literally don’t give a fuck anymore. just open up the country and see what happens. I’m gonna go to the mall this weekend and maybe even the beach if there’s space. bring it on

I actually wish it was bigger

>Cases still aren't going down

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and it won't until everyone gets it

This is a habbening. Theres no equivocating about bbn this, and your right. The period preceding this was a crescendo of goons parroting, " nothing ever happens "
Mire broadly this could end mass immigration fir years to come. Urbanization is OVERZ

also why aren’t more homeless people dying from COVID? See the same degenerate fucking pandhandlers everyday

I've already had it twice now.

Me too
I run 4 miles through the city everyday and they have there spots. They always have, it just used to be so crowded I only half noticed....its very human.


It did cure some of those ailments the people who would die of them died of corona, is that surprising to you that a disease kills the weak? You really have no conception of what it is you make noises about.
Here we have adverts in telling us to go to hospital because people are afraid to. Rightly so really, the NHS can’t even keep sepsis under control. My brother in laws mate went in for some thing wrong with his back, caught corona and died.