/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3534

► Detected: 3,219,240 (+1,056) ► Died 228,190 (+164) ► Day: 112 (-23:00:00)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confir23:18 29.04.2020med deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,949 strains have been sequenced —

[YouTube] [LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Counter, World Map, News (embed)
[YouTube] youtube.com/watch?v=wTYLxCUOUGc

WARRING CANNIBAL RATS emerge in US cities as food production crashes from Covid-19 closures

Florida ordered coroners to stop releasing coronavirus death data: report

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

Study claims genetics explain 50% of difference in symptoms

Coronavirus may lurk deep in lungs after patients recover, study suggests

Self-reported symptoms of covid-19 including symptoms most predictive of SARS-CoV-2 infection, are heritable

The long-term persistence of SARS-CoV-2 and its ability to maintain infectivity in aerosols for up to 16 hours

Virus binds to ACE2 like SARS, first route found

Type "A" blood more likely to catch virus than "O"

Several "mild cases" actually suffered permanent lung damage

Virus can go undetected while reproducing more than SARS

Remdesivir does not speed up recovery from COVID-19 compared with placebo

CCP notice to destroy or send them coronavirus sample vials

▶ 4 new cases in China
▶ 5 new cases in Uruguay
▶ 1047 new cases and 163 new deaths in Mexico
▶ 1 new death in Australia


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Other urls found in this thread:


it's over

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coming through!

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Hi. My name is user. I have a problem with fapping.

Are kiwis still a 0 cases?

Fap to me user

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Damn, it was a nothingburger after all

there's the door glow nigger

Hey Sven it's Cthulhu isn't it? Cthulhu is finally waking up to feast?

Roll for humans try to make use of corona for their own self-interest just to mess and make everything worse and fully lose control of everything

Attached: YOUONLYHADTOLISTEN.jpg (251x170, 9.09K)

l hate China so much

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keep telling yourself that

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The curve's already flat. Open up the world already.

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How can I convince boomer parents to buy an oximeter? They don't want to spend anything. Any articles to scare them?

Are you the argentinean under a VPN, or did you just move to the Ukraine?

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Happening in Lebanon.

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already happend user

>its 4 am in Ukraine

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How much does one cost?

youre right the world is flat and the curve was on its way to being flattened across the earth until YouTube started hiding flat earth content

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The south korean death cult has members all over the world

Use your trudeau bux and you buy it.


but what about his 2 months of



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Pretty sure price sky-rocketed with lots people buying

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Based, I hope the noodle niggers get nuked for this.

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Do you think many nurses quit their job during all this? Obviously it would be completely shameful behaviour but it's a shitty dangerous low paid job giving them a miserable existence for months on end.

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Did Justin Trudeau lifted the lockdowns or nah?

>Are we in "Bloodborne" timeline now? (The game i mean)

YAY 1,000,000 RECOV-

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There's some on Amazon for 20 plus 40 express shipping. otherwise, 20 and wait till june

Because I posted a screenshot off the NYC covid site?

Is God striking lightning down what the hell is going on?


It will kill most of people.
Its 100% we have super deadly apocaliptic extinction level event the XXXXL burger with 10 times grilled beeef. Super happening fat ass who demolish nothingburger restaurant and put a giant burger size of the building

Attached: BIGGEST BURGER.jpg (1024x683, 110.12K)

Why are people getting mad over this? These faggots preach social distancing but when a group of people who happen to be Jewish dont do so and get called out suddenly it is racist. Fucking U.S should be 110

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>WARRING CANNIBAL RATS emerge in US cities as food production crashes from Covid-19 closures

"It's just like we've seen in the history of mankind, where people try to take over lands and they come in with militaries and armies and fight to the death, literally, for who's going to conquer that land. And that's what happens with rats," he said. "A new 'army' of rats come in, and whichever army has the strongest rats is going to conquer that area."

What does this means?

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pretending to be retarded is still retarded

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We did it new york! The curve has gone down, first wave is ov-
>spanish flu 2 tier wave inc (pic related)

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We "Coronaborne" timeline now user, i'm waitin the great old ones and other shit i hope i can get something out of this

Is that scuffed molotov at 00:15 ?

ADE confirmation when?


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Just watching this interview and the Chink ambassador keeps saying
>what about America??
>you're listening to America too much!
even pretending China is our friend and taking their word over our allies is disgraceful

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If its over than GTFO

I don't have a credit card. My debit card doesn't work online, and I don't want to buy a gift card. I offered to pay

>convince boomer parents to buy a 15$ item
I reported post for being made by an underage user

Corona-chan causes happy/silent hypoxia. This is happening because the mechanism by which Corona-chan is causing damage to the lungs allows the body expel CO2 but it hinders the bodies ability to absorb O2.
Your body detects a problem with breathing by sensing CO2. With no extra CO2 present your body will happily sit there without panic till your O2 drops to such a level that you die.
The only way to monitor is with an oximeter

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>herd immunity from today's WHO conference

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well , we have UFO´s at the moment, so... fingers crossed?

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People vs army apparently.


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>Release the happenings.

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How likely do you think food lines will be in your town?

I’m in NOLA, so I’d say 100% chance by July.

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Amazon is risky, even with long delays they could do something sinister like (((reroute the order to hospitals))) but yes I would try to buy one somewhere even if you have to pay a little more

women were never supposed to have jobs

imagine going to the hospital for your failing heart and you have fortnite dancing tik tok nurses all around you

men should be the only high payed quality nurses not these fucking bitches

hows normy life

brainwashed new world order citizen who believes in the globe and corona

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It's up to each province individually

Ironically a few days ago, this came out
>top scientists say herd imunity is impossible

So if first wave kills 80k then 2nd wave only kills 40k soooo the normal flu?

you may choose from our 80cent army posters.
>very dedicated
>much loyal to mother bugland

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As long i don't fall in love with woman thjat will get mind raped then turned into slaves to be used by eldritich horrors creatures, i'm tired of only bad endings in my life

well at least one rage quit via suicide

Let the kikes gather, Corona chan will sort them out.

Ukraine bro still on the bakes, is Argie finally taking a long nap?

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virus might have originated in chyyyna

but each country has the option to tailor their response

trump is equally responsible for his 2 months of NOTHINGBURGER JUST A FLU

and boris for his FOR THE HERD LOL

world wont do shit and they know it

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yet our goverment is still continuing "flatten the curve" and reopening more...sigh im fucked

Many want to, many arent in teh job cause they care to begin with

science is made up

herd immunity is a invention they made up so that bill gates can forcibly vaccinate you when your neighbors are complaining about you

so they can establish world government and control

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I agree 100%, China has been fucking the world for a long time. Unfortunately people let it happen so they could take advantage of their dirt cheap manufacturing. Hopefully this event wakes people up so they understand chinks are our enemies and always have been.

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That's a surprise, how is anyone supposed to predict that? There was never any other SARS in our history and coronaviruses are known for being easy to cure and vaccinate for.


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Retard, that tiny peak at the beginning is the first wave, the second wave is the big one in the middle

Why are boomers in such denial? I mean the writing is on the walls.

don't @ me

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>Corona-chan will make lovecraftian aliens real and bring a "Bloodborne" like society into becoming the new normal

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I feel like the depth of the situation first hit me in March, but I didn't become obsessed with it until I came here in April. I feel like I FOMO'd into a fucking pandemic.

these /cvg/ newfags are more fragile than my 8000 nerve end clitoris.

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Just for clarification:

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nurse in the family , mostly angry at upper management and politicians for taking moronic decisions on logistics or budget.
keeps marching on ( and safe thankfully), healthcare is one of those profesional branches were vocation is deeply rooted in those who choose it , not only knowledge or bucks

>It's not like Jews have a history of overreacting

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I'd say so. If it were a normal office job they would quit in an instance. Particularly the younger generation who can't deal with hard times. Trillions of dollars in bailout money getting thrown around. I hope they give a nice bonus to the healthcare workers.

Brace yourselves.

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>coronaviruses are known for being easy to cure and vaccinate for

Thanks for the summary

.It's from China, so probably

Dying soon so wont have to deal with the long term shit fuckery

Their whole life has been lived in a manufactured reality. Now that this reality might disappear they don't want to face the truth so they retreat further into the fantasy.

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