Folks, I've been here since my sophomore year of high school and although I don't regularly post, this is important enough that I feel it needs to be addressed.
I'm an American. I know not all of you are, and I know a lot of you don't like America. But for fuck's sake, nobody wants to live with the fucking Chinese Communist Party as the head of the global hegemon. If you're American and you're here, you probably have become a bit uneasy about the Chinese influencing our society. They sensor our media, they exert influence at our universities. Europeans, you probably feel the same. Everyone else, you're probably getting fucked by predatory Chinese loans.
The scary thing is, most of our compatriots either don't care, are unaware, or are sympathetic to these ratfuckers. I grew up in an upper middle class immigrant household in a small rural town, but I'm about to graduate from an elite school, and I'm going to work on Wall Street. I figured if I couldn't beat them, I'd join them and change them from within. I wanted to become an elite that could actually enact positive change. I was wrong. Wall Street is aware of the problem but doesn't seem bothered to act, for now at least. They're too absorbed in their own luxury goods. Meanwhile, the middle class and working class Americans are getting fucked by the Chinese while our politicians more or less ignore the problem. I'm not divulging any of this to brag, but to reassure you that there are those of us across all classes, races, nationalities, even the most unlikely ones, that recognize this threat.
Folks, this isn't about the virus, its about the fact that China is positioning itself as a global hegemon and intends to bend the rules to work against us and to help it. A government that doesn't even afford its own citizens basic rights won't give a fuck about us.
I will be the first to admit, as an American, that we're not perfect. But the CCP is a threat to any civilized man with self-dignity. I'm pleading with you guys to help me, because I think we can pull this off together.
I have an idea:
We create social disinformation campaigns that pointedly anti-CCP. For example, we could start fearmongering on Reddit about TikTok, go to left-wing subreddits and forums and use COINTELPRO tactics ( to at the very least, turn them anti-CCP and anti-Chinese. Ideally, we remain somewhat decentralized and spread out, but if we create some kind of chat in a discord or whatever, we can coordinate raids. The end-goal here is to create a loose collective that ultimately gets funding and backing of the CIA (yeah, i'm fucking shilling for the CIA but also trying to get their attention). Our generation understands social media, and people here understand how easy it is to manipulate it. So the long term goal is we get the CIA to fund and advise our anti-CCP ops, the short term goal is we get their attention by establishing a track record of some kind.
I hope we can establish a recurring post where we can discuss this kind of material, ideally it will eventually be in a private room so CCP bootlickers can't figure out what's going on and alert the hopelessly fucking leftist idiots on the pages we're going to start raiding. I encourage you all to discuss more below, and if anyone wants to take the initiative to take some concrete steps, I'll be happy to help and do something.
I know this sounds ridiculous guys. I know i'm probably an autist. Hell, I definitely am. But for once, let's fucking fuck up the assholes who deserve it.
Hey memeflag, I've noticed a lot of the establishment FINALLY recognizing China for the threat to Democracy it is, but we can spot a shill when we see one. Let's be clear, I agree with you, the bugs have got to go, but don't try to weaponize /pol. We have to get our own house in order first.
Owen Russell
>The end-goal here is to create a loose collective that ultimately gets funding and backing of the CIA (yeah, i'm fucking shilling for the CIA but also trying to get their attention). Our generation understands social media, and people here understand how easy it is to manipulate it. So the long term goal is we get the CIA to fund and advise our anti-CCP ops, the short term goal is we get their attention by establishing a track record of some kind. just dont post here anymore
Luis Brown
Blake Long
Fuck China
Xavier Myers
Ok this is epic
Colton Rodriguez
There won’t be a house left by then.
Christian Johnson
Use a tactical nuke on Party congress gathering, this is thousands of times stronger justification than with Suleimani
You need to strike the jews (like OP) and their whores first. Then the CCP will have weakened and it can be taken out with domestic help.
Ethan Gray
First you deal with the noxious weeds in your own backyard.
Juan Harris
>We create social disinformation campaigns Lost me there. Truth is the best recipy.
Jonathan Hernandez
First you deal with the dragon eating your troops on top of the ramparts
Kevin Phillips
Hey can you get your hands on some pure LSD I need for some research?
Oliver Davis
That may not have been the best articulation - but you’re right, truth is the best recipe. Regardless, we brigade the subs and we subtly begin telling the truth about the CCP. Spread confusion among the ranks of those who are sympathetic. Make them engage with us, then bombard them a list of the atrocities the CCP has committed. It’s not as slippery as it might seem
Jackson Davis
Then the Jew sneaks over and opens the gates while you're distracted by the little dragon.
Blake Brooks
>le CCP how about we get rid of the chinks who are already here first
Henry Edwards
why should I give a shit maybe the CCP will give me a qt waifu instead of drag queen story hour
Michael King
im just here to say that war is what jews want its their buisness if you didnt catch up you do you, but have that in mind
Jonathan Ortiz
First you deal with the mythical, demonic, foreskin-collecting monster that uses deception to hide in plain sight.
Dominic Robinson
Fpbp by not OP
Seriously you think the CIA isnt in on this OP? the Cia, Fbi, Doj, Nsa, dhs, ALL are in bed with the globalists.
Chase Howard
I'm tired of these Chinese threads.
Zachary Richardson
you're not missing much zoomer
back when I was in high school (late 90's) everyone was a suck up or a faker.
now that their world is crashing down I see sad facebook memorials about their suicides
Ryder Myers
there has been an influx on both anti chink and anti usa threads this just tells you much
Adam Reyes
I actually disagree with you there. The intelligence community has become increasingly hawkish on China. The problem is, our politicians are beholden to them because as Americans, we’ve opted for cheap products so we’ve outsourced much of our manufacturing capabilities and supply chains there, and they don’t want to make the populace pay more for American goods. The people in the intelligence agencies though, I’m inclined to think are no different from average Americans in that they don’t benefit from globalism as much as the elites do.
Jaxon Foster
>nobody wants to live with the fucking Chinese Communist Party as the head of the global hegemon It's not great but it's leagues better than zog. Fuck off.
Lincoln Sanchez
what are we going to do? Kill Mufasa?
Isaac Mitchell
you need an app like the jews have that alerts anons to twitter posts, fb posts, polls, reddit posts, etc. etc. so that dislikes and flagging can be weaponized.
Camden James
Legally the CIA cant propagandize americans. It might be useful if they were so inclined to have an unaffiliated group of likeminded citizens who understood memetics.
It then becomes a question of finance and sanction.
Hank paulson opened china back in the 90’s with i assume the blessing of the powers that be.
The issue i get stuck on is the tak. Propagandizing nobodies on twitter with attrocity propaganda only produces a groundswell so that leadership can take action aka big daddy government.
If government isnt already willing to do this the amount and level of programming necessary would run afoul of more than a few sacred cows.
As for “wall streer knowing” i dont think they do. I dont think theyre smart enough. At least not on the street level. Maybe the higher ups. But look at mittens hes a fucking moron. Pualson didnt look much better in his auto biography of opening china. A bunch of uncultured morons.
Daniel Campbell
Okay that is understandable - obviously this is not set in stone but I’d like to hash this out a bit, so what do you think then? If we don’t want the government to swoop in to fill the role, how do we do it ourselves?
Colton Wright
What about the Fentanyl Ops the cia runs in collaboration with Chinese laboratories?
Eli Phillips
Chinese media and influence isn't as bad as (((their))) media and influence, tired of hearing shitty music and seeing shitty conformist follow along with the oonga boonga rap degeneracy One at a time people
Luke Wilson
I'm down for whatever, trade embargo, total war, or house to house purge fuck China
Joshua Edwards
Dude these conspiracy theories are so fucking stupid. Yes, it happened in the 80s. No, it’s not happening again.