So which is it- History, Social Studies, or Civics? There's nothing sacred about the English language; we steal from everyone and our language evolves constantly. Every year we introduce new words into our vocabulary. In the beginning, we borrowed words from the Indians- "skunk," "hickory," "squash," "raccoon;" from the Dutch- "waffle," "cookie," and "boss;" and from the French- "bureau," "bogus," and "prairie." American colonists sometimes even found themselves with no words to describe their world and so they invented new ones- "bullfrog," "eggplant," "popcorn," "trail," and "backlog." (Rise of the American Nation)
Language is our most basic form of expression and it is the keystone of our 1st Amendment. So, control over the expression of language is of paramount importance. Individual control over language is freedom- external or authoritarian control over words is mental bondage.
I don't know exactly when "History Class" became "Social Studies" but I do know who was responsible. It was those scheming socialists who have an almost psychopathic need to control our educational institutions and our nation's language.
When President Trump was just beginning his career in politics he gave us all a wonderful gift. He took back control of the language and culture from the enemy. He said "I am a nationalist" and this was revolutionary and created quite a stir. Always the enemy seeks to control language. But they don't like the term "Nationalism" because that idea is a unifying force. Their tactic is divide and conquer and so they prefer the term "White Nationalism" because it is a divisive idea and excludes many Americans by definition.
Biden's only +6 right now, I don't think the majority of the country is going to react to Aunt Jemima screeching at them like they think they will.
Lincoln Watson
What does it mean to be white? Are the Irish white? What about the Italians? Light-skinned Hispanics? "White" is a nebulous term at best.
The legacy media's greatest boogeyman is the "White Nationalist Domestic Terrorist." Always this is the stone cold killer that fits the narrative. Whenever a 'mass shooting' occurs this is the scapegoat. Nevermind the mass shootings that occur daily in the Democrat-controlled cities- this type of violence is commonplace and forgiven because it is caused by "poverty" or "oppression," or so they say. The truth is that it's a double standard and an excuse to deny free American citizens their right to bear arms- particularly rifles.
Even the term "rifle" has been hijacked and now it's "long guns" or "assault rifles" or "assault weapons." In this example you can clearly see how important word choice becomes.
There's nothing wrong with being a nationalist- except that Nationalism is the opposite of Globalism.
Nationalism is the simple idea that everyone should work together toward the betterment of their nation. In the United State of America we are a nation of many races and religions. Do you think that the globalists and the Blue State socialists will protect your right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion? These are the people who coined the term "Hate Speech" and canceled Easter! They have no great love for freedom or faith.
Writing and speech are exquisitely creative. The idea of our nation is ours to create. Our words are a creation of our minds. So express yourself- freely, logically, and truthfully. Whatever the form- speech, religion, or assembly- our most fundamental right is Freedom of Thought.
Whats up with the Aussie flags? Can i get a rundown?
Angel Baker
>dying of Corona-chan >go to a hospital for help >see your nurse >she has blue fucking hair >ignores you and posts her dirty asshole on reddit So this... is Western civilization...
Chase Bennett
Social Studies is a container term for the five disciplines
>history >geography >civics >economics >sociology
Unfortunately, by placing all these fields under the same discipline, it has diluted them.
What the h*ck, user. Delete this pic. I can take human gore, but when I see a dog hurt, it's too much for me.
Sebastian Reyes
chinese expat, chances are he's just a butthurt loser who does it for free rather than an actual paid CCP agent
Gavin Kelly
>hope for globalism
Please tell me this was before the pandemic. Covid killed globalism
Eli White
Yeah why doesnt he repost memes from 2016 like totally based facebook migapede groups
Jack Bennett
Nigga, I'm outside right now.
Angry Chinamen that are salty that Trump is going to continue buttfucking China economically for another 4 years.
Adrian Nguyen
how? is this real?
Joseph Stewart
>download muslim time terrorist movie alright the opening effects aren't terrible.... >us special forces turned security guard lead alright so it's a best of the worst schwarzenegger b-movie >rest of the protags are a spic, a wahmen, nigger, and (((ram goldstein))) fucking hell the jews everything
that's the point, by not teaching children anything they're easier to indoctrinate