The clock is ticking. If you're already past 25 years old you're missing the train.
What are you waiting for?
The clock is ticking. If you're already past 25 years old you're missing the train.
What are you waiting for?
I'm 31, have dogshit genes and I'm ugly as shit. No woman wants me.
I'm broke
Me too. I wish I could have a kids and a family though.
It wasn't meant to be. Suicide incoming
>If you're already past 25 years old you're missing the train.
This. I was 30 when my oldest was born, wish we'd started sooner.
I have no woman with whom I could make kids
Im never having kids, that's called natural okay with this, this kind of life has it's pros
poor dutchcuck
I'm sorry, this question was referred towards my fellow white nationalists.
I don't consider losers like you part of my tribe.
I'm 31, I rather get high, play videogames and jerk off all day
some dumber retard can raise more taxpayer cattle for shlomo lmao
there are no girls on the internet
women lose after 35 anyway
Fuck you, redneck.
Trump sired his most genetically fit kid when he was in his 60s, OP.
There's no biological clock for men.
I'm not a woman
When I find a woman worth while to have a child with.
I'm 31 dating a 21 year old, I feel fine. Got a house, hobbies and funtimes.
32 and had my first son this past September. Best thing that ever happened to me. It's a ton of work but I don't really notice because he means so much to me.
I'm 22 and a virgin though I have had multiple women throw themselves at me since I've started hitting the gym. I'm still wondering if I should keep turning them down and wait until marriage or if I should just say fuck it and start fucking whoever I want.
The age which you have children will become irrelevant as medical technology progresses. There's been huge developments recently in both longevity and fertility.
>my fellow white nationalists
I'm not a fucking retard who wants his future son to be a tranny, or future daughter (allah and buddha FORBID) to falsely accuse me of molestation because I didn't let her use up my credit card
There are far too many examples supporting the complete abstination from familyhood / relations with a woman
And he will never see him grow up, he will never be able to keep up with his pace. He won't be able to protect him. No one respects a feeble old man.
I have coomed in many a female mate.
>When will you finally have children?
I dont wanna
Fuck do I want kids for? I'm 24 and i don't ever want them
my first should be born in november
Why would you pass on this nightmare to an innocent baby child? Wtf. Don't act like life is so great
I've spread my seed across 3 continents and 8 countries. I'm bitcoin rich. Get on my level fags.
If we don't pass on our genes that means the jews won.
But you already know that, right rabbi?
Or worry about your own life maybe?
>What are you waiting for?
A woman who isn't complete trash.
Any day now ;-;
what fucking retard faggot dipshit cunt nigger jewish fucking JANNY isnt removing these fucking useless irrelevant threads
when women stop being whores.
>my tribe
Never. Kids are annoying.
Cool, not like you had a choice. Now get off my thread you vermin. Only white nationalist are welcome.
36 w/ 5 huwhite kids. Get on my level.
And to all you "wah why raise kids in this world" your spineless faggots are the reason the world is this way.
Man the fuck up and raise some kids the right way.
Sounds just like my parents talking to me.
You’re full of shit
My dad is 56 years old and had two daughters at 45 & 48 years old
just waiting for the tattoo'd used-up big-boned single-mother of my dreams :)) OMG R U OUT THERE????
Already got a killer boy , a 2nd is growing in my wife .. I only make boys .
mandem is preeing this cutiee. you yutes think i have a chance?
I’m 30 and my brother is 27 I may add he remarried and had the two daughters
You're from Brazil. By all means, don't reproduce. You're doing us all a favour.
no. fuck humans. we need less, not more.
Chad dad right there.
This. When the black plague was devastating Europe, people still had children. Modern men are such cowards.
Very good point here, also checked.
Same boat user. Be the best dad you can, then hand the reigns to your eldest. They will fill your shoes as they can.
And no one respects you, personally, because you're some fucking bitter loser. Has anyone in your eurotrash apartment bloc seen you in the past decade?
As a Charedi Jew, I already have 20, all subsidised at the goyim’s expense.
if youre not white its actually awsome
Yup he’s def fertile as fuck
Idk if he has gotten nipped yet
Pretty sure him and my step mom have an open relationship now that my two sisters are nearing teenager years
I can tell you're a fatass because your kid is, and you're gonna get drunk many a night and punch this kid in the face and call him a pussy, you Canadian Alcoholic Abusive Dad.
Im 21, im too young and too poor
If you're gonna go to jail, go to jail for what you did, not what you didn't do.
>What are you waiting for?
Waiting to give a fuck.
I’ve never been tempted to have a wife and children. Bought my first house and some land this year, turn 25 next year, still 0 desire for wife and kids lmao.
These days starting a family seems to be a way for people with no other hobbies to spend their time. If they want to, that’s fine, I’m just not into it.
Indeed. We do our part.
waiting for women to stop frowning as soon as they see me.
Whatever you say, boomer.
So you get barely 4 years to experience adult life and much of that you're spending trying to find a good woman. Then you're locked in for 20+ years to raise your 2-3 kids in pretty much one town. Fuck that shit man.
Good goy!
Not a chubby 1 1/2 child !! Holy shit , I'm such a bad dad for not making him deadlift with me ... I'll get on it .. meanwhile , don't forget to elect an other nigger... stupid fag . Go coom and play video games .
for boomers to put up already. they use up everyone's patience because their lives are already over, they have no concept of missed opportunities.