Plebbit is why Coal Fax is down.
doesn't matter it's back up under different URL
fuck reddit
and fuck jannies
>cuck tab is empty, you can expand it by adding the guy who runs the site
kek fuck reddit but it got a laugh out of me. Upvote kind stranger!
Didn't know about this, kek. What'd they do? DDOS it?
Upmortys to all the goodly gentlesires who’ve come to the rescue of m’ladys of coal. Doffing my proverbial cap to you
Why didnt they go decentralized in the first place? Plebbitors can't do shit
have a gold kind stranger.
Edit: my dildo ran out of batteries :(
Maximum kek
Why would somebody even be mad at this website? I looked at it yesterday and there were less than 30 people even on it. Like hell its ever gonna be useful.
Bitched to the domain registrar. easyDNS is officially anti-white.
I would browse
Ah, sounds like it's out for good then
Yes OP. Tell me which one of those 18-20 year olds have been with a Black guy.
>a website of white girls who fucked niggers
And died. I love how they conveniently let out the part where they are FUCKING DEAD! Fuck those niggers iq cucks
Based idea, but honestly they should shut it down before they get into any legal trouble.
>best thread on Yas Forums rn
>Yas Forumstards
cowards and scum. Bump
>telling the news
>getting into legal trouble
Journalism is protected under the 1st amendment you fucking europoor
They have a new domain
God I love this place sometimes
Most havent even heard of burning coal before, why would they know about the toll? They think black males aren't violent. There isn't a corelation. Infact they protest that specific point as blacks are in jail far more likely then whites and they don't understand why aside from the racist cops.
Idk user, from another redpilled Yas Forumsack I’d recommend the guy to shut it down before he gets into legal issues
>Getting in trouble cuz people cant take the banter
Wow, even as a kid I knew all that. Imagine never learning that well into adulthood. Sad as fuck
Not a fucking chance kikel
eat shit kike
Name and shame.
Can I make a jewish stalker list?
website looks sus. hosted in russia, cloudfare and google analytics, website trawlers, list goes on. I wouldn't go on there without a vpn at least.
Stay safe anons
realistically speaking what are the chances of OP getting into legal trouble for the site?
It’s legit. You just something kikes don’t like in the Liberal faggot empire and see how long it lasts.
If you upload your pictures to the fucking internet you are either knowingly or unknowingly consenting to other people saving your pictures
this is the best shitpost EVER
what's the new url? can't believe I'm just hearing about this.
the link c oa l f a x dot ru no spaces Is band text sitewide and my last was just band for trying to post it. It is up and running though.
Try harder bitch