Triggers lefties constantly

>Triggers lefties constantly
>We still hate him


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He's a jew

zionist shill, the dude defends israel like no other

99% of lefties don’t even know who this weeb is. You incels are the only ones that care.

I cant stand this ugly faggot

>tRiGgErS lEfTiEs
Let's support Israel to own the libs xD MIGA!

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wrong pic

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How much do you get paid to shill?

He’s honestly a Honarary aryan ...
he believes in the conservative way of life I’m okay with him
Mark levin Ben shapiro Greg guttield

tiny hat tribe. tiny hat tribe bad.

pol hates everyone who sucessfully stands up to leftists

This place hated Jordan Peterson
This place hated Lauren Southern
This place hated PJW
This place hated Thomas Robinson

We don't like right wing figures unless they're dead like Rockwell or plants like Spencer or failures like Little or non-whites like Nick

Today he was kvetching about de blasio rounding up his fellow tribesmen in Jew York City. When it comes to all topics israel and jew related, he really pushes the pedal. Jews are really really annoying in general, combined it with his voice its unbearable.

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>De Blasio tells the kikes: pull that shit again and I'll literally round you all up
>Shapiro screeches

Kikes hide on both sides and they will always be the true enemy. Always.

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This place hates Richard Spencer. What the fuck are you talking about?

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Ben “If She’s 89 Killing Her Is Fine” Shapiro
Ben “Bullets to Every Boomer” Shapiro
Ben “Bullseye That 87 Year Old Guy” Shapiro
Ben “If She’s Silver Kill Her” Shapiro
Ben “Logan’s Run” Shapiro

Waiting for the day he disavows circumcision

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He's an idiot

You must be young then. Anyone older with more experience can see through his game. He speaks fast because orators know fast speech makes you look intelligent and it's harder for people to follow the line of B.S. you're shoving down their throats. He refuses to debate anyone who isn't a college student or younger on the spot and the older people he debates are chosen carefully and is speeches are well prepared in advance and his topic points are carefully researched and planned. He has no loyalty to anyone but himself and his only goal is to become a big money maker on Fox News or any other network that will have him. He looks down on everyone but his own family/culture. He's such a textbook narcissist they should use him as a model for the disorder at universities.

it loved spencer before he got outed as a plant and also his weird sex stuff

Why does he talk so fast and without pause? It's creepy. It's like he's not even thinking about anything he's saying

He's just another part of the kosher sandwich.
Immigration is good for the economy, we need total and unregulated free market, he's a huge neocon. The fact he won't debate spic fuentes on US funding to Israel tells you all you need to know

kike pilled

i can't tell if you are serious
but i hate him because he is a zionist

>declared zionist
something else?

He's controlled opposition that thinks it's "disgusting" to support white people yet supports the jewish ethnostate of israel.

He's literally just a neocon that shills for neo-liberal capitalism and all the jewry that that comes with.

>big money maker on Fox News
Ever since Krauthammer croaked, I don't think Fox is interested anymore in "hiring the handicapped".

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Ben "If you're home is at risk of flooding, sell your house and move" Shapiro

Oh and he doesn't "give a good damn" about the browning of America :^)

The only way he triggers leftists is through idiocy. He talks about facts > feelings but he is almost entirely feelings driven especially in regards to Israel.

According to Epstein and Weinstein rape testimonials they both had severely botched circumcisions. Genital mutilation must be a Mossad tool to control their own for intelligence operations.

People who put Israel first are not conservatives.

we don't need him or Milo or that nigger sheriff Clarke. Kikes, faggots and niggers deserve the rope despite their political views.

I'd kill to plow Susanna

We love our Jews, really we have the best Jews. Best Jews. The smartest and most trustworthy people are our Jews. Best Jews anywhere.

Thats what makes Yas Forums Yas Forums what it is. Nothing is sacred and anything can be criticized.

One thing you burgers can explain to me.
If he is the #1 kike shill on the planet and the kikes want to take your guns away, why has he constantly put up the strongest defence for gun ownership that i have seen?
It aint just some token line either. He has gone against multiple people using different arguments for gun ownership and won most of the time.
This guy should be working for the other side yet he is the gun owners #1 go to guy for defending guns.
>He is a plant for the kike NWO to take our guns
Well this plan is not going how they think it will, if that is the case. The more i hear about this kike plan to to take over the world, the more it makes less sense. It just all seems so convoluted.

the j-left bugmen are triggered by everything so that means little, their strategy revolves around neurotic complaining much like benny boys tribe.

He went full retard on going to war with Iran. We're already crushing them in other ways than pewpewpew which is why they are not only feeble but erratic.

i mean, he's right. old fuckers dying is not the same as young people. i don't know why he needed to bring this up but he is right?

Muslims trigger lefties too

>He's such a textbook narcissist they should use him as a model for the disorder at universities.
