Rutgers Professor says "Fuck Each and Every Trump Supporter"

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non trump supporter says fuck off you shill faggot.

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I cried just a little

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I see Rutgers has a primatology department.

>”skipping over the audience”
>the state of burger education

I'm glad I did it! I'M GLAD I DID IT!!

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Nubian Queen of Diversity

Professor of nigganomics

That creature is a professor?

sore loser

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It's like the trifecta for being a parasite

she may be a bitch, but at least she's articulate

in the Ivy League

That's a professor? I don't fucking think so.

>skipping over
Pretty sure that thing can't skip.

Be sure to enroll your kids in higher education, goy.

Wasn't she planning to run for president in 24?

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fuck u too tubby

Imagine living in a society custom built to suit this woman's ideals. Just imagine that as the future.

Powerful. Brave. Stunning.

and this is at an elite uni, not some community college

At this point going to college in America is like volunteering for a lobotomy

did what?

the fuck does 'skipping over the audience' mean?

how many black angus burgers on the hoof?

I certainly don't want her trying to skip over top of me

Why are 82% of black women obese and the majority have STDs?

Based and bleach pilled

she uh professa dumb ass niggers...

Why does she hate him? He panders to niggers all the time, next to kikes.

>file name

Why does she want to fuck every Trump supporter?

Nigs gon nig.

absolutely did what?

Identity Politics is Cancer. White men have nothing, at all, to be ashamed of. The West is the freer of slaves not some monopoly holder on slavery! Oxford University id older than the Aztec Pyramids. Human sacrifice took place all over North America, not just the Aztecs and Mayans.

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But it's the DNC fault for running Hillary. If they wanted to win WTF did they let her buy the nom?


Stop trying to force this meme. Rutgers is a Turnpike trashcan that nobody has taken seriously in academics in at least 150 years.

bold. its not like i havent heard a similar sentiment every single day for the past 4 years

>Black woman telling others to fuck Trump supporters

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>The entire cycle of demonising Trump supporters starts anew
It's like they refuse to reflect on what fucked them over last time.


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rutgers isn’t ivy league, it’s a state university

This fat nigger is one donut cheeseburger away from getting beetus

that obese nigger will never run a yard in her life

I bet my IQ is at least 3 white standard deviations higher than hers.

Don’t say that they get offended

What the fuck is this shit, exactly who is enslaved in Finland?