Women are being encouraged to go on OnlyFans to make $10,000+ a month

I really don't see society recovering from this.

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The economy can only support so many whores.

she looks mildly retarded

2000 in 3 weeks, that's crap, and it won't be sustained.

What gave it away?

>the whore industry becomes too big to fail
>men start getting bailouts to support the market

Look at those disgusting tattoos. No wonder she has to whore out on the internet. Shes literally an incel who no man would interact with in person

that bitch is ugly as fuck. can't believe someone would pay for any of that.

$2000 in 3 weeks? That's only slightly better than working at McDonalds, especially considering that's pre-taxes

You're actually wrong. There are lots of guys who would wife her up. (not me, of course). The thirst is real.


I mean how much are they making per hour?
I really don't want to jack off to some e-whore, but I got a lot of disposable income and it would be interesting to see how little it costs to get them to degrade themselves.

It's closer to 2500 USD.

Why does this trigger moids so bad. Just make an Only Fans yourself lol

what kind of guys, ones that are equally tatted up?

Come on stop coping. You know she could marry a simp by the end of the week if she wanted to.
Also incel means nobody would want to fuck her and dude if it's just that I would fuck her if she asked.

Keep advertising you faggot.
>built for BBC

All you need is a couple gallons of acid, squirt bottles and willing squirters

you underestimate søy drinking reddit faggots

>those disgusting degenerate tattoos

Fuck she is ugly

Don't feed the animals user

Let's be generous and say she gets $3000 per month. That's only an an annual salary of $36,000, pre-tax, no benefits, no opportunity for career improvement

A lot of these aren't organic donations. They're agencies like Mossad dumping money to further destabilize us socially.

The only way you can make $2000 in 3 weeks at McDonalds is if you are the store manager/district manager/technician. That's over $15/hour at 40 hours a week. And it's even less p/h if you factor in overtime.

Capitalism in action.

It's not degrading, it's empowering.

The absolute state of simps

Onlyfans pay for these articles

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Does onlyfans allow scat? if enough whores flood the site they're gonna be desperate to stand out.

>It's not degrading, it's empowering.
It is odd the lengths of self lying that someone will go through to justify their behavior. When someone can get you to put 15 permanent markers in your ass for $30, who has the power?

This is all staged promotion to accelerate the breakdown of society.

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I used to be a dietary aide and I made $11/hr, although I didn't always get 40 hours a week. Some of my co-workers had 2 jobs though, so they might've made $2000 every 3 weeks.

imagine the sweaty smell

Just wait the coming recession, nobody will have money to buy random stuff in internet.

When times are tough the price of whores goes down and their quality goes up. It's called the inverse law of prostitution

chaturbate, user. You can watch for free and type open bobs bb.

A basic skilled job such as a Phlebotomist (blood taker) would get you 36k a year dollars.

most women just dont have what it takes to grow a page like that.

I legit don't understand the simping mindset

and this is coming from a 29 y/o virgin who's never been on a date or anything

it's just baffling to me to spend any money, let alone thousands of dollars, just to see bob and vagene

the fuck

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I don’t know about you all... but because of Corona this is the first time since college that I’ve felt alive. I have lots of silver and been waiting for something like this to happen for 5 years. The point where things get so bad that 1 silver Roosevelt dime will buy me a blowjob from a formerly well to do housewife and her 18 year old daughter at the same time. I’ve been waiting in the shadows laughing at these cuck husbands who buy their wives range rovers instead of buying silver bullion... knowing that I’ll be face fucking their wives mouths for the 1.30$ it cost me to buy that silver dime.

Just yesterday at Whole Foods I seamlessly entered into conversation about Corona with a roastie milf that had a ring on her finger in the water aisle... and I said this is all a cover for trump to bring us back on a gold standard. She started looking at me in amazement like she wanted me to paint her lips in cum. At the end of the conversation I’m like take my number l have plenty of protection and freeze dried food if you ever need it and she took it from me...


Women are already 51% of the population

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This shit is so demoralizing

it's not as if she's putting in 40 hour weeks though is it

They’re not degrading themselves. You’re paying for coom to their sexual content, the same way you pay for any service. If anyone is degrading himself it’s you for paying money to get a woman to pay attention to you.

Maybe you're a socially inept faggot, but you're still not a beta cuck simp. Really only 10% of men get chicks. Just because guys are touchless losers, doesn't confer cuckdom. It's the new normal status quo.

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never underestimate a pervert. you should know this as a man. i too am perplexed as to why these guys would give these people money


I believe an online thot works close to 30 hours. Private sessions?


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>You're actually wrong. There are lots of guys who would wife her up. (not me, of course). The thirst is real.

Men who marry whores always end up beating the shit out of their wives because they view them as trash. It's impossible not to. The whores often put up with it because most of them were abused as children and are needy and hate themselves. I've never met a single whore who didn't have some sob story about being beaten up by a guy who "loved" them