Dare I say it? Elon Musk is /ourguy/.
Dare I say it? Elon Musk is /ourguy/
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Extremely based. I hope ((they)) don't take him out.
Thank goodness
>our guy
Not mine, I don't want to go back to wage fagging and clown world. Unironically hope Corona-chan decimates this country.
he's definitely one of our guys
Oh no jeff found another person to harass
I hope elon gets a private i on his ads
kek Elon's a nothingburger
Holy shit and his baby mama makes sick beats too
Based musk the german tony stark.
Posted 1:14 am your clock is 7:10 you just wake up looking at social media???
So many angry Jews
if you want something done right, do it yourself cuck, that's the problem with this whole board, waiting for the happening. As if it'll come to you lmao, only thing that's coming is more jewish rule.
Well he makes money off ventilators which require sick people. Also with his businesses closed he's losing money there. It's obvious why he wants everything to open. He doesn't give a shit about people though.
I knew Elon Musk was based when he called out that British sexpat for being a pedo, everyone got mad, and then he doubled down on it.
Only in fucking America is the population so brainwashed that they are begging and protesting to go back to go back to work and get fucked in the arse by their masters, instead of sitting at home doing whatever they want.
>Actually wanting to go back to work for minimum wage so the "elites" can get richer
>I knew Elon Musk was based
Remember when he started wondering aloud who controls the media?
Oh yea.
Of course. We've known this for a long time
>sitting home doing whatever they want
>right, good goyim, sit home and watch Netflix, pornhub, don't step outside, keep your children locked inside so their immune system will be weak enough to fucked them up, sleep the whole day, avoid sunlight and vitamine D production. Go out only when the same doctors who cut penis to children that state being a girl say that. If you wanna go out wear jew mask and avoid any social interaction, even better: report your fellow countryman who are running alone or having a moment of social interaction and human bond to jew police, because remember: gathering is dangerous, interactions with people are dangerous, you don't need them, you have Netflix and pornhub.
I feel cheated as fuck. I'm working by remote and still expected to grind every damn day while people are apparently painting, reading books, and going on hikes and shit.
Holly Shit
Elon just said FUCK on the earnings call, called the stay at home order as Farcists and went full This is 'Murica
Only Kike I trust.
Just giving you guys the heads up, in Kanye's next album he's planning to call (((them))) out
It's still a while til he'll release it though
Forgot link
Maybe your job just sucks. I've made enormous headway on several projects and generally profited greatly this hole plague.
Uh, hello, based department?
A CEO represents and speaks for me more than any politician. Democracy is a failure.
these are the same people who complain about white males being in charge.
hey retard it’s just a flu
Lol I don't give a fuck about the virus. I still go out and do shit like normal, only difference is I get paid the same as if I was working.
These faggots want to go back to work because they have nothing else to fill up all their free time with
I dunno. I kinda want the lockdown to continue and collapse our civilization. That's how much I hate this globo-homo bullshit gay ass faggot fuck country.
Jim was wrong user, it literally is "just the flu". Now, don't get me wrong, because of Jim I have plenty of toilet paper, and masks, and paper towels, and water, and food, etc. I knew the supply chain disruption was going to be real, and I owe a big part of that to Metokur, but bro, brooo, it's just the flu.
>A CEO represents and speaks for me more than any politician.
That's not a surprise because a CEO has to be competent and intelligent.
lol what kind of faggot cares about the opinions of retards on twitter holy shit what a fucking loser
We have known he’s a Jew since the inception of PayPal. He’s been shaving sheckels off of transactions for a while. Albeit, other than that, he’s pretty based.
Who is he and why is he on literally every twitter thread I've ever seen?