Was western medicine a mistake?

Was western medicine a mistake?

Attached: E05C170A-A227-431A-84A6-03F24CF6D447.jpg (750x960, 571.17K)

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No. Women having rights was a mistake.


The Americas were a mistake

I bet that pussy stanks.

yeah stinks real good

did she forget to wipe her shitter?


>blue hair
>fat slob
the absolute STATE



Luckily I saw the uncensored version of this photo so I am already aware thos nurse has a gross roast beef cunt that i do not need to have the displeasure of viewing a second time. Thank you for censoring this nasty Arby’s sandwich, OP.


This. I hate my own country to the bone.

Fat yet she still has a roast beef sandwich cunt. You think some of that fat would have gone to her pussy to help tuck in those beef flaps

Imagine the smell.. yummy


Your country literally sent all the rapists, fags, criminals and degenerates to the US...

It was deliberate

Honestly this

Attached: 1482510747220.jpg (640x480, 96.66K)

Bitch isn’t a doctor! She freaking works at Subway!

Does anyone else do this on their break?
Fucking nasty. And parting her ass like that makes her seem fatter than she likely is.

Plug my respirator into that instead and send me off in peace

Modern democracies were a mistake.

The only pre-requisite to literally dictate the way your country is going to go is basically survive until you are 18... it's fucking stupid.

Only men/women who have a family, are married, own property should be allowed to vote.
Vote HAS to be censitary bc it preserves the Arché

Imagine struggling for breath and this nurse comes up to you and plants her brapper square in your face

Since Op is a fag.


Post the original.

Attached: sniff.webm (700x540, 720.79K)

Fucking fart straight into my respirator


Attached: 1540779963909.png (640x640, 492.2K)

Wh*te w*men are a mistake. Look through all this degen shit, it's a wh*te w*man by a huge majority.

Aaaaa this fellow gets it

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I don't know why I expected anything less from a reddit comment.

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This but unironically


Attached: y82elvmd22u41.jpg (3024x4032, 1.34M)

God yes I want to have her step on me

I saw that too. If any glowniggers are reading this, please just drone strike my house. I'm so tired of sharing space with people lie this.

would hit it but wouldn't tell my friends

heres full pic

Attached: 5wsql6rncqu41.jpg (1851x2609, 394.25K)

Why are slutty nurses such a turn on?


this. giving women freedom is mistake.


>reddit image name
whats her username?

true definition of roastie. xDDD

>those flip roasties hangin low
i thought this shit was just a meme

You meant Burger.

Attached: These whores have lost the fucking plot.webm (724x720, 1.55M)

nurses are all sluts and pill poppers/fentanyl addicts.


Attached: 1553549425956.jpg (563x503, 21.18K)

thanks and enjoy the ban

It is the gross. it should not be.


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Is this supposed to be sexy?


Attached: JiaET.gif (480x270, 1.95M)

Yep, that shit stanks.

Attached: 168768768787.jpg (240x320, 15.24K)


This is a joke right like a meta joke about how ridiculous the tiktok thing is? Because nobody could be that lacking in self awareness?

I want to sniff her so bad lads, I need to sniff it, the holy methane, this is the true grail!

Attached: UFcHVJb.png (994x568, 141.8K)


>Only men/women who have a family, are married, own property should be allowed to vote.
have you looked at current demographics, retard? even with these criteria niggers would dominate elections every time

shes being bad pulling down her drawers and letting all that stank out

Repeal the 19th.


>Because nobody could be that lacking in self awareness?

Attached: Tic-tanic.webm (272x480, 1.68M)


The thing thay bothers menmost about this is that she touched her ass, which touches toiket seats and whatever else, with thise gloves on and then she probably didn't swap out for a fresh pair before touching her next patient. Always make them put on new gloves while you're watching.


ha, labia

Attached: 1563147126769.png (902x735, 30.21K)

So close to the mark, yet you ruined the whole thing with a single word.


stop coming here you will die from our medicine


But by the transitive property you would have touched her ass

>Mutilating your son's cock before he's 1 is A-OK and a legal right
>Having a doctor remove the excess of a roastie's inner lips so that any future husband doesn't have to see this shit, is "genital mutilation"
Don't Sweden yes- me faggot, you know I'm right.

just not in the Arby's mood today