What did you buy with your Trumpbux?

and why wasn't it Japanese steel?

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ammo, seeds, and filters

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And I already have Japanese steel

New tits for my wife

adding to my bitcoin stack. have to wait for my check in the mail

That girl has no tits.

you can check

A lower receiver and parts. All American

What do you do with that long pole kid? Stick it up your ass? I can see you will not me a challenge. I'll dispatch you quickly. Nothing personal kid.

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I unironically bought a naginata. This guy has no idea what he's doing. Where's his fedora for christ's sake?

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True warriors put their funds into cold steel

please please someone tell me they bought a flamethrower!

a new desk chair

Going on a heroin binge, i'll see you bros on the otherside.

I bought three (3) flame throwers

Put all 2900 into savings. Plan on buying a house this summer so the extra cash helped. Not having trouble paying bills since I'm working from home.


None of you faggots made enough to not qualify? I thought this was an intelligent board.

Didn't spend the whole lump. Might not for a long while.

Went out yesterday for some 7.62x54R ammo, a .50 BMG ammo can and a .50 dud round for my desk, a sniper veil, and some .311 174gr SMK bullets for reloading.

Cold Steel "boar spear" or bear spear or whatever they call it, very cheap and effective low tech weapon. Anyway they were dirt cheap like 10 rs ago my girl got me one, like 35 bucks or even cheaper if you just wanted the head.

Not beautiful, it's just stamped out so it's concave on one side but it's good steel you can stab all day with it. Swird-on-a-stick. Poka-poka

Lol I looked on Amazon they want like 80 bucks for these now

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Tanker stonks

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Flight sim planes
Still got about a thousand to choose with

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>1 post by this id
At least sage this shit if you’re going to reply

Fucking cringe.

Many Yas Forums posters had the state unemployment application hang up on them at what looks like the computer level, they are so deplorable and targeted priority individuals.

is this the elf prince in hellboy 2?

I haven't spent any of it yet. I'm sitting on this in case I need it or possibly when I get injured again.

You can set up direct deposit now when you go to check your payment

They are 105 bucks now on cold steel :( I do have a katana from them which is pretty sweet

Swords are cool but I think a gun is a more practical self defense weapon.

I set up direct deposit last week. I checked back yesterday, and they said they were mailing the check anyway.

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I haven't spent it except buying something for my mom's birthday.

Thinking about a CZ Scorpion.

I didn't get any trump bux because I'm not poor.

Wtf. Just practice wrapping. There's prob a better word for it. It's just wrapping thread/rope around things nicely and then glassing it with epoxy.

Then do this with a broomstick and a fucking knife. It's pretty much indestructible. Both the knife and the stick will fail before the wrap.

Not for $1200 you didn't. At least not passable ones.

>fedora meme while buying jap weapons to larp in his garden

Those things seem like they wouldn’t go together yet they weirdly often do

The lies and faggotry run deep user

Most people posting about receiving their neetbux are lying faggots