How do we fix Mexico?

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stop buying drugs

Kill the drug lords

What does a "fixed" Mexico look like?

How can we fix slavshitland??

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Exterminate all the indios, mestizos and castizos and repopulate Mexico exclusively with people of European descent. Anything else is just a half-measure that will result in failure.

Watch El Chapo. There is no fixing what we support.

Go USA!!!

It’s as simple as this but how easy is for everyone to do that? But it really is as simple as that

Or legalize them. No 10000x profit motive would turn them back into farmers and reduce organized crime budgets by +90%

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make Spain do it to fix their fuck up

The Mexican Empire or Porfirio Diaz.

No quarter to anyone affiliated with any cartel. That's the only way any sort of progress can begin - whether it's man, woman, or teen; if you're affiliated with the cartel you'll be killed on the spot. They need total totalitarianism to eradicate that pestilence.

Honestly I think a Mussolini like campaign of extermination against them. Would probably work.

Trips don't lie!

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The gangs would just go and do something else like farming?

Are you sure about that?

I am sure they'd go into counterfitting or fraud or some other rewarding crime.

Thank God we invaded Europe to save the world for Bolshevism and organized crime!

Invasion, ethnic cleansing and colonization.

porfirio was a faggot thief, you should stfu if you don't know shit about Méxican history.

It's how Trump should have made them pay for the wall.

Ah, yes I forgot that all of the PRI presidents weren't also faggot thieves. My bad.

5, 20kt Hydrogen Bombs.

resurrect him

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stop buying weapons

that doesn't solve the underlying problem of mexico not caring about mexico.

No more Mexicans.

>Hurrr lets just legalise hard drugs and let the corner store sell them

>How do we fix Mexico?
give us a second amendment, let us have guns to defend ourselves, quarantine top judges and politicians to get rid of the cartel virus... or outside intervention... no not you usa...

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Everyone dead . We get closer every day

Overthrow their government, or make them a deal they can't refuse. They become a U.S. state and Mexican have to stay there, but they start getting gibs and jobs down there.

>What does a "fixed" Mexico look like?

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Based good royal branch user.

Support the sinaloan cartel against the other ones. Once they have won, give them monopoly over the market. Step two: legalize all drugs and turn the narcos into government officials. Slowly but surely turning these narcos into beaurocrats,

>In need of fixing
Retard detected

You could easily arm yourselves via USA

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its gonna collapse soon
21 states want to declare themselves associated states to the federation not under it
Mexico will need to decentralize or some states might leave

checks out

nukes. several of them.

>You could easily arm yourselves via USA
yeah, when you guys try to give us guns, you accidentally give them to the sinaloa cartel instead.

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Then it's ours for the taking.


>that faggot max

My gov't wants your country to be a wreck for myriad of reasons.

Give back California and Texas

>Drugs aren't already sold on the corner
Imagine being this retarded

In post soviet countries organized crime had the same grip over everything but they all got btfo in 10 years. I bet this shit ain't organic and it is some burger meddling gone wrong gone sexual.

The mafia took Sicily back about 5 minutes after the american and British forces arrived in any fuckin town

Exterminate the Mestizos.

Soviet boys did not sell any drugs you know.

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>implying i wouldn't have them hang with their mothers intestines

Joint military operation followed by complete political purge from top down
Followed by restoring mexicos gun rights

Give it a rest that ship sailed centuries ago.

I got dibs on Baja Sur.


You have dibs on my sweaty nutsack.

yes i know, the word on the street is that the cartels reach your government all the way to the top. its all bullshit, the wall would have been a somewhat good deterrent to the cartels. i fucking hate this shit, we have so much in our lands and the fucking corrupt government would sell it all to enrich themselves. we have fucking politicians buying castles in france, selling our lithium to the chinese and letting them push fentantyl through our cities for adict niggers.

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Says you Vlad, tripping bydlo near club says otherwise back then it wasn't Ahmed shipping it.

What I don't get is why the fuck isn't it made legal for state organizations to sell drugs to addicts?
It would absolutely cripple the Cartels.

Cool. I'll have my taxidermist make it into a stash bag for the cocaine.

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trips of truth

it was always Ahmed shipping it, noone was producing drugs in Russia, at least not on a large scale, it was (and is) mostly imported

i wanna fuck a redhead so much, until my dick falls off, why cant i have a redhead gf sadpepeface

I have a better idea, why not put all the addicts in a labor camp. Any objections pertaining to human rights goes in to the trash.

Shut up faggot, you weren't being sarcastic. Lying faggot. Didn't read the rest of your post.

>nice get.
>make mexico spain
maybe if spain still were a franco state, but they're pozzed as fuck at the moment.

Would pound with my BWC.

Just sniff your glue and be happy.

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