now you can watch the full massacre in HD lol
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>killed white people in 2018
that's fucked. we're already panda-level endangered.
I don't see it
Forgot what k/d was, 60/1?
Liberal brainwashing btfo
>violence against White People
Killed 10 people by the bomb
And 10 people by shotgun.
He was also a confirmed Communist. Why is our ideology so dangerous comrades?
Nah 20/1 still better than mine
>communist is a school shooter
>communist idolizing a school shooter autist
Typical slav phenotype
got more kills than his idol lol.
this guys up there on my shooter tier list, probably second place just under the columbiners
Lool at his gay little run away less than a minute before the bomb blew, he had to get the security lady to let him out
How did the metal detector not go off?
What was his motivation? I didn't hear about this guy
He had a legal turkroach 12 gauge, where the fuck did he get the explosives?
BigSlims is dead in russia, no new information anymore. Just anons making edits, and minecraft maps.
Post full footage uncensored pls.
All the shit Russia posted that he was bullied, and hated the teachers in school was BS. Teachers told everyone he was the best student. That others should take a example of him.
No body knows the reason to this day. he took it to his grave.
smol beepee :DDDDD
No dick
seriously though, something needs to be done about the dangerous side of our ideology, the mass shootings really are racking up and I am starting to question the narrative we have been fed, starting to feel a little brainwashed DESU comrades, anyone else started to question whether this ideology will ever successfully be implemented?
Kino shot and lighting mod
Did u post this on 2ch
>Confirmed communist
IT was never confirmed. His only political leanings were to the Party Putin is in.
Do you know where we could find the autopsy for Betts?
Made them.
Killing people is a necessary step in order to prevent slackers and inferior people from benefiting from resource egalitarianism.
left most of his ammo behind.
How? Where did he get explosive materials?
You sound like a homo.
He took what He needed I suppose.
Maybe planned on going back for more?
He made them. By mixing Chemicals and shit.
It isn't hard to make them from household ingredients or by dismantling ammo
it's not hard to find explosive recipes
Okay mister Spooky.
imagine the smell
I'd be fucking ashamed if I was murdered by birdshot
he was a cute shota I would dick him
>our ideology
Go fuck yourself, glownigger. This is a website of peace.
Nah he miss calculated it a little, didnt have much time to grab everything. he went running to the bathroom. were he hid his shotgun. and ammo.
After the bomb exploded, he starting shooting from the bathroom window. and then went into corridors.
probably do a freedom of information act.
There is mega link in the youtube comments.
Ahh, Wasn't sure if it was left in the bathroom or somewhere else.
Anders Breivik killed 77 bolsheviks.
his home
spics live in better houses in LA
Thats how comminism works retard.
I'd rather not, just wanted to see how quickly he went down and if the ZOGbots kept shooting him after
Seeing as how Russian army guys beat and rape each other, He just snapped.
Me too.