Thoughts on Foucault and his work?
Michel Foucault
you are bold to assume Yas Forums knows him
Pedo and gay
Complained and offered no solutions
He’s the modern man desu
Wish someone had killed that AIDS spreading faggot before he spread his mind virus into the world before he got AIDS.
No escape for anyone from the Panopticon.
What's your critique of him?
You underestimate Yas Forums
Nothing but a post modernist hack. It's far left thinking like his that has undermined and primed the French people for replacement and the current, degenerate, state of affairs.
Apparently he was also a fetishist
His ideas did some damage. I spoke to a french user who blamed him and Derrida for much of the ideological baggage in France.
Changed the focus of the left from being about improving wage for the working class to sexual degeneracy.
That's why his ideas were promoted. It's cheaper to give gays rights than to pay workers a bit more.
Godfather of the postmodernist bullshit you see today. Everything in his mind was a power structure and he based his philosophy on this assumption.
Of course, the reason he had this view was because he was a massive faggot who regularly engaged in heavy gay BDSM. This retarded homo is behind everything wrong with 21st century academic thought.
Gaston Bachelard is based
The part where he was born upper middle class career academic then magically became a marxist, or do you mean the part where he died alone of AIDs?
He is right on prisons and mental hospitals
He had AIDS
He spread AIDS
He spread bullshit socialist philosophy.
He should’ve died before being able to spread either.
If I could name one thing that is destroying Western society more than anything else, it's the postmodernist mindset that believes there's literally no objective truth except that everything is about fucking power games. Fuck Foucault.
He was actually promoted by the CIA, believe it or not.
Had to read a lot of him in grad school, was extremely damaging to my psyche at the time. When I found out way later that he frequented gay bath houses in San Francisco and died of AIDS, it was a revelation. He was a smart man, but he's nearly venerated as a god by academia.
What specific idea do you disagree with?
He's right on prisons, wrong on mental hospitals the mentally insane do in fact exist.
His social theory on power behaving diffusely and coterminously for a fairer society was good I.e getting rid of class but he was about 200years behind the USA and 400 years AHEAD of Britain.
Pompopous pretentious "thinker" that found a way to live a good livelihood by pumping pretentious shit.
And the aforamentioned statement is true for all "intellectuals" from the past 5 centuries, they didn't give you those ideas because of the necessity to express themselves, they vomited that shit because they wanted a swiming pool and fuck Stacy.
Yas Forumspot, pic related, was a tyrant, and a commie, but he had a good idea when he started killing all "intellectuals" of the country.
intellectuals is a broad term under Yas Forumspot A person that writes bullshit for living: is an intellectual, a person that wear glasses is an intellectual, a person that can't climb a tree is an itellectual.
How many hipsters, lefty pseudointellectuals, and boy positive shit would we have under Yas Forumspot?
Screencap this, and enjoy this little Basilisk I found
He's ok. He's no Magneto, that's for damn sure.
You know what PoMo rhymes with?
That's all you need to know about Foucault
Guys like Foucault and Derrida were right at the front of Baby Boomer cultural relativism in the last 20th century that ruined the left. It was the structuralists and post-structuralists who started with the whole "that's just your way of looking at it," "you're just a product of your historical circumstances," "criminals and psychos are just misunderstood by society" and "since you're a white male with power it's impossible to be racist against you."
Post modernism is at least better than modernism. Post modernism is the stepping stone to objectivism. Only by accepting that no order exists can you start creating the order you want
Are you morons really going to start using Pol fucking Pot as a model of governance to follow? Cambodia is the biggest shithole in the entire region, only better than Laos.
What next - praising Mao's cultural revolution?
If you're going to do authoritarianism, go Pinochet, not Pol Pot ffs
He should've deconstructed the AIDS in his bloodstream if he was so smart.
>gay commie jew
What disturbed you about him?
Unironically thinks every single thing in the universe boils down to relations of power somehow.
I got a lot out of reading discipline and punish along with madness and civilization. I believe he gets a lot of things right about power, social control and how it influences the way people think and behave.
The order was things was also really good, it was so fucking esoteric though I struggled through it, but what I did understand was useful for interpreting the historical basis of political ideologies. Never bothered to read his other stuff on sexuality.
Not sure why most people get so butthurt when you bring him up. Lefty types have obviously never read him because he shits on marxism and there's no way you can come away from his books thinking he would support an authoritarian communist state. At least he had some ideas that he communicated in a fairly clear manner, unlike fuckers like Baudrillard or Deleuze.
He actually did try to. He believed aids didn't exist and society was just trying to use power against gay people. Lol.
Discipline and Punish is pretty good
I wouldn't apply him outside of his area of competence which is French History/philosophy
You can write, I see. Pol Pot executed people because they could write. He executed people just because they wore glasses. You'd be fucked under comrade Pol. Been to highschool? Then you're a dangerous intellectual and you would die.
Funny degenerate, sometimes right, sometimes wrong, but he gloriously btfo Chomsky in that dutch debate.
Long long ago when actual debates were televised .
Luterally gay, far from being concise or exploring anything in a understandable way, but he was right about you nu-humans going transcendentally beyond full retard when you are part of big institutions. It's a similar effect you imbeciles have with cults, religions, political parties, ideologies...
This faggot was totally gay for him. That should be enough to tell you what kind of piece of shit Foucault was.
You know Foucault was funded by the CIA, right?
>>Are you morons really going to start using Pol fucking Pot as a model of governance to follow?
>>Cambodia is the biggest shithole in the entire region, only better than Laos.
What is the obesity rate in Cambodia? How many pink haired trisexual furries are there?
Sometimes the garden of even needs to be trimmed.
>>Buh he would execute you as well
I really don't care about the idea.
This site is too retarded to realize that when the revolution comes, all the people here would be getting lynched, not the other way around
Chomsky believes post-modernism and Foucault is bullshit. He thinks it's just something the powerful use to gain power.
Lo and behold, it turns out Foucault was funded by the CIA, lol.
Lefty pedophile and a homosexual.
I know people whose lives were ruined by this man's ideas. Assuming every rule and standard exists only to maintain some hidden power structure is a dangerous proposition. It will take your vices off their leash, and set you on a course of self-destruction. Fuck this man.