Why haven't you taken the Prison Pill Yas Forums?

>fight with your own race against other lesser races
>faggotory not tolerated. Often results in death
>get sick prison tats that show pride in your race.
>natty gains from lifting all day
>still get omega 3s by eating macks.
>macks are worth something unlike dollars.
>Macks are better than deenz.
>find your roots and pay respect to Odin while stomping muslims.
>when you get out you have brothers Muslims.

Seriously why haven't you taken the prison pill?

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Because i dont want to shove cellphones and marijuana up my asshole.

Is prison the last place thats trad?

>shill missed watson posting a few months ago

fpbp and checked

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all of that is bullshit

because im not a nigger. prison shouldnt even exist we should just execute all criminals. i wish we had the IRA in america

>faggotory not tolerated. Often results in death
Bullshit. There is so much consensual gay sex in prison that rape is actually kind of rare.

Wes is a stupid christcuck that makes the same motivational video every day. He knows nothing about jews and prowhite politics

We already live on a prison planet.

hey, is this "holier-than-thy" you? xD

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Based and Jonespilled.

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yes i am better than niggers in prison by 1000x at least

Da fuk is a mack nigger?

Did 2 years. The only real plus is you can dedicate literally all of your time to learning and lifting weights. Is that worth not getting pussy or being able to just be a lone when you want to? HELL NAH.

I did 2 on a 10 year bit and I never let myself get used to it, like a lot of people do. The second place I went to was surrounded by trees and shit and you could even see the river from a distance and trust me its torture. The food usually stinks. Sure you can get deenz, other fish, and even protein powder on commisary but its expensive as fuck so unless you got your people putting money on your books or puttin in work good fuckin luck.

Its not as violent as it looks in the movies but when shit does pop off it pops off BAD. And if you think youll be fighting people of other races think again, the people you will be fighting are people of your own race checkin you. Cross racial shit only happens during riots.

>faggotory not tolerated. Often results in death

hahaha bro. You know what a popular prison saying is? Its only gay if your short timin. Prison is gay as fuck.


hahahaha the prison wallet

Wes, is that you? I love your videos. Watch em every day

except for those wrongly convicted thats why most arent all in with that sentiment

I dont think theres any prison in cali with trees and river near by lol.

Prison forces you to live a high time preference lifestyle, while your enemies can have a lower time preference outside. You can't save your wealth inefficiently or build a pro-white family when you're busy having muh racewar on the rec yard over ramen noodle packets and smokes.

Read Hans Herman Hoppe

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pelican bay is in the woods on the coast up north.

if our society was only honest white people that wouldnt be a problem

mackrel. You can get fish that come in little pouches on comissary.


thats max tho I think they are on 23hr lock down and get an hour in a little cage.

heres a tip for anyone who goes to prison. Get a job in the kitchen ASAP. If you are lifting weights youll be able to meet a lot of your macros just in the kitchen. The pay is some sweatshop pay but youll get hella protein.

They got minimum security inmates who do ground keeping and fight fires.

I hate this website so fucking much

Because I’m a trap whore who will be blacked five mins in and no gang will want me except for a hole

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nice the min security place I was at the last 6 months of my sentence had a fire crew too but I didnt have enough time to get on it.

traps flourish in prison lol.


I’ve heard that I’ve also heard of gang rapes so vicious on traps that they have to stitch your ass back together

Fire crew would be what I would want to do if I ended up in prison. Sure it might be hard work but it's time spent outside in the woods.


>looking up to failed criminals who statistically have lower IQ
It's almost as if people who think that way are retarded...

Took it a long time ago, dummy. God, this site is so fucking "13-year old, rural edgelord".

not all whites are honest?? or ami missin sumthin ?

i specifically said "honest white people". the dishonest ones are niggers and need to be purged

set straight. boom!!. shit skin in so cal... role the dice on the honest white folk on the jury.

Yas Forums isn't ready for the Watsonpill because Yas Forums is meant to disenchant white people.