Why hasn’t Yas Forums taken the Mormonpill yet?

Why hasn’t Yas Forums taken the Mormonpill yet?

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I'm lutheran, had a gf that was mormon. Post her nudes here a few weeks ago

Joseph Smith was an amazing man

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Because I don't want my daughters to be raped by old men and stuck as a "sister-wife".

Then dont be Jewish

There are no other options other than mormon or jewish?

I'm waiting for the Mormon-Amish war of 2150.

I like weed, booze, and caffeine. Otherwise, would total go for it, just for the multiple wives and keeping 1-2 years of chow stockpiled.

>is fought with muskets

One wife is enough

im mormon and that pic always creeps me out

Looking at it, Mormons grow by conversion, the Amish (the Green) are having 6-7 children per family.

No DLC in my religion thanks

I'm not a thirdworlder wanting help getting a visa nor am I retarded nor am I a crook.
There's just about no other reason to join that thing.

ah yeah i remember

Because I already pay enough in taxes and don't want to give an additional 10% to a church. Also, the golden plates story is a bunch of bullshit.

Mormons are the most heretical of Christian religions, even if they’re a comfy and appealing sect with cool fan fiction and propaganda. If you want a religion with a Mormon feel without the heresy, the closest thing to that would be Islam.

1) magic golden tablets that nobody saw
2) repeat number 1
3) repeat number 2

I could invent a crazy-ass cult based on fake golden tablets and an imaginary planet far, far away, with magic underwear, I just have no desire to do so. Shit, the talking hog invented a cult based on being MAD and REVENNNNNNNNNGE against.....anyone the pig chooses to hate at any given second. This shit isn't hard.

Yankees with a weird judaizing heresy. I will never forgive the meadow mountain massacre.


Joined for a while to try and snag a blonde girl. Got weird vibes and started paying attention and asking questions.

Turns out its freemasonry disguised as Christianity. The temple stuff is nothing like christianity. Look up The Godmakers and watch it. Also they are working with the bankers and big tech and are very pro immigration.

They are bad news. Do not trust them. Most don’t know anything about the bible or Jesus. They are masons and maybe luciferian. I left before the temple ceremony cos i was scared for my soul.

Too many rules. Also the shaming(not always even for breaking any rules, just for being different) gets annoying. It's a free country

The Amish are supposedly pacifists.

the only mormon ive ever known personally was my ex coworker who was a LITERAL cuckold and harassed me to have sex with his wife so many times that i ended up quitting my job to get away from him. absolute freak subhuman religion

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She had ugly tits ngl but based

Because their birthrates are beginning to decrease and they only really grow by converting spics and niggers.

The Amish in that same gif are far better, they are actually growing via births alone and have one of the highest birthrates on the planet.

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post them again?

Mormons are all fucking weird.

10% tithe
Bluepilled on race
Mandatory underwear
Low IQ

Take the Judaism pill...it's at least high IQ

because Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is the Creator of All Things. He is Eternal God of Eternal God. The wise do not confound the persons or divide the essence of The Godhead.

are most mormons of good intentions is it just the top leaders that are this way?

Because it's owned by deep state niggers too now. See CIA operation mockingbird.

You sound like the bad one here user.

I was baptized in April of 2019, unironically one of the best decisions of my life. Good social support, men help each other out, women are not permitted to hold office in the church, non-whites are separated. The women are young and pleasant to look at, old maids that don't want to get married are shunned. I like this church.

My original complaint with LDS was their open support of Israel, but that is due to prophecy concerning the return of Jesus, otherwise they don't tolerate kikery.

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I live in Southern Idaho and it is full of Mormons. They are good people but their religion is retarded.

Most are normal. Some are obviously fake. The top are corrupt and probably kidfuckers.

The best way I could describe it is they act like jews but they also treat each other the way jews treat outsiders. And their leaders are weak cucks who just talk but never have any spine. It’s like grade school bullshit even as adults and they are two faced and act like women. 1 in 4 of them are genuinely good though and don’t seem to see the bad stuff or they ignore it.

The Godhead has risen kek

Literally the only thing more cringe than being Catholic is being Mormon. What is with you people? lmao

I know a Mormon he has more virtue then all the so called Christians has committed to getting married after college frequently speaks out against degeneracy. Vs fake Christians who still have sex on the regular with whores or women themselves being whores that are pro gay marriage . I wish more Christians would stop taking the bible as spirituality and more as a way of living life.

fuck mormons and fuck you