Brit/Pol/ - Comments call for riots?

'As of the 27th April, The Government now has the power to force medication on you and much more.'
'How Bill Gates along with the (WHO) have gained control of the UK government and medical regulators.'
'Claims that antigens called Anti-HCG, CTP and Anti-GNRH which cause infertility in both men and women are included in the Covid-19 vaccine.'

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Other urls found in this thread:

This country is fucked

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2021 census will be final death blow of this nation, a nation living in the fastest peace time collpase in history (1-2% drop per annum, 3+% in some youth cohorts).

This nation will be South Africa tier by 2030, Brazilification would be a blessing in comparison to the hell than awaits the English people. They have two election cycles before the only option is high fertility closed ethnic communities and weathering the incoming Bantu-Pak storm.

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vaccines aren't cures, they are preventative
Why would you give a vaccine to someone that already has something?

Does that make sense to anyone? Am i misunderstanding vaccines?

God I hate this shit.
We need to start making self sufficient trad enclaves bros. It's the only solution until the majority of whites wake up.

I hope the civil war comes soon


Imagine how much worse our most colourful and diverse cities will be

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Unironically yes

Ngl, thought Bradford was way worse. When I went there I could only see pakis though

Hi Bongs

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Let's all get together and secede in the former territories of the Kingdom of Wessex and call it New Wessex. Capital in Winchester. Anglo-Saxons only.

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everyone will be ID chipped by then, just a numbered tax unit. i read something years ago about some rich powerful guy letting slip that this was the plan all along. a chip in everyone and ultimate control. thought it was nonsense. fucking hell we are here

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people are calling for it in the comments. You need to speak this information far and wide. People are trrying to get London Real to cover it. This has basically gone completely reported on.

Last thread The end of the English is inevitable. You only have to look at Jamaica to see this. Jamaicans aren't just Sub Saharan Africans, they race mixed with the Caribbean tribes. Unfortunately those Caribbean tribes suffered massive loses due to diseases brought over from Europe and soon disappeared with their DNA remnants in modern day Jamaicans. If anything, you could say the Jamaicans have followed a similar path to what the English did fifteen hundred years ago and now after five hundred years, Jamaica is a nation with it's own culture and ethnic group. In five hundred years, England as a nation will be no more with the real descendants living in one of it's ex colonies. Makes you wonder if the Anglo's in five hundred years time will have their version of Zionism.

There's no need to worry about the disappearance of our people, it's not as if the Anglo features will disappear, it's just that the generations going forward will be something new. Nathalie Emmanuel is what I would call first generation Afglo.

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Bradford is full of a lot of really great neo-gothic buildings, too bad most of them are either burnt out husks or have been converted to nog accommodation.

Incidentally the neo-gothic style was a response to the disgust at the trend of ugly glass and metal buildings that were shitting up London's skyline during the early-mid victorian era.
Bit ironic that one of the most iconic buildings of that movement is Tower Bridge, right next to the ugly glass and metal shitshow that is the merchant banker district.

How thats saying go?
"Those that don't learn from history are doomed to let jews repeat it"?

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whens the census taken and whens it made public in 2021?

curious to see if they dont take the rench route going forward of removing demographic stats

There's some cringey LARPy movement for an independent Mercia. Fuck knows why the people than run it think it would even work when the central part of the region is full of Pakis.

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lmao didn't we all

fuck shitchester, too many posh paki-loving cunts

Imagine the apparatus of the state.
>Hello 999? Yes my compond, I mean, home, is being stormed I need help I...
>Sorry no nat*ve
>B-but diversity, I vote labour I..
>Ok ok we'll send someone over *winks*

>I don't understand why all the buses are late why are the trainlines down entirely?
>Where is my parcels, where is the stocked food in Asda?
>Now Quentin settle down, here take this whistle to school it will alert the teachers when the ghouls...I mean those boys attack again *curses herself for using nationalist terms*
>*Cuts to Quentin blowing whistle while brown ghouls beat him up while the brown teachers ignore him*

This is the future the liberal chose.

Attached: Imagine State Apparatus in 20 Years.jpg (736x863, 354.19K)

I noticed that when I went to Bradford, the buildings even to the houses were fantastic, also pretty. What was blackpilling was seeing the pakis in them, urgh it makes me so mad.
Metal buildings as a whole are just nasty and lazy.

Jamaica is a tiny, colonial country both in terms of population and geography and has existed for about three to four-hundred years (being generous there). Britain is a huge country with an unfathomable global reach. Total false equivalence to compare the two and you've simplified things way too much, you are talking bollocks.

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General results from the 2011 census were released in 2012, then they gradually release the finer details later on.

Wtf was Godwinson's video all about? I thought his Kraught thing was just a meme like Jahans but now I'm thinking he's turning into a lefty.

What's the story?

It is worse, that map based off the last census ten years ago.
Bear in mind that Bradford is the dark area in the bottom right, the whole thing is the bradford district - which as you can see is mostly white once you get out of bradford proper, but it's all sparsely populated countryside.

I used to work in schools in Bradford, most of them didn't have a single white kid in any of their years.

wtf is this cringe

>What's the story?
Woes is a sexpest

>Five hundred years

Try 50, tops.

Btw nice advanced level demoralisation posting there.

Theyre gonna sterilize us. Nothing in that vaccine prevents corona there are too many strains

Winchester is peak aristocratic Ango-Saxon. It's ground zero for the eternal anglo.

nobody chose it because nobody was given a choice

why are you so scared of black men? is it because they’re more masculine than you and more sexually attractive to white women

>I used to work in schools in Bradford, most of them didn't have a single white kid in any of their years.
What was that like witnessing that? There’s a school in Liverpool which was known as a brilliant school and now they’ve literally just put all the blacks from toxteth there.

Heard some zoomer lad the other day pronounce 'sperg' (as in sperg out) 'spurj'

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that's not me

u larping

Come up North too. We have York, we have Northumberland, we have casual racism. We can reform Northumbria and add slices of Scotland back to England like in ye olde goode olde days.

stop this shaun

look at u both distanicing yourselves from the cringe
its ok

They could have voted NF or BNP. They didn't. The vast majority of the native population still refuse to vote for nationalists. They get given the choice to either survive or perish Evey 5 years and they choose to perish every time.

World population is already set to crumble 10x in the next 50-100 years through social change alone. Hardly anyone wants kids, most cannot afford them and more and more evidence like this is pointing towards slow sterilization of people. The entire world is going to continue collapsing by design. I very much see western civilisation as a sinking ship at this point. It's beyond saving but with these sort of authoritarian moves being enacted, it's looking less likely that escaping the madness will become very difficult. This article shows what's coming.

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bro i've been talking to 3 different trannies this month but in the words of jme "nah thats not me"