Mark Collett has banned Millennial Woes from attending any more of his events...

Mark Collett has banned Millennial Woes from attending any more of his events. Mark says he's in contact with a woman that Woes supposedly victimized but has provided no proof. I don't know who to believe or what is going on, can anyone clarify this with evidence or additional info?

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Go to 8:39 for Mark discussing Millennial Woes and banning him:

Why is this movement filled with such division and bullshit

probably because most people in it are mentally unstable and/or addicted to some substance

probably woes tried to get laid like we all do but upset some slag who made up some shit about it like femoids do

Part of it is fabricated by the enemy (especially here because of anonymous posts), there is some enemy infiltration and drama-starting in real life too (it's a classic fed tactic) but not as much because in person is much harder than anonymously.

But there is also some genuine conflict, as there always is in any group because of human nature. The problem is that I trust both Mark Collett and Millennial Woes and they both seem to have good judgement so in this case I have no idea who to believe. I'm deeply confused.

here"s an adolf

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Why though, why are there so many mentally ill morons calling the shots and ruining it for everybody else? It's like every month someone's sheckels run out and they have to do a charity drive. Heimbach's bullshit, Anglin vs Enoch, Spencer vs Fuentes, I mean what kind of white unity is this that they're preaching?

thanks that clears things up completely

>mentally ill morons
How long have you been on this site? There's people on here screaming that the virus isn't real, that 5G is killing, that "qanon" is real and telling the truth.

This place is filled with fucking freaks who are completely detached from reality, no where else accepts them.

Stand on principle and worry less about personalities. People aren't perfect but our purpose is just.

>why are there so many mentally ill morons calling the shots
Think about the kind of people naturally drawn to such positions. Who would want to lead a fringe political movement and try to make it more mainstream? I can see several traits:

1. People with risk taking personalities. This can either be good or bad, but to lead a highly controversial political movement carries huge risk.

2. People who are extremely confident in themselves (possibly narcissistic). This is a problem for all political movements and parties, not just on the right.

3. People who are "strange" for lack of a better word. They don't have normal lives and ambitions. If they did, they would be living those normal lives and not interested in leading a fringe political movement. Again this is neither good or bad necessarily but "normal" people don't naturally gravitate towards leadership of controversial movements.

There are more traits, just some off the top of my head. Basically I think that the leadership of these movements attracts selfless, highly motivated heros and also narcissistic scum. It's a paradoxical mix of both. Not sure how it could be otherwise.

Of course, but wasn't the whole argument around e-celebs that the right will finally have an optical and presentable voice to the public? If both the leaders and the followers are balls to the walls then who's left?
Our purpose is just, but no one else can see it if whoever steps foot outside of Yas Forums gets laughed back in by both anons and normies. The Golden one is the one guy I think has no closet skeletons so far, why is it like so many people have a deadly achilles heel?

Woe's apparently sexually assaulted a woman he met at a PA conference

Or maybe it's someone who is just ultra tribal which leads him to accept the risks associated with the adoption of such abnormal positions.

The cat farted and he is trying to blame it on me
What do you mean internet autists start to fight over whos most autistic to be some imaginary lord of internet autists?

why never ever have I seen that on the internet before


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based incel woes, fuck feminist chad collett

>Or maybe it's someone who is just ultra tribal which leads him to accept the risks associated with the adoption of such abnormal positions

Yes that does fit in the profile I was coming up with. Like I said, I think you get two very different kind of people drawn to these leadership positions: brave heros, and attention whoring narcissists.

I genuinely thought Woes was gay.

Is he not? I thought he basically admitted it

Woes had a gay phase when he was 17 years of age. He has an STD and was spreading it around when sleeping with women.

All I can say is I'm damned sick of it. Damned sick of the whole ball of wax these days. I've been thinking I'll just check back in a couple of years.

Thanks Greekbro, I thought I was going crazy for a minute.

believe Woe,man

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anyone have the screen shots from Twitter DMs?


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>Why is this movement filled with such division and bullshit
Yeah, well said. It couldn't possibly be from millions of paid shills pretending to be supporters.

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You don’t understand how bad things are. Normally the levels of problems are rather hidden from most people uninvolved and you mostly now about your personal life with it’s contacts. But in certain communities, if you are plugged into them to a bigger and bigger degree you see more and more. This stuff happens in normal society and if you know politics this is always where the personal stuff is able to reach the biggest audience. Many here don’t realize, how everything lays in shambles, since this is the only community they are really plugged into. The problems are ridiculously small compared to other circles of politics.

They attacked and made "punch a Nazi" a mainstream meme for a reason. To limit RL meetups and basically "Hammer and Dance" the spread of ...people finding out that the West is actually a very honorable and beautiful civilization that the world desperately needs to defend if they don't want to be enslaved.

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I don't know, your pic unreadable to me
JF is referencing it on his show now

MW have always been so disgusting. Fat obese slob that have been saying he's trying to quit soda for years. How fucking hard is it to stop drinking sugarwater? He can't stop smoking either. He have been saying for years that he should start going to the gym but never does.

The guy have some serious depression or something.

Also, the followers tend to paranoid and zealous to the point where leaders can only establish their bonafides by socially self-destructing, which attracts mostly lunatics.

Pics of the woman? Was it worth it?