21 years old

>21 years old
>frequents a girl who after one year of relationship ended in a psychiatric hospital (she has no parents and she constantly thinks of committing suicide or changing sex through an operation)
>I accompany her in this complicated phase, I constantly visit her in this hospital 3 days by weeks.
>Constantly gives me red flags telling me that she doesn't want to work, that she could return to this hospital frequently during her life
>I accept this challenge because I love her, I appreciate her company and the intensity of this relationship
>She ends up cheating on me with a man in this hospital during this confinement phase(corona virus), I feel shabby and I feel like my life has no meaning anymore, I gave so much energy in this romantic relationship.

>It reminds me that I had managed to date her precisely because she was coming out of a previous romantic relationship, I understand that the circle is complete.

Attached: EAkZYt7WkAAha6r.jpg (970x2048, 251.99K)

Saged for copypasta and shitty b-teir bait.

>intentionally dating a literal nutcase
are you retarded? perhaps they should institutionalize you too

Why do guys insist on dating? And even more, why do guys insist on dating the most garbage women possible? And what's even MORE, why do guys provide unconditional love for garbage women who don't reciprocate?

>we are just friends
>if we dated I would cheat on you
>gets cheated on
Oh nooooooooooo how could this happen to me!!!!????

>Why do guys insist on dating?
Arranged marriages aren't that popular in the west these days, and paying for sex is empty and degen

crazy girls can fuck doe


He didn’t even get to fuck, she cucked him immediately. That kinda defeats the purpose doesn’t it?

there is no such thing as unconditional love, you may love someone a lot, but with the right conditions, you will be able to not love that person anymore.

for women its mostly, man is ugly, man make no monei, cri cri i must cheat i handsome monei man.

for men its wow shes a retarded bitch
and why should i stay with this cheating hoe
or dang nigga this cow is annoying

etc, theres more fish in the sea.

bro gtfo that is an order. she cannot love you as you love her. she has made no attempt to discipline herself and is wallowin in her bpd

I thought she was honest , i had a lot of gift and affections during our relation.

Lol you are an absolute loser. You literally wasted your time on a girl who 100 percent saw you as low tier for even thinking of dating her. You could have been dating a real girl but you didnt. Fuck you.

I had sex a lot of times with her.

Have more sex, incel.

Moron , I DATED her for litteraly 1 year before this fucking psychiatric ward.

Wow and how did that make you feel? Accomplished? Oh my god LOL

Nah , but he wanted to deny the fact that i did.

Imagine white knighting for a crazy girl. This user is right, you need some kind of help bro. This is not what a decent relationship is like.

>because I love her
You fell for the love jew. Love does not exist. Now kys

Nigger tier thinking
>yeah she may be crazy and unsuitable for me but muh dik gets wet

>red flags
You did it to yourself.

Now you know crazy girls will stay crazy no matter what you do.
Don't bother with shitty women like her ever again.

Read how to be a 3% man by corey wayne for free on his website. Learn to be a man and avoid problems like this from happening again.... its happened to everyone but it doesnt have to keep happening the book will help

>I accept this challenge because I love her

the rest is fine but love isn't about reciprocation. a positive relationship with someone good who shares your values and values you will make them worth loving infinitely. if i expected my wife to love me as much as i want to love her i would always be disappointed.


Haha the girl has a fertility statue as her chest but can't help but making the npc wrinkle face wow she must be REALLY STRESSED

Never date a woman with black thick framed glasses.

Nah no thanks

Poly slut... behaviour is evident. Drop her like a rock and move on.

Get over it OP it was just a year. You don’t love her. You will find another girl to love when quarantine is over. The sooner you forget about the whore the sooner you can find another one.

I'll tell you the real reason

She was probably hot

It's crazy how logic and reason just fade away at the sight of a nice hip:waste ratio and smooth, tight skin. Pair that with an ideal set of tits and boy oh boy it just rules your world

Nothing wrong with wanting to ride the crazy train before moving on to an actual woman of value

But ya gotta move on, son. Gotta move on...

You need to get level-headed. You were putting effort into someone who didn’t return it to your intensity and worse - May have taken advantage. There is someone who will love you and appreciate you for you, user.