74% of people at the store have these stupid masks on.
What the fuck are they telling these retards to make them so sure this obvious hoax is real?
Other urls found in this thread:
Even if the hoax is not real, or it's a real big hoax, a mask is cheap and doesn't hurt you.
it seems 74% of the population believe MSM to be akin to the word of god
Even if the numbers and witness accounts are made up. YOU MUST BELIEVE IN THE HOLOCAUST.
This. Not wearing a mask just outs you as poor and retarded.
(((Media and experts))) are infallible. So much that they REFUSE to do any independent research. If the media says X person said this outrageous thing they believe it and REFUSE to see the original statement for themselves. It's a slavish loyalty to the "official position".
Poor and retarded, Kike the masks don't work the CDC said it themselves.
You really these these fucks aren't willing to release a deadly virus on the world? All of the important ones probably already have the vaccine. Unfortunately they outsourced their shit to China for cheap and appear to have gotten less desirable lethality numbers than they wanted.
But there's a reason medical workers are getting hit so hard by it. VIRAL LOAD. Wear a damn mask, lower your viral load, lower the viral load you spread, and let's not assist the globohomos in suiciding us, yeah?
So you believe in the CDC
Fuck off chink. Nice to see these stupid cunts are in a minority locally. The local teenagers are also kicking off nicely. Three patrol cars with smashed windscreens in a week. Seven coppers and 12 PSO's sent to the local hospital.
Imagine that, those lazy fucking nurses finally have something to do apart from make videos.
Rate my mask anons
160€ fine if caught without a mask was enough to convince me...
Turd out of phone poster.
I do not have to believe in the CDC I can prove they exist. I just happen to agree with them on this fact.
My state is making these mask law on Friday. I won’t fucking do it.
What state? I bet crime rate goes up.
>cuck, he says as he is most likely an urbanite who hasn't gone outside at all with a mask and smug posts calling people who do cucks
unironically kys summerfag
Its a kike, not a chink
I live in Alaska and even in Anchorage only maybe like 1 in 10 are wearing masks. In other towns no one is buying this shit at all. I love this fucking state so much.
So you were just using them to justify your belief?
In that case, I doubt crime rate goes up.
Thank you for clearing that up
The surgeon general said that, then the CDC backtracked and said you should wear them. Its literally impossible to be contrarian here. Why wouldnt you want to wear a mask that conceals your identity in public? You afraid the Jews put onions in there? Or do you just need to prove how strong and redpilled you are? You know, technically speaking, HIV has a 0% mortality rate. Why dont you go fuck a nigger?
my favorite is that you dumb fucks are literally following the same goddamn script from the Spanish flu, pretending your normalcy bias is somehow an original thought.
>muh masks are stupid
>let's protest
>muh freedumbs
all of this happened during that outbreak too. was the Spanish flu fake? are you really this fucking naive?
I live in a good goy blue state where people can't wait to virtue signal enough to wear in mask in public
Don’t think it’s fake. It’s for sure real. I just don’t give a fuck about old and weak
They were right then to protest too.
Yuck. You mean 26% are too self-conscious and retata to even wear a fucking silly mask to possibly protect their and loved one's lives? What fucking idiots. No wonder Trump is loosing support like crazy with numbers in fucking freefall.
Absolutely based. Would love to move there, only problem is convincing my lady to go.
This. But it gets much better when you get out to the small towns and rural areas, even in Marxachusetts.
>be a Southwest desert rat
masks were all the rage for about three days
then everybody said 'fuck it'
now the only faggots wearing masks are grocery store employees
>was the Spanish flu fake?
Considering the fact the Jew controls history it probably was a mass genocide. Stef Molymeme talked about how his ancestors used to poison the water or cause a famine to mass murder the poor.
He has asthma, and i too have an asthma,
has an asthma too, masks are making breathing difficult
its the cumulation of decades of brainwashing, not something that is just happening now.
Obviously Portuguese is your 1st language, congrats. You are not understanding English. This is a belief I have they happened to express as well.
Based Arizona poster
its at the point where masks are a physical indicator of being an npc, its quite helpful
Was at the store the other day and an old lady coughed into a cleanex, everyone scattered like someone just dropped a grenade into the aisle
I saw an asshole like you at Costco yesterday. Put on a mask you spittle-spewing prick.
You will weaken your immune system in the long run faggot. Go read a fucking book instead of making shit posts.
>Put on a mask you spittle-spewing prick.
N1, all the way man.
at least that's honest. I can respect that.
fucking why?
it was global, and they definitely didn't have the reach their fucking claws do now. not everything is part of a monolithic conspiracy. sometimes nature just wants to kill some people. I wish it did it more.
you can get half face cool flow. they're super easy to breathe through.
Thanks for the correction Nigger. Some fucked agency finally spouted some truth amidst their BS. Why would I want to conceal my identity I do not break the law Nigger.
In a lot of places, you'll now get fined if you don't wear them. Why bother risking getting sick to prove some stupid fucking macho point?
You mean the Spanish flu outbreak in 2009 that no one gave a fuck about because it was a nothingburger?
Fuck your viruses. Let the weak die.
I'd like to see one of you cucks make me
You'll just give me angry looks then tweet about it
Remember a few months ago when you tried to tell people about the impending virus they called you a retard? Now these people are screaming you should be arrested if you walk in an open field without a mask. I think we all know what these people are at this point
>just let the government take your rights
I’d rather die first, even if it is by a virus. You’re not a real American if you can’t understand that.
You’re a proper zombie following cuckservative media into catching covid.
Beyond sjw idiocy. Complete fail.
>wear mask
>almost no negative
>don't wear mask
>increased chance of getting infected (even ineffective masks will lower the spreading risk)
Really activates your almonds.
You know what would make breathing really difficult? Viral pneumonia, or pulmonary embolism. Gee I wonder what the complications of Coronavirus are...
Checked and freedom pilled
Hoax posters are literal jews fuelling the kiketube censorship of fake news narrative.
Hoax posters are shills
A mask is a hell of a thing. I wear two. An N95 3M, with a surgical mask atop that. Then I add my 3M safety glasses. Everything buttoned up nice and tight. This is starting to feel very comfy too. I leave my phone at home so they cannot track me either. And my truck is a 2008, without an "smart" vehicle bullshit that could be used to track or disable it. My Costco run is for sure happening, and prime rib cap was on sale!
So why do you have that belief anyway?
They don't work. Only P95 masks and higher can effectively block the virus.
They do not stop any virus. Period.
These mask orders are just them testing to see what percent of the population are uninformed boot lickers.
>74% of people at the store have these stupid masks on.
chinese shill
>THE Spanish flu
>just die for a virus, bro
>that's freedom
you're an idiot. The only way this took any of your rights is if you're a nigger living in a cuckbox anyway. do you not have land?
If it's one thing this pandemic has done it's revealed the normies in our society. Wearing a mask will not protect you or prevent covid-19 from spreading. In time everyone will be infected.
Be more like Luigi.
People in Asian countries wear masks ALL the fucking time... so are they are having immune system problems tied to wearing masks? No they aren't.
People don't think it's real, but they do want to fit in with what they think everyone else thinks. So they wear them to fit in.
Ask around... You'll see..
too snugly
>comparing yourself to a country with 1/10th of the population density.
>Wearing a mask will not protect you or prevent covid-19 from spreading.
But if someone doesn't cough goo all over everything since they're wearing a mask, it makes the virus spread a little more difficult
>not everything is part of a monolithic conspiracy.
Who is responsible for 9/11?
Pitch a bitch. They tried this in Ohio too, but enough people complained that they backed down.
Asians are weak as fuck idiot
>muh Spanish flu
There are actually several interesting theories out there about Spanish Flu. For example:
This. Op is ngmi
This is the mask that I wore today. How do I look?
>masks don't work
>masks worked for asia
Shut up, idiot
I have land, but now they’re telling me I can’t go in public without a mask, They shutdown public infrastructure that we paid for, they are FORCING people out of work.
>do you not have land
I’m the idiot, look at what you said.
Most people are stupid and lack any ability to think critically. News says be scared, people be scared.
Wearing a mask makes their facial recognition technology ineffective
I live in Brooklyn and everybody around here is walking in masks. Hasidics gettinf shit though
>Get fined for not wearing one
>Wear one incase As an O- bloodtype person, if I'm asymptomatic I can protect others.
>Realize it doesn't work if I'm the only one wearing a mask.
You guys are fucking Q levels of retard. Kill yourselfs.
Well, what do you believe a virus is?
I believe this, Viruses are microscopic parasites, generally much smaller than bacteria. They lack the capacity to thrive and reproduce outside of a host body.
>In a lot of places, you'll now get fined if you don't wear them. Why bother risking getting sick to prove some stupid fucking macho point?
You'll be sorry you took this job shilling for the Jew.
Lol yeah. They have weak as fuck immune systems, but that is besides the point, people are being coerced into wearing something on their face.
Theres no such thing as P95 you retard. Its P100. And yes, a P100 is the only mask that GUARANTEES you wont be infected(well, down to 0.2% of normal transmission rate). An N95 still reduces your chances of infection, over no PPE, by 95%. If you cant afford like $0.50 for a 95% reduction in infection rate, you are poor and I hope you get it.
Hey retard why dont you go to one of those covid19 parties then ? No big issue right ?
doesn't matter about the face, they got gait recognition and lots of surveillance footage to cross reference. maybe you should put a small stone in your left shoe just to be sure.
Everyone should be extremely happy and excited to wear a mask since it will disrupt/mitigate mass surveillance through facial recognition.
Previously wearing masks was outright illegal in many jurisdictions. You've basically been handed a brand new civil right and you're fucking angry.
Kill yourself retard, you're probably just angry you've been revealed as a simp for believing government propaganda about masks not working or something.
This and if you show something that short circuits that default setting, they go to blue screen.
Hero confronts Coronavirus Hoaxers
>interview with nurse laid off for the hoax “I was laid off because we have no patients” “friends in the ICU unit are getting cancelled shifts, main hospitals in the Cleveland area"
>>covid tent is dance tent
>>nurses tiktok dance, no social distancing
We want to go outside obviously because the virus is fake. Leftists screaming and REEEEEEEing proves it's fake too.
(If it was a real "deadly virus") then all these Leftists who hate us would cheer and encourage us conservatives to go outside every day. They would be overjoyed to watch us go out and kill ourselves.
Leftists, politicians, police and Chris Cuomo go outside and go to work every day, which proves that this is a nothing hoax virus. The MEDIA are outside every day sobbing about how people outside are going to die WTF WHY ARE YOU OUTSIDE THEN MEDIA??? (Obviously because the virus is fake, a nothing, and the media know it)
>>TWO HOUR video in front Elmhurst AFTER WARZONE declared literally NOTHING!!!
>>>go inside
>>empty inside
>>inside elmhurst
Doesn't do shit to prevent u from viral infection, just prevents u spreading it.
Doesn’t even really do that well either.
If it's not a n95 or better the mask is not effective at stopping the virus. If you arnt completely shaven any mask is ineffective. Most masks and gloves are so you dont touch your face. Airborne Viruses can float into your eyes. If people arnt wearing a face shield also then stopping corona is ineffective
>refused entry to store if not wearing a mask
>can't buy a mask if can't go inside store
I thought it worked like that already except they could survive for a small period without a host. Otherwise they wouldn't spread. Apparenlty there's plenty of microscopic things, even animals, that can survive without essential stuff for a period, which is why they can spread
it's a game and once you equip a mask you lose
It's understandable to not want to have to hide your face in the first place tho
Ultimately the USA, placing bases in Saudi Arabia in service of the western hegemony's regional effort to occupy Jerusalem was the straw the broke the comfort-camels back.