The U.S. marriage rate has dropped to the lowest on record since the federal government began keeping the data in 1867, the Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday.
(Original WSJ article behind paywall)
US Marriage Rate lowest in recorded history
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thanks jews
Ya when they fucked marriage laws and removed every single protection from men while giving more protections to women then men see no reason to get married.
If your wife can cheat on you, in a state where adultery is still a crime, then divorce you take half of everything and still receive alimony and child support despite making the same hourly wage with the same education but she chooses to only work 20 hours a week, then there is a fucking problem with the idea of what marriage is.
Fpbp /thread
time to implement the Hungarian methods.
>Most women have a body count of 10+ before marriage
>most are feminist retards, don’t listen to authority figures
>most age horrible looking 40 when they are 27 and have an attitude
WhY wOn’T aNyOnE mArRy Me?
>Western Marriage
>Man is obligated by law to provide monetarily
>Woman is not obligated to provide anything, even pussy
>Woman can divorce man at anytime for any reason
>Woman initiates 80% of divorces, and the number 1 reason is "dissatisfaction"
>Woman gets half of man shit (or more) and also is entitled to alimony and child support, if they have kids
>Men's prenuptial agreements are often thrown out
>Woman is not obligated to let the man see his kids even as he is paying child support
>Woman is not obligated to spend said child support money on the kids (woman just spends it on herself)
>Many men commit suicide after divorce because it is a living hell
>The lucky men get to go with the "cheaper to keep her" strategy and live a life of quiet desperation
Who the fuck would voluntarily enter into such a nightmare? Might as well walk up to a random woman and hand her a revolver and play Russian Roulette, at least it would be over quicker.
do do doooo do doo doo doo!
No problem, goy.
>the new Netflix special by Berg, Bergman, & Bergstein
Just pay a woman to kick you in the balls while you smile and tell her you enjoy it.
Wait, what is this
Why the fuck would you get married as a man in 2020
Marriage is a sham. Just papers showing how much of a bitch you are and you both getting double-fucked by the crooked government. The advice. Do what the spics do in general. Find loop-holes and just triple-fuck the crooked government over and over and over. Because Fuck America, that's because.
I don't really get the marriage thing. Like, it's a religious thing, but also a legal thing? What? How does that make sense? Am I even legally allowed to chill with a female without government or church intervention?
The men didn't clean their room, that's why
Apparently not. Religion is a Jew scam, government is a nosy big-brother fuck that should be dismantled from the ground up.
pretty sure this is wedding propoganda. most women don't want to get married and become a maid, so that clip started off showing the positive (fucking a chad in a white t-shirt) then showed the negative of becoming an alcoholic w/ no life structure. I liked the short film. (no homo)
what loopholes?
What is the source of this video?
They forgot to include the ending part where she is now 45 years old, alone, and just OD on some pain killers, and is being eaten by her 20 cats.
>problem is women and weak men
reminder that this is all caused by people thinking they need to have 'experiences' and 'fun' before 'settling down'.
Marriages are more stable when people marry their highschool sweetheart because they learn and grow into a united entity almost. Some fail, but the very few relative to failures of later marriages. When you've had a life full of experiences and relationships, you can't bond in the same way with another person, you've already grown and they've grown as well, you don't fit together. So once the honeymoon phase is over you start feeling 'dissatisfied' because you are constantly forced to compromise to make the relationship work.
Dating a bunch of people, 'shopping around', needs to end. There is no benefit to it. The excuses they give for it are so stupid as well. "I need to have fun in my youth because if I don't I will regret it when I'm older.". If you regret not having more fun in the past, then you are a retard. You might as well say I wish I watched more tv or jerked off more, why? What benefit is there to your future?
Claiming you have something wrong, having kids, not married, find ways to get tax exemptions. Anything to fuck over the crooked government. Beaners don't even pay taxes and they somehow are getting trumpbux. Neighbor of mine and his 13-member family in a 4 bedroom, 2.5. bath house somehow came into almost $20,000 trumpbux, bragging about it outside and he is not goddamn green-card, nor half of his family I suspect. I have considered calling ICE on his ass.
Great depiction of every modern woman's mental illness.
Why are their wine cat women who watch to much Sex in the City?
Why so many basedlant anti masculinity men?
Jews. They control media, they control academia and they program this shit into NPCs.
What are you waiting for? Immigration and tax fraud.
just what the planet needs moar single white women raising white boys to become white girls...
>I have considered
There are very simple reasons why marriage exists and why it's been the cornerstone of civilization for thousands of years. We are literally doomed without it, the best we can hope for is a dothraki horde type situation where we kill and rape each other in between killing and raping other hordes.
Feminism has thrown a monkey wrench into the social order which is why a lot of people don't see the benefit anymore. The benefits are still there, but people are idiots and can't think beyond their next coom so they tend to ignore them. First of all, it's about family. A nuclear family, (Man with wife + offspring), is basic unit of society. Liberalism has tried to shift that to the individual. I say that is retarded because society is not about creating the greatest comfort for those alive right now, it's about creating the best possible future for the next generation. Therefore, an individual outside of a family is kind of pointless.
A marriage is the binding ritual/ceremony/covenant whatever you want to call it that confirms the union. Why do we need a big official religious or legal concept instead of just having verbal agreements? Many reasons. It keeps people honest, it forces/strongly encourages people to work out issues instead of leaving immediately, and it helps with all of those complex legal issues like taxes and inheritance etc. There are probably some better reasons for this, but I need to move on to the reasons marriage is important for our relationships.
In the past, women were dependent on men for the most part. Therefore they would get married to a good man while they were young and this seemed to work pretty well. The marriage would protect women from getting taken advantage of by charming rakes that would promise them the world, despoil them of their innocence, only to vanish soon afterwards. Before birth control and abortions, it was pretty important to make sure you didn't wind up pregnant with an absentee father's baby.
Just dropping some redpills.
So Empowering. Take the patriarchy pill.
Cont. So women would maintain their virginity until they were married. The father of the bride (patriarchy) would make sure the guy was an upstanding guy. Again, this was to protect the women from those womanizers I mentioned. The marriage acted as a contract, both parties knew the other wouldn't skip town on them, both parties were agreeing to become a family.
Now we see all of these things are dead. No one waits until marriage, father's aren't allowed to protect their daughters from womanizers, and the measures we've created to replace these traditions are only making things worse. No-fault divorce coupled with people marrying late in life = skyrocketing divorces. Birth control and abortions = highest number of single mothers ever. Literally the opposite effect that was intended. Child support payments are no substitute for a father. Women are drowning trying to reconcile their natural desire for a family with their unnatural political fantasies. It's not working for anyone. Bring marriage back, it's the only way to make this work.
Also, in my disorganized rambling I forgot to mention the most important thing. This is all about the children first and foremost. There is no question that children greatly benefit from being raised in a stable nuclear family. People need to stop being so selfish. Why do they think their lives are so important at 40+ they need to abandon their family and do something else? What could they possibly do that is more important? It's unforgivable.
Of course, abusive/dangerous situations are there own beast and I'm not saying people should stay in those kinds of relationships.