Ben Shapiro wants to kill your mom or grandma so you can get back to slaving faster goy.
Why are all jews such sociopathic monsters without souls?
Why are they so EVIL?
Ben Shapiro wants to kill your mom or grandma so you can get back to slaving faster goy.
Why are all jews such sociopathic monsters without souls?
Why are they so EVIL?
He has a point. Old people had their time and fucked up ours.
It's like he's trying to make people hate him
Oh so we're all supposed to just sit around and suck off the government teet? The best way to fight zog is to do what ben shapiro says and get back to work asap
he's a kike weasel, but letting kikes lock you up so they can use their media to demand communism for the collective good is signficantly worse
is that ben sharpiro in drag?
Stop asking why and just get rid of them.
Fuck 'em.
This has to be the weakest fucking Jew post I've seen today. Are you even trying, Jew?
Ben is right, taxes don't pay themselves
Khazar Mommy
WTF does me going to work have to do with some old person dying? Quarantine the sick and isolate the vulnerable, just as we have already done. Tell her to stay the fuck inside and not accept visitors.
His arguement is sound. I dont see why your ass is blasted.
Theres nothing sociopathic about this.
>The best way to fight zog is to do what ben shapiro says
I think I've had enough internet for one day.
Ok now what about people who live with high risk individuals
This post best post
Neetposting goes on r9k there buddy
Ben is the type of retard that would be perfectly okay with everyone dropping dead at 80 because it is "the average life expectancy." He wants everyone to be average. He's a communist in that sense.
It just makes economic sense. I mean first of all old people are net takes so killing them is really good for the economy. Also i dont want to be poor just so grandma can avoid suffocating slowly to death drowing in a pool of her own biological discharge. I mean shit happens right?
I gotta get back to making mocha latte frapichinos for Karen and Derek.
Fuck this manlet kike.
You know what would be really good for the entire world? Killing every Jew and non white. Let's do that instead.
I don't like him but he's right half the time - or more. His job is to play the part of the sensible, conservative Jew, in order to deflect anti-Jewish sentiment among conservatives.
100% certain this is a Jew shill thread.
if your goyim grandma dies that's life goyim
if Yenta grandma dies it anudda shoah
(((you))) go back to r/the_donald
>The best way to fight zog is to do what ben shapiro says
No, his sister.
sounds like Destiny's line of thinking
Who really gives two shits what this faggot kike spews?
Shapiro + Tsukasa 2020
Is that a deepfake?
>two retards sound exactly like an edgy 13 year old
Sounds about right.
Tsukasa did nothing wrong.
I hate to admit it, but Jews are right that old white people are useless eaters. Our economy would be stronger without them. The same goes for most gentiles who are just dead weight on the system.
No, it's real. Just like this.
I hate leftists, but I also hate these dumb boomercons. What should my opinion be on Coronachan?
>He has a point. Old people had their time and fucked up ours.
>Fuck 'em.
This was the banker's agenda all along.
One of many agendas brought by this hoax, in addition to chipping and vaccinating us with more mercury.