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Slay the Newsjews


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>china was largely correct, and the U.S. was wrong
jesus christ

Look at the mug on that bitch.
>lectures you about aesthetics

Gee I wonder why?

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Zoe Williams is a Welsh columnist, journalist, and author. Wikipedia
Born: August 7, 1973 (age 46 years), London, United Kingdom
Children: 2
Employer: The Guardian
TV shows: Trust Me, I'm a Doctor
Education: Godolphin and Latymer School, Lincoln College

Writing Edit
Williams writes political commentary, interviews and reviews for The Guardian and the New Statesman. Her work has also appeared in other publications, including The Spectator, NOW Magazine,[5] the London Cycling Campaign's magazine London Cyclist, and The Times Literary Supplement.[6] She is also a columnist for the London Evening Standard, for which she was a diarist writing about being a single woman in London. She has also written restaurant reviews for The Sunday Telegraph.

Williams has appeared as a guest on television. Clive James praised her appearance in documentary Teenage Kicks: the Search for Sophistication: "The brilliant journalist Zoe Williams did a short piece to camera that was almost an aria".[7] She has presented a radio documentary Inside the Academy School Revolution, which Miranda Sawyer found one-sided and "tame",[8] and hosted BBC Radio 4's What The Papers Say.

In May 2011, Williams admitted to fare dodging when in her 30s while travelling on London buses. She wrote "I actually had a lot of affection for bendy buses, mainly because evading your fare was so easy that to pay was almost missing the point. We used to call it freebussing."[9][10][11]

In 2014, she defended the social policy legacy of former Labour prime minister Tony Blair and denounced those calling him a war criminal,[12] and has strongly condemned the rule of Fidel Castro in Cuba.[13] She sometimes covers feminist issues in her columns, and is a supporter of Humanists UK.[14]

She is the author of Bring It On, Baby: How to have a dudelike ....


"journalists" deserve the hammer

Literally operation Mockingbird. Literally CIA mouthpieces

I wonder how much money those two get from the Chinese

This is relevant; extremely relevant.
>Pompeo telling the Governors that the government knows about their side deals with China
>Cuomo squirms and eyes are all wide in fear
>Governors who aren't involved look calm
>Governors who are guilty show it in their body language and look worried

"Civil liberties lobby"


As if some of them even need money kickbacks to hate this country with a passion. Then they expect you to love them for it!


All the retard boomers in the comments lmfao. Seriously though why should I care about chink takeover? It's not any worse than the “liberal” democracy ruled by Jews we have today.

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Can we get a dig going on this Griffiths faggot. He seems like a card carrying commie.


>Jack goldsmith


The liberal democracy ruled by Jews is the stepping stone to the communist global society that comes with the chink takeover. It's all the same shit, dumb dumb.

>including ID Cards
Except for voting of course, right?

Probably just a nice dinner or the equivalent

People like this unironically deserve a bullet through the skull. I wouldn't hesitate for a second.

Firing squad is a soldier's death. Traitors and criminals get the rope

So if freedom of speech is restrictable, maybe freedom of the press should be too

No shit, I literally asked why it's any worse. I don't give a fuck who puts their boot on my mouth, it makes no difference.

Americans with this IQ level and drone think should be deported

China is the golem the kikes are shifting to while destroying us and trying to leave us for dead in the dust, user. What you fail to realize is much of the liberal shit has been at the direction of China using demoralization tactics on the US, through investment incentives and kickback money to politicians.

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No firing squad, just a ditch and a single bullet.

>It makes no difference
Go live in China then you little pussy bitch

Reminder- The first US governor to declare lockdown, Governor Newson is functionally illiterate.
>His dyslexia has made it difficult for him to write, spell, read and work with numbers.[12]

>Visual aids help. Newsom does not use a teleprompter during his briefings, in part because he suffers from dyslexia, a learning disorder that makes reading difficult. It takes an hour of preparation for every minute of a prepared speech he gives.

I'm sure they would enthusiastically endorse journalism licenses


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There would be poetic justice in work camps/starvation desu

>Including ID cards
Oy vey this is racist what about the Presidential election?

Name me a difference you fucking retarded gasoline huffing abo. You have no freedom here and you have no freedom here. Only difference is China lost it in a war and we were slow boiled.

There* fucking nigger autocorrect.

well at least "land of the unlimited possibilities" still applies to the USA, if a functional retard can be governour, everything can happen.

>I’m not sure what exercise does for your body
>not sure what exercise does
>what exercise

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Holy fuck. I knew the situation in California was bad, but this is just..just fucking retarded. It's so fucking transparent too.
>Hay guise how do we get a governor in that we can use like a tool and direct to do our bidding?
>I dunno, maybe put in a person that has dyslexia so bad that he can't read anything, so he has to rely on us to tell him everything?
>Haha, that's brilliant but there's no way the people could possibly be that stupid enough to allow us to do that!
Fucking hell. So much more makes sense now.

>Early Life

If you don't have anything to hide you have nothing to fear, which begs the question: what are you trying to hide? Are you not an upstanding law abiding citizen?

Of course, it would be real ID for white people and Rosita from Guatemala could show up with the family bible and have fake documents manufactured on the spot

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(A few years ago)
>Why are all the business sent to build up the Chinese economy and weaken the US economy?

(Reads CNN)
>China's model of control is looking attractive

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Construction standards are non existent in China. It’s almost like you’ve never been in a china webm thread.

Holy shit the glowing.

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>Construction standards
They're about as bad as America's, which has a decaying infrastructure, suburbs built out of cardboard and leaning apartment buildings built on sand.

Here, you can buy an office chair and it won't malfunction and rectally impale and kill you.
There, no guarantees. It's happened multiple times too. Look it up.
That's just one of many examples. Like the other user said, their construction standards are absolute shit. Spend some time in a China webm thread and you'll see people falling through the sidewalk, escalators eating people, and much more.