Bermuda triangle

What the fuck is happening at the Bermuda Triangle? Interdimensional teleportations? Aliens? Explain to me

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Hidden base. They told theres nothing but theres an island protected by a maelstorm. They destroy and sink anything that approaches

Atlantis sank there and the energy crystals mess with the airplanes navigation systems.


It''s just gas from the deep oceans that sank all those planes.

Go eat some pink cold beet soup.

What you need to understand about the Bermuda, is, it isnt real, the whole are around the triangle is a collosal ufo.
Why do you think we get so much radio interference? Why are most offical ufo sightings at sea? Because they have their biggest ship stationed their.

It's just shitty pilots and drunk shipfags. Nothing to worry about, goy

Look at a graph of the average path of hurricanes.
Now add shipping lanes from the Caribbean to Spain.
Now remove satellite radar tracking ability.

Interesting, care to elaborate?

It's all explained in detail here

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Sea niggers stealing boats and planes

A hidden base at the middle of nowhere?

It's got to do with Earth energies and planetary alignments. The people get shoved through time, either into the future or the past.

Wrong board faggot

how do I summon a succ u bus /x/?


literally nothing
its just a high traffic area so there's more accidents

just click on the summon spell

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huge magnetic anomaly
there's another one on the other side of world off the coast of Japan at the same latitude, it's called dragon's triangle

yo momma fall into da ocean and now her mass be creating a gravity pull crashing everthing n sheit

/x/ really does suck now doesn't it.

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Not esoteric geomancy. Nothing to see here.

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i'd investigate her x files if you catch my drift

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there are whales there that try to fart sink vessels
>It''s just gas from the deep oceans
fucking whales they are so gross

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I'm assuming a few boats got a little too close to an experimental military project and they got taken out

Oh I do.

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Hurricane season


There is a anomaly in the earths electromagnetic field in certain areas around the tropics of cancer and capricorn, which can cause compasses to point true north rather than magnetic north. which used to cause skippers and pilots to fly or sail hundreds of miles off course and run out of provisions, hit a storm, end up somewhere they didnt think was possible, ect.

nothing special after GPS became a thing has really happened.

Probs different magnetic field or something like that interfering with computers and whatnot.
Nothing out of this world.


it's basically liquefaction. large pockets of gas or trapped air. let's go and shit sinks. I'm not sure about the airplanes but i've seen enough to convince me of ships going blurb.