Can Italy bros please explain me how this man stays in power for 9 years?
Was it lack of better options or is the man actually good in politics, all things considered
Silvio Berlusconi
Chad. Imagine how much pussy this guy has had.
the dude's been in charge since I was a teenager.
I'm 40 now
Charismatic person and smart influential billionaire (richer than trump) and wasnt the worst pm
>richer than trump
maybe in euros
>north italy white
Lack of better options and monopoly of the media, he indirectly controlled most of the TV channels. He is/was a degenerate pro euro cuckservative who entered politics to advance his own interests. In the end he wasn't that bad, he actually turned the nigger boats and had nordcucks autistically screeching, he is the reason we don't have France/Germany demographics
So he's definitley richer than Drump.
american education...
Not sure if the timeline is correct and if Berlusconi is actually the one to blame but don't you guys currently have a problem with migrants /refugees fresh out of the boat into your shore cities and villages?
no your ones are much worse.
After mani pulite the italian political class was wiped out, he simply took the space left by christian democracy, and this is it. He loved to fuck 17 years old whores, and that's based, but overall didn't do shit. E didn't deliver his promise to cripple the socialist shit that was choking the country and when financial crysis hit his time was gone. He basically last from 1994 to 2011. Now he's nothing but a mummy.
We do and it started after ((they))) got Berlusconi to resign and killed his friend Gaddafi
OK then I have my answer to He was long gone before the refugee crisis
When Berlusconi was in power we had a deal with geddafi (who was buddy with Berlusconi) and the boats were stopped/niggers expelled. Then (((Americans))) destroyed lybia and we've had leftist coalitions for the past ten years who are pushing for globohomo. Add to that the new pope with his lefty cucktholic church
tony suprano stay in power longtime
What about now. Are you guys doing alright? If you go under the Euro is over.
I've heard that you guys are in need of huge amounts of money so you don't go bankrupt. Is that true?
What about the political landscape? Mostly left?
It's like Portugal but with 6 times the population.
OK, answers part of
Portugal have been run by a coalition of the social party and lefties.from 2015 to 2019.
I did not like it but at least it numbed out the lefties of their dreams of easy ruling with all the money to give out.
Turn out we do not have any money and because of the euro we run by deficit zero rule.
It was fun to watch those guys shitting on their electoral base.
Now the social party is ruling only with a minority and as expected the lefties are again chanting old sayings.
Hopefully Portugal will wake up and tur right-wing once and for all.
Nothing but indigenous birthrates matter, everything else is secondary.
Current coalition is a mess and is afraid of elections, we could have new elections within the year. polls point toward a "far right" majority Lega Salvini + fdi Meloni
Have you been upside down too long again?
Freemasonic lodge P2 chose him long time ago to lead Italy and control the media. He is the Catholic Kike.
This. He's also involved with the mafia.
>>richer than trump
>maybe in euros
Can they be more arrogant or stupider?
Trump net worth: 2.1 billion USD
Berlusconi net worth: 5.9 billion USD
Almost 3 times as much money as Trump, 3 times euros and 3 times dollars for the transitive property you yankmutt!
How the holy fuck did we lose the war against these obese retards? Oh right, the Russians, ok that's right.
American education at work, everyone.
Euros are more valuable than dollars retard.
>Euros are more valuable than dollars retard.
It is the same fucking thing if I count my richest in apples, oranges, dollars or euros.... brother of the first yanktard!
>Was it lack of better options
Literally this.