Chicago officers see big peaceful white dude walking around, possibly drunk

>Chicago officers see big peaceful white dude walking around, possibly drunk
>Decide to stop him for being outside without a reason due to Wuhan flu
>victim knows his rights and tries to get away from the unqualified police officers
>male officer is the only one actually trying to keep him down
>Officer Broad escalates things by pulling out her weapon
>Guy tries to walk away, hoping they don't shoot him anyway
>chick shoots him
>victim rightfully tries to run from power hungry police officers
>is killed by a second gunshot

>just another day in Chicago

Attached: jUsT_AnoThEr_DaY_in_cHicAgO.jpg (651x1157, 56.98K)

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that guy wasnt some white dude. it was some puerto rican

I mean, they gave a nigger a gun. In Chicago. What did they expect?

wypipo dont deserve to live on this planet... considering the amount of killing and spilling of blood on the ground at the expense of others including other white people

White to them.

Also I was wrong, he wasn't killed, just got shot in the ass and stomach but survived.

>victim knows his rights and tries to get away from the unqualified police officers

He deserved death and nothing of value was lost.


I watched the videos. That was suicide by a cop attempt.

He survived. But he was on narcotics. He lives in Chicago though, I don't blame him.

>Two nigger cops shoots unarmed white man in the back over a minor ordinance violation
>Whites do not chimp out

If the races were reverse you can bet your ass that niggers would chimp out nation wide. Any group chimping out scares the fuck out of politicians and shit gets reformed to that group's preferences.

However, whites are such pussy whipped dogs at this point that South Africa is the inevitable future. White people need to wake up and have a good chimp out if they want to have a future.

Well by all means, please show us how it's done. Not every white is going to chimp out though. Maybe if this quarantine goes on long enough we might start to see enough of it.

>reads story
>aware of all contexts
>sees things for what they are
>thinks twice about the police behavior
>amidst all this
>new contexts now made clear
>thinks again about the cops
>breathes in

I don't wanna say, but you fucking people are about to make me say it. It's on the tip of everyone's tongue, what's going to happen to these people for shooting others because muh enforcement.

I really don't wanna have to fucking say it.

>nigger resists arrest and gets shot
>"haha why didn't he just listen"
>cumskin resists arrest and gets shot
It's a shame he didn't die

If it makes you feel better he was latino.

You are right. Nobody is going to do anything, thus South Africa is the future.

At least we'll be old when it happens.

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You don't need to, I already know. I'm just not ready to admit it in real life just yet.

>victim knows his rights
Actual non-brainlet advice here: even if you know your rights, do not resist an arrest, even if you're an attorney and you're 100% sure it is illegal. Results: (1) You Live; (2) you can come out richer because now you can sue them.

All you can do is make those around you aware of what's really going on. It's not hopeless, it's just takes a lot of work. Peaceful is the way to go in my opinion.

Wow the have sheeboona police?
Scary, listen to these fucking crazy niggers urging the police to kill a white guy.

he didnt even die. op is some russian agent provocateur trying to collapse usa from the inside

lmao I wish I was that cool.

RIP, Chippah. We hardly knew ye.

Attached: chippah.jpg (500x500, 31.8K)

Everyone can be a police officer in america it seems.

He didn't die, he has undergone 2 operations. One for his stomach (which the bullet impacted some connective tissue for his bladder) and one for his ass (they did not remove the bullet, too close to some crucial artery).
>sauce is in article
Right now his family are doing a Gofundme because the hospital bills are 40k dollars.
What is America even up to?


this man fucks, because he KNOWS

why the fuck do women become cops? nevermind, i know why. they just want to larp as strong women even though they're fucking pathetic, and then they kill people when they get scared
>shooting a person fleeing
literally police work 101 you aren't allowed to do that, even if they had a gun. this dumb bitch should hang

I am not sure what kind of fever dream delusion you have of this planet. Literally, everything on it is trying to eat, fuck or kill each other. White people are the closest thing to a stable culture this world has experienced, even WITH all the wars they were involved in.

>getting shot for walking away
Don't seem right to me

Dying or not doesn't make people shooting you any better or worse

This is why would i stay at home if i lived in USA and put my home mdade claymore mines on my property with bombs attached at windows and doors. If i die I would at least take some pigs and feds with me.

She literally say "I'm gonna shoot him" before she pulls out her gun.
BTW here's a link to all the videos:

I heard from a friend of my moms bingo caller that this guy smoked weed once. Completely justified.