Do you think anime has done more harm than good for western white males?

Do you think anime has done more harm than good for western white males?

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I blame anime for the tranny uprising so yes.

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If that chick ever looked at me like that my cock would grow so fast it would hit me in my chin and knock me out causing me to be the first man ever to climax while unconscious. Oh and yeah, anime has turned me into a complete sōiboy.

Anime is based

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why do you have that shit saved?

Anime>Most western propaganda

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Anime is less pozzed than Western media.

Gas the Marleyans race war now

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Why do you post this gay ass image in every single fucking thread. Literally every thread. Is this entire website just me and you and like 3 other people?

Western cartoons push faggotry while Abe pushes heterosexual romance. Do, no.

Captcha on report: parking meter.

Yeah, because thinking we should talk about politics instead of being broken racist niggers is such a sign of being here too long. If OP wasn't helplessly victimized by the less racist modern society maybe we'd have higher quality posts around here.

More good, Hentai satisfied me sexually much bettern than my ex gfs and current gf

No, western media is 100 times worst for us
No, anime didn't do that what caused it was kike propaganda in western media
I have several questions

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fuck off with these shit threads already


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Will to power is universal

rate my cosplay

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>Will to power is universal
>forgets pic

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loli hentai will save modern western civilization.

Just finished my hero academia, pretty sick imo

>loli hentai will save modern western civilization.

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It all depends on what anime you watch.

It's not like anime is one show, there's thousands of shows, dozens of genres.

I mean that's like asking if listening to music does more harm than good.

All anime is literal pedo degeneracy

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A lot of anime is good but there are more bad anime than good anime

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14 out of 88

Anime, with all its cliches, are the last media which wasn't pozzed with progressive politics. This allow many young people to have a point of comparison with western media and say: "hold up, something isn't right with my media" and then a slow spark of redpill begins, so I think anime has done more good than harm

Trannies would be faggots with or without anime.

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Or you could blame the real problem, birth control and plastics in food and water.

If you get off to anime you have issues and need to get a girlfriend asap .. god speed.

anime turned shitllenials into 14-internet-hour ironic-posting faggots with no observable skills for human survival

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Anime made me want to fuck cute young girls so no.

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All media is bad but its still better than western media

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Anime has made me more powerful

What about wet dreams or being drugged for CIA blackmail? There's lots of sleep coomers

My need to impregnate an cute young girl is high!

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Anime is implicit to white identity. Though it may attract trannies and degenerates, at it's core it is more moral then most of the deviant shit in media today.

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I get boners from smug lolis user
Please don't ughh...

More harm by far.
Grow the fuck up.

I think western white males, like everyone, do good and harm to themselves by themselves. it's not anime, it's not guns, it's not jews, it's people that are responsible for their decisions.

double edged sword.

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